
Forbidden Love

Li Na died a tragic death her grievance was so strong that before her last breath was taken she called out in prayer to heaven and earth for retribution. The gods must have heard her plea as her prayers were answered and she was reincarnated into a 21 year old socialite whose name was Liu Wei. As Li Na she was a nobody who was shy and was easily bullied. As Liu Wei she is the social butterfly whose elegance exceeds even that of the richest daughters of Mainland China. Just before her death, she was given the excruciating knowledge of the demise of her entire immediate family. Her mother, father and baby brother were all killed by her husband. In order to move up and become CEO of Sheng Group, her husband killed anyone who stood in his way. Li Na's bloody battle will test her reserve, can she survive? Or will she perish before she even begins. After all the road to revenge is a lonely one.

MC_Love · Ciudad
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58 Chs

The Seven

"Ahhhh" The woman screamed her head off seeing the massacre happening in front of her face. Blood splattered everywhere and some even landed on the couples clothes, face and hair. They were so shocked and stunned that Lu Han's father urinated in his pants on the spot. The woman started blubbering nonsense as the shock was just too much to handle especially for these two country bumpkins.

As they stood there shivering from fear, the 7 men came up behind them and hit their pressure point on the neck which rendered the couple asleep within minutes. They were then hauled to a nearby van and was taken away. All these happened within the span of 5 minutes…. beginning to end.

Impressive… very impressive.

Liu Wei was quite pleased by the performance of the secret organization she had hired. She had paid a pretty sum to hire capable people and thank goodness that their reputation was well worth it. This killer organization was only a small group of a worldwide network of assassins. They catered to the super rich and their reputation was top notch. These killers will always finish their job once it's been assigned… one way or another.

Of course she didn't truly trust anyone so she made sure to watch their actions and how they handled themselves on this operation.

She had been monitoring their every move ever since earlier, from when Lu Han's parents were being escorted out of Lu Han's property all the way to the port. Yes, she made herself watch the killing. So as to harden her resolve… as this road to revenge will be paved in blood. And the sooner she realizes that it should be her enemies blood and not hers the better off she will be.

If and when her resolved would crumble, all she had to do was close her eyes and picture the deaths of her parents and younger brother. To replay their last moments in her mind, so as to set it in stone. She will never forget the way they protected her even as they took their last breath.

So yes, she watched the deaths making herself numb to her new reality. Of course she wasn't all bad, she would only allow the killing of people who deserved it. Those men who died were human traffickers and drug dealers. They have had their fare share of blood on their hands, she will gladly get rid of scum like those without batting an eye.

Her phone started ringing, of course she's smart enough to ping the calls through various networks to hide her tracks. Even her allies would never know who she was if she didn't want them to know. After all she wasn't great at martial arts nor good with a gun but she had an amazing brain.

After answering the call, the voice changer was also on. Which means that the person on the other end would only hear a robotic sounding voice coming through.

"Hello, is the job done?" She asks

"Yes, we have taken them to our facility. You can come and interrogate them if you wish." A man on the other end of the line said.

"No, thank you. Please drop them off at Hotel W tomorrow morning. Keep them tonight as I want them scared out of their wits. It will be easier to speak with them tomorrow after a night at your facilities. Let me be clear, they are not to be harmed. Provide them with food and water but no one will touch them, is that understood?"

"Yes, as you wish"

As elite as the organization was, they were up against one of the smartest individuals out there. Of course they didn't know that otherwise they wouldn't have made a deal with Liu Wei. She had already infiltrated their networks undetected, if the hacker world were to learn of her existence she would be hailed as their Queen. As no one was able to go undetected anywhere when probing through someone else's backyard let alone an established killing organization such as The Seven.

That's right… there is always only ever 7 members of this organization. They are the best of the best and if one of them died another would replace him or her and The Seven would continue to flourish. She was the only one who knew the real truth, to the world they were known as an elite organization of assassins numbering in the hundreds of thousands. With training grounds and branches all over the world.

But the truth was far from it, they kept their numbers small because the leader of The Seven was paranoid of disloyalty.

After the eventful morning, Liu Wei headed for work. She had a lunch meeting with Su Industries… she wondered if Su Kai would show up to this meeting as well. With that thought in mind a smile bloomed on her face, because she was looking forward to seeing him.

Good thing she was always dressed to impress. Today she wore one of the outfits that Sun Likun designed. It was a red ensemble suit with a white silk top. She pulled it together with a sleek pony tail and a black Chanel bag.

As she walked into her office her secretary hands her a note telling her that the lunch meeting will be held at Sushi Ryu and a car will pick her up at 12pm.

It was currently 10am so she still had plenty of time. She went into her office and worked nonstop for 2 hours. At 12pm her phone rang and brought her back from her intense work mode.

"Hi, it's me will you come down? Or do you want me to come up and get you?" Su Kai's sexy voice could be heard through her phone.

"Um no, I don't want to create another scene where all my female employees become unproductive because of your presence"

"Really? I didn't even notice.." he says.