
Forbidden Fantasies (18+)

Rayven is a 20 year old with a phobia called haphephobia, a condition or fear of being touched, she developed it after an encounter that happened at work where she met Matteo, her savior. Matteo was raised to be religious and innocent but it changed when he turned 21 where he needs to learn about the ways of the family business. Fate brought them together as time passes, the encounters have been more and more coincidental, but is it really just coincidence? As a boy who was raised and taught to be good, he still can't help but have fantasies of Rayven after the dance. Even if he knew, his Innocence still run out at the end, betraying him and making him feel guilty, yet he can't stop it whatever he do, he can't stop his forbidden fantasies

Erosianna · Fantasía
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7 Chs


~ Rayven Jazmien Scott ~

I woke up to my brother knocking on my door complaining about my alarm that seems to be snoozing since the time he woke up 'till the time he'll leave for school.

I finally stood up looking at my phone "8:45 am." and head to brush my teeth before going to the kitchen.

In there I saw no one, mom probably just woke up to cook food when Jaxon (the youngest) woke up because he has school to attend to.

I saw the waffles and pancakes on the island still hot and freshly cooked together with newly picked fruits from the backyard.

I took the waffle, added whipped cream and topped with blueberries. My favorite.

I hurried when I saw that I only have 3 hours left before my 1st course starts.

With the bath, dressing up and the heavy traffic. The time was very short and limited.

I hurried and tried my best to be fast, after I put my clothes on, I rushed to my car having only 2 and a half hours.

My phone dings informing me that I got a new notification. A chat.

I was focused on the road and the goal to be on time for the course so I didn't bother to look at it.

When I got at the University, I was relieved to see that I still has less than 45 minutes left.

I closed my car door and went inside, as I walk pass the students, somebody tapped my shoulder and smiled at me , I looked back and saw Alex.

"Hii! I'm sorry but last night I didn't seem to get your name."

"Oh speaking of which, it's partially my fault as I forgot to give you mine. My name is Rayven. Rayven Jazmien Scott. Though the spelling starts with a J, it is actually read as Y. So like, Yasmine."

"Pretty unique name." She said. Awkwardness follows after the conversation, it ended when she decided to speak up.

"So what's your first class? Mine's mathematics, it should start 30 minutes from now."

"Really? Then let's attend together as it is also my first. How about, getting to know each other in the cafeteria?" I said wanting know things about her because she'll be my coworker and is already my classmate.

She agreed and we talked a lot. I'm actually surprised to know that 3/4 of our subjects cross schedules, meaning we've become classmates everyday yet we didn't notice each other.

Classes are optional but there is a policy that you should at least attend 3 times a week, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I go everyday except for Sundays because sometimes, they teach advance lesson when the students are less than 25% of the complete attendance.

The day has passed with us attending classes and talking between breaks. After the last class, I offered her a ride because she mentioned earlier that she usually commutes from home to school and vice versa because of a traumatic incident before.

To my surprise, we actually live in the same building. The difference is that she lives higher than me -in the upper floors- where the condominiums are much more bigger and pricey.

I texted mom before driving off to let her know that we have a visitor and that she could ready a meal for her.

She got mad before because I brought a friend home and she didn't have anything to feed her, she said that it was rude to not offer a visitor some food.

We arrived at home and the door immediately opened the moment I touched  the handle. It was mom, shrieking with excitement.

"Oh hello dear. Please come in." Mom led her to the dinning table leaving me behind only looking back to say "Lock the door love!".


After we ate, I head to my room leaving them and Alex to talk. While I am dressing up, someone knocked on my door.

Half naked, I opened it. I let Alex in even if I'm only wearing my underwear and a nipple tape. It's not like she hasn't seen me in these before.

"Rayven, your mom told me your story. I'm sorry for that and for your lost."

"It's okay. I'm actually happier with my life now than the what I had before. And don't be sorry, 'tis what it is and it's how it probably should be."

"How about you? Why did you became a stripper?" I added.

"Well, since I was a kid, my parents are so abusive. I was always wondering why my older sister left home. Wen she did, I learned the reason why. They abuse me when I don't buy enough alcohol. Then when I turned 15, there's this weird boy in my class. Always so cold and unbothered. He only talks when he is a part of a group or pairing activity, though his voice is still sooo cold."

"Then we had an activity toge-"

"Wait wait wait. Sorry for interrupting but I don't understand how that is relevant to my question." I intervene.

"It is, just wait. It won't make sense if I don't tell you this. Anyways, we had an activity together, he was so cold and when he talked to me, he'll make sure that the topic is about school and school only. At first, I always ask him things about himself but he always avoid it."

"Then one day, I decided to stop because It feel like I was being a person that always stick her nose us on other people's businesses and I also don't have the energy to talk because my part time job just got bankrupt so my parents hurts me, like a lot. Because of that, I only talk to him when it's about the project. I would then leave after we're done."

"When he probably found that I was not okay because of how quiet I am, he asked me about it and of course, you'll always say 'I'm fine' though it obvious that your not. He then said that I was not a brought me to a place so beautiful. We started to hangout since then. And when our project was finished and we got 1st place, he asked me to be his girlfriend. And then almost a year after, he found out about my abusive parents and took me with him."

"I've been recently feeling like I'm a burden even though I cook and do the house chores so I asked him to let me apply to the bar that was newly bought by his boss and best friend. So here I am now."

Newly bought? What does she mean by newly bought?

"What do you mean by the bar that is newly bought by your boyfriend's boss?"

"Oh you don't know? There's a new owner of the bar that you and I are working in. I believe that they would monitor all the employees and would fire the slacky and lazy ones. Please don't tell anyone about it." .

I accompanied her to her apartment now. We went inside it but I didn't bother to look around because I might see things, and what I mean is toys or condoms, worst if it's used.

So I stayed in the living room and when she dressed up, she offered me an apple juice before we left.

We arrived at the bar and Hannah brought everyone together.

"Everyone! Meet Mr. Armani. The new owner of the bar. Sir, please come up here." She said. When Mr. I forgot climb up, she added:

"They monitored every worker in here for 1 week and the following name on the screen are fired."

I looked at the monitor, nervous as this job is my only job and the one I've fallen in love with.

When I didn't found my name, I went into the bathroom to calm my shaking and cold body and to regain the blood in my face.

"Hi, do you remember me?". A man talked, I was still calming myself down so I got startled throwing the water in his faced and screamed on top of my lungs.

"Woah, calm down, I'm sorry, I just got excited." He said. He was the man earlier in the stage.

What does he mean by excited? To see me again? Why? Did we meet before? God! What's happening. This is all fucked up, I just threw water and screamed at my boss. I won't be surprised if he fire me!

Idiot Rayven, dumb idiotic Rayven.

Great! First meeting with the new ceo might be my last.
