
Forbidden Fantasies (18+)

Rayven is a 20 year old with a phobia called haphephobia, a condition or fear of being touched, she developed it after an encounter that happened at work where she met Matteo, her savior. Matteo was raised to be religious and innocent but it changed when he turned 21 where he needs to learn about the ways of the family business. Fate brought them together as time passes, the encounters have been more and more coincidental, but is it really just coincidence? As a boy who was raised and taught to be good, he still can't help but have fantasies of Rayven after the dance. Even if he knew, his Innocence still run out at the end, betraying him and making him feel guilty, yet he can't stop it whatever he do, he can't stop his forbidden fantasies

Erosianna · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Forgotten Memories

~ Rayven Jazmien Scott ~

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the locker; I saw Alex and immediately called her.

She approached me asking why I look as pale as the dead. I tried to alter the question by pretending that I do not know about it.

"Can I borrow a lipstick so it wouldn't be obvious when I dance later? I also need to give you a tour of this place because your shift will start tomorrow, you need to have this place familiarized before this night ends and I wouldn't want to look like a walking corpse." I said.

She went to open her lock cabinet and took her makeup pouch. She opened it and browsed through the sections and when she found the lipsticks, she called me over to test which color suits me the best and would look natural.

"Oookay, now smack your lips." Just like giving me instructions, she rubbed her lips together then smacked it hard enough to make a sound, I followed her movements doing the same action.

"Thank you so much, you've already helped me a lot ever since I've met you. Now shall I give you a tour?" I give out an arm for her to cling on or hold onto. Little by little my trust was being gained by her knowing that she'll be my friend.

I've brought her with me telling her the names of the rooms we are passing by and their purpose while trying to avoid anyone that involves the new owner. Speaking of which.

"Hey, do you know the name of the man introduced to us earlier? Mr... What again?"

"Oh, you mean Mat? Matteo. But earlier he was introduced as Mr. Armani. Haven't heard of the family before?" She said, "They are pretty much famous for being the richest and most successful family and they've been holding it for decades now. If you don't believe me you could search for them on the internet."

I wasn't just gonna believe her, like seriously. I know that this bar has a lot of branches all over the world but why would they buy it if they could just create a new company of their own, so I did just what she said. Search for them.

And boy, she was telling the truth. "So you really didn't believe me huh? I can't blame you, it's pretty normal." She said with a pretend hurt expression.

"No! No, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that, if they are rich and powerful and successful, why can't they just create their own bar company? Why do they need to buy this one?"

"Buy? Who said they bought this?" She said.

"They didn't?"


"Then how did the-" stopping me by hushing and putting her index finger on my lips.  "No more questions." She demanded.

"Hi, lex! Why are you here?" Someone spoke from behind. Both of us looked at the same time.

"Mat! Nice to see you!" She went and hugged him then looked around. "Where's Gabe? Why aren't you with him?"

"He excused himself earlier and told me that he'll just find someone.  I asked earlier too, why are you here?" He said.

"Starting today, I'm gonna work here, this is the main branch so Gabe told me to work here since you'll visit everyday, and as your secretary and bodyguard, he'll always follow you and could see me almost everyday too."

"Speaking of the devil there he is! Love here!" She called a man that I believe the one they're talking about earlier, the one named Gabe.

They seemed so close that they forgot that I was still there. I tried to walk away but Alex's lover stopped me by calling out my name.

"Ven? Rayven is that you, oh my god you were missing for years!" I turned around and he gave me a hug. "Nice to see you again!"

When he realized that I don't know him, or at least don't remember him, he mentioned some stuff.

"Really you don't remember any of those? You don't remember me? Gabriel, Gab Gab, no? How about Matteo? Matty? What happened? Do you have makeup on? Can you wile your cheek bones? Please?"

What the actual fuck is going on in here? Are they trying to prank me because I helped Alex? Is this the one like the vlogs where they'll give you a big surprise at the end?

I looked around trying to find the camera but I found none.

"I'm not sure if it is really you so please, can you remove your makeup on your cheekbone?" He insisted.

Clueless, I removed it, I think they are looking for a scar on my cheekbone that I got from my childhood, though I can't seem to remember how I got it.

When they found it, they confirmed that I'm the one they're looking for, but I doubt it. Just because they know name and my scar, it doesn't mean that I have to believe them. Besides, Alex already saw me without makeup and that should explain the scar situation.

They tried to ask me how and what happened at the past years, why I haven't seen them and why my parents aren't negotiating with them anymore. I can't answer, simply because I don't know what the answers are myself. And when Alex saw my body starting to get uncomfortable, she stopped them.

"Okay guys that's enough, questions aside and let her rest." Is what she said then she pulled Gabriel to the side, whispered something to Mr. Armani and left us together.

"I'm gonna be honest right now, I don't know what's happening, I don't know why you know me and serious about it and I'm sorry Mr. Armani, but if this is a game or a prank, quit it. I don't take things like that lightly." I said directly.

"I told you, WE told you that this isn't a prank, we're not joking. You really are our childhood friend." A bit of silence passed by. "Do you know how you got that scar?"

" Yes, well no, but! But that doesn't mean that you know how. You could come up with a story, anyone could." I said as I was still having a doubt.

"Okay then, let's end this thing. Let's start over, I'm your employer or owner, whatever you prefer, and you're only my employee. Happy?" He sighed.

I agreed and we both stopped arguing, he then told me to continue the thing that I was doing and go to my shift as it is time already. In the following days, he and the other 2 really kept his promise. They went back to normal or what should be normal and only talks to me when they greet or when it is about work.

Curiosity is wandering around my mind whenever I'm alone or in bed. I want to know if they're telling the truth. I want to know the past that I had but forgot. I want relive my past with my old friends if ever I really did had some.

I want to be young and carefree again.


Advance Happy New Year! and Happy New Year to others! May you have a great year ahead.