
Football: Reverse Growth Superstar

The story is set as Lucas Silva, a Brazilian, found himself traveling in the body of another professional with dual nationality, Lucas Silva Thompson. Lucas Silva Thompson is a player who's playing his first professional season at 22 due to wasting time at the academy; he is currently playing at Brentford, a League One team, although his situation doesn't seem good. Thanks to the help of the original owner's friend, he quickly adapted to the new change. When he was worried about whether he could play a career despite having the physical body of a professional player, that's when he suddenly saw a text in front of him. [The ability of X-Y in the 2023-2024 has been Injected.] When he saw the players from whom he gained the ability, he was shocked and delighted; it was a Champions League Level player and World Cup winner, after all. Watch how the story unfolds, especially when he understands that by training, he would be able to achieve a peak that surpassed that of a player who played two Champions League finals and the World Cup final. ___________________________ Also, the author hopes you can understand that the story is set in a parallel world; there will definitely be many changes for the story to be better. Also, don't forget that it's just a fictional story purely based on the author's imagination; all the players, clubs, and some real-life other uses are only based on the author's imagination, not really the reality, just to make up a better story.

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Chapter 13: A Perfect Ending

At the same time, the scout also noted that, in that moment, Lucas had made the smarter play—choosing to pass rather than take on Harry like most players who play for the show. This not only improved team cohesion but also showcased his own ability.

"I always thought Lucas was just lucky, but it seems his ability to create chances and read the game is also top-notch. As you said earlier, this guy should be in the Premier League."

The commentators were still in awe of Lucas's play. There was no doubt that Lucas had shattered the perception of him being just a goal poacher.

In fact, Marco Reus in his later years wasn't just a striker scoring goals; he was also a key playmaker.

Lucas's pass was just one of his many skills.

While Lucas was in good spirits, it wasn't the same for Vargas.

"New Messi," this was Diego Vargas's nickname once in La Masia. His good pace combined with his left-foot shooting ability made him a challenge in the youth league.

In fact, before this game, Diego was also a contender for the best player in the EFL Trophy. After all, he received a formal football education and was selected by Arsenal from Barcelona, like they did with Fabregas. What kind of players are those in Brentford compared to him?

Unknown, from the street, good at running but technically rough, difficult to tame... Compared to this group of people, the solidly trained Diego is simply the son of heaven.

But today, in the small team of Brentford, Diego is likely to become a stepping stone for two players.

At this time, the game had reached the 85th minute. Brentford was leading 3-0, and they had maintained strong dominance for a long time.

Diego managed to put in some effort, but ultimately, he didn't score a goal.

Since the first half of the game, after the half-Brazilian wearing the No. 27 jersey came on, everything had changed.

Now, there wasn't much suspense about the outcome of the game. Brentford had dominated Arsenal's reserve team throughout. If Arsenal could have turned it around, they would have done so by now.

At this time, the only thing left to watch in the game was whether Lucas, the No. 27, could get an assist hat trick and whether Reggie could score a hat trick.

Yes, at the beginning of the second half, that assist he sent to Reggie was his second, and Reggie also scored his second goal. Scoring 12 goals in a season is already good stats for Reggie, and now he already had 2 goals in this game, and it's only the beginning of the season.

"2 goals, 2 assists. Lucas and Reggie's performance today is amazing, especially Lucas. Starting from the second half, with the increase in defensive pressure, he lost some balls, but his key assists have increased. If not for the goalkeeper's superb performance, Arsenal would already be losing by five goals. There are five minutes left in the game. Do you think either of them will get a hat trick today?"

When Lucas first came on in the first half, both commentators said he would be dominated by Diego. But now, they had unanimously changed their opinions and expressed hope to see Lucas get an assist hat trick.

So, if a player wants to be valued by others on the football field, he needs to show his strength and make an impact in the match.

After you win, people no longer care about whether you were a good player in the past; they only care about the present.

"I think it's very likely they'll get a hat trick, especially Lucas, but I hope he can assist Reggie so that the game can have a perfect ending."

While talking, Lucas received the pass again.

In the beginning, Brentford's midfielders were forced to pass the ball to Lucas due to the head coach's instructions, but now it had become instinct to them—they were willing to give him the ball without hesitation.

Speaking of Brentford, ball control isn't Reggie's strong point, but he was the most efficient shooter on the team. Unfortunately, he lacked a player who could hold the ball and create good chances for him, since even Joel wasn't good with the ball.

Now, however, the midfielders would hand the ball to Lucas in Arsenal's half. In the last game, he had made two consecutive turnovers as soon as he came on, but today, he had become the most trusted person by his teammates, and the perfect puzzle piece for Reggie.

Lucas took possession of the ball after entering Arsenal's half and then looked around the field. Obviously, he had become an attacking midfielder for Brentford despite being a forward.

Seeing Lucas take the ball forward while signaling with his hand, Reggie had only one feeling, though he didn't know why—he just felt it was a good opportunity.

Although he sensed this, he didn't lose his cool. For players like him, good stats are normally all that matter, but not for him. Since Lucas regarded him as a brother, he would rather Lucas get another assist.

For players in lower leagues like League One, stats are more important than anything, even more than winning the game.

Holding the ball for more than 7 seconds and advancing more than fifteen meters in Arsenal's half despite the pressure of the opponents around him, Lucas finally found a gap and tossed the ball without hesitation. The ball sailed over most of Arsenal's players and landed at Reggie's feet, who cut inside.

This time, when Reggie received the ball, he didn't shoot immediately—volleying isn't easy, after all. He chose to control the ball first, but just after he did, Harry, Arsenal's defender, was already blocking his shooting angle.

If it had been some players, they would have been frustrated to see the opportunity slipping away and might have forced a shot regardless of the consequences.

But Reggie wasn't that kind of player. He knew his shooting ability well and remained calm, waiting for backup.

After delivering the long pass to Reggie, Lucas had already anticipated the possibility of him being blocked, so he kept running towards the penalty area. Though not fast, he advanced two to three seconds ahead of the defender near him, giving him a good chance to receive the ball without opposition.

Marco Reus is a player with a keen sense of attack. His attacking abilities aren't limited to passing or creating chances for others. His game reading is excellent, especially that of a veteran.

Reggie didn't waste Lucas's effort. After waiting, the moment he saw Lucas, he didn't hesitate and returned the ball to him, though the pass wasn't as precise as Lucas's had been.

Lucas, who caught the ball, didn't hesitate either and showed his biggest weapon—his long shot.

The ball flew like a missile locked onto its target and would not change direction. Despite the goalkeeper's best efforts, he could only watch it hit the top corner, as if that was where it was meant to go.

"Lucas made another long shot and scored. He has scored 2 goals today, plus his two assists earlier. It can be said that this is definitely his best performance. Even Reggie has displayed his best performance since his professional debut."

The beginning of the 11-12 season had been distressing for Brentford fans. After a month of adaptation, the new hope and reinforcement, Joel, didn't seem to meet expectations.

However, at this critical moment, the club, which had ambitions, suddenly discovered a player who had been promoted against all odds, played a dominant game, and it didn't seem like luck.

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