

When the world turns its back on people who depend on it, when the entire earth comes crumbling on their feet. Do they sit back and face their fate or do they take actions which defies their being. Find out in this Interesting novel(revenge my alma mater) A pleasure to many A job to plenty A keeper to some When the world seems far away It gives us a way not to go astray It gives us a reason to think of day But the calamity in your household Makes many to withhold Their joy and peace Found in the place Flytopia

Ena_Nora · Ciudad
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13 Chs

2. Welcome to my world 2

David woke up the next morning with a splitting headache, he couldn't remember what happened last night but he knew he had done something horrible again looking at the mess and seeing he was on the couch. He hurriedly went to his room just to see Alma sleeping soundly, he breathed out in relief only to see bruises on her neck

"Oh no, what have I done?" David thought to himself. He wrote her a letter of apology

"Babe, I know am not worthy of your love and the unconditional support you give to me, I am sorry for what I did knowingly or unknowingly. I know you really want to help me but I don't think you can, no one can.

I love you, always know that"

He kept the letter by the side of the bed where she would easily find it, the dress got delivered 30 minutes later and he placed it with the card then proceeded to making breakfast

David walked down the stairs only to find Freddy, with folded arms and an angry look

"What did I do this time little man?" Freddy ignored him, rolled his eyes and went to the living room. David sighed and proceeded to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When breakfast was ready and set, David couldn't help but stare in satisfaction. He was so caught up that he did not notice as Alma walked down the stairs with Anne. The sound of Alma clearing her throat startled him. Freddy came over and said

"Good morning mama"

"Good morning little champ" she replied without breaking eye contact with David who was so scared of those hazel eyes of hers

"Go-o-od morning love" David stammered. Alma ignored him walking towards the table when David took Anne from her hand. "Good morning sweet stuff" David told Anne who just laughed showing off her cute dimples.

Alma saw the breakfast and was pleased but never showed it. She never wanted to give David the satisfaction he wanted, not now at least until she found out what was really wrong with him. She read the letter and was moved, she knew he loved her more than anything and there was really something going on with him that made him so mad yesterday but Alma also knew she was a very stubborn being who knew how to be ignorant when she wanted.

David had high expectations for Almas reaction

"What are you waiting for, dig in" Alma said before taking Anne from David who was left dumbfounded, she placed food for Anne and Fred. Fred looking at his father's face couldn't help but snicker 'He deserves this' He thought with a smile. Fred knew why his dad decided to prepare breakfast today and was very pleased with his mother's reaction, he took was very angry with his father but knew better than to start ranting. The family ate in silence before Alma spoke

"David? Aren't you going to work?? It's almost 8 am" The question surprised David. This was the first time Alma asked him that, whenever he spoke about going to work, she always pleaded with him to stay a little longer. What did he do?

"uhmm, I will leave in a few hours there isn't lot of good anywhere"

"Dad?" Fred asked

"Yeah Champ"

" when are you planning to take us to Flytopia?" Fred asked shocking David and Alma. When David remained mute, Alma replied

" Freddy, dear how many times have I told you not to mention that in this house"

"But mom, I go to your restaurant everyday after school, what's wrong with me going to Dads'" David finally spoke

"One day my boy, you will understand my decision and maybe even thank me for that, it is going to save both you and Anne. Keep that in mind and also know that am keeping you in that place for a worthy reason"

"Then tell me Dad. What is it?? Shanya gets to go there everyday after school then why can't I??" Alma understood Fred but she did not understand David, which reason would make him keep his kids from an amazing place. Every parent would be happy if they got the chance to take their kids to Flytopia and now that David's got the chance, she didn't know why he was too scared or delayed about it, what was going on in her husband's mind? Alma had to find out

"Dad, no matter what, nothing is going to stop me from seeing and becoming a pilot like you in Flytopia" David sighed, nothing could convince Fred once his mind was made up.

"Listen here Fred, you are never going to that place, like I said, it's for your own good"

"And like I said no one not even you can stop me Dad" Freddy got mad and went up to his room while Alma helped Anne with her meal and went upstairs to give her a bath leaving David to his thoughts, knowing Freddy, he would do anything to go to that place, which would bring nothing but bad luck to him and Anne. If Craig found out they were his children, he would use them against him. It's good, Craig knew only about his wife. He knew it was hard but it's for their safety that they never knew what's happening in Flytopia, David would tell them when the time was right.

He got to his room and hastily took a shower and changed into his work outfit

He turned to Alma who was sleeping soundly with Anne, at least that's what he thought

"Am so sorry love" Those were David's last words before he dashed out of the room. Alma opened her eyes and tears slowly found their way down her cheeks

'David..... what's wrong' she thought before wiping her tears away and patting the half asleep Anne

Hello, like I said this is a very short story, and when I mean short I mean SHORT

please don't forget to comment on what you think about it

First books are really a hand full

Ena_Noracreators' thoughts