
Flowers and Petals (STOPPED)

Flowers and Petals is a vampire book that can teach a lesson in a sense, to love yourself and mostly be yourself. It's a story about three women, two of them being a vampire and one being a human. The human thinks being in love was a bunch of nonsense and was hard on herself. Life can be beautiful. Sometimes. (This book has now been stopped. It didn't go the way I actually wanted it to.)

DarkWater120 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 - "I Love You"

Maria's POV

It took me a short while to get myself back together, less emotional and more like myself. They knew that I loved them now, but I didn't get to say the words to them, especially Sienna since she saved my life in a way. Well, she saved me from being drained by Lucia. I walked downstairs into the kitchen, where Sienna was making something for me to eat. I should tell her first. But how should I tell her?

"Hey, Sienna." I greeted her, starting a conversation.

She smiled, turning her head to look at me.

"Hey, flower. Are you feeling better now? Lucia told me that you were upset." she asked me, "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm hungry though." I replied, leaning against the counter next to Sienna. "Well, here you go. It's not much, so I apologise." she told me, handing me a small bowl of fruit salad. I took it from her, then I moved over to the dining table where I sat down and started to eat. It wasn't going to fill me up, but I'll live.

Lucia then joined me, sitting down next to me. Sienna tidied the counters, then walked over to us, sitting down as well. Sienna kissed Lucia on the cheek, then did the same to me. I blushed a dark shade of red, wondering if it was the perfect time to say it now. I never confessed my love to anyone before, especially two beautiful vampires. Once I finished my snack, I moved the bowl to the side and said it to them;

"I love you, my two loving vampires."

They chuckled at this, their eyes changing from a normal vampire red to a dark shade of purple.

"Well, there's one way to prove it." Sienna purred, before gesturing me to come over with her hand. I then got up from my chair, walking over to her. She then softly grabbed my waist, and lifted me up onto the table. I watched Sienna stand up, moving the chair away so she could have more room. Lucia watched quietly, licking her lips.

"How about we claim you, right here and now, flower?" she asked the question, "O...On the table?" I replied with a small stutter, "Yes, on the table. I can't hold it in any longer, flower. Since you confessed your love to us and only us, calling us your two loving vampires, it's only fair to mark you as ours." she told me.

I wrapped my arms around her, before I placed my lips against hers.