
Flowers and Petals (STOPPED)

Flowers and Petals is a vampire book that can teach a lesson in a sense, to love yourself and mostly be yourself. It's a story about three women, two of them being a vampire and one being a human. The human thinks being in love was a bunch of nonsense and was hard on herself. Life can be beautiful. Sometimes. (This book has now been stopped. It didn't go the way I actually wanted it to.)

DarkWater120 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 - Apology Kiss

Maria's POV

I woke up the next late morning, only to immediately lock eyes with Lucia who must have crept into my room to apologise in her own way, or she wanted company since Sienna did shout at her...

"What did she do?" I quietly asked her, "She made me unconscious, that's what happened. My vampire side nearly killed you, and I want to apologise. If you would let me." she replied softly, before she wrapped her arm around me gently. I guess she wanted to kiss me? Funny way of apologising, but okay.

"You can kiss me." I told her, reassuring her that I was okay with it now. Being kissed, I mean.

So, she softly placed her lips against mine, only for a couple of seconds before pulling away. "Do you forgive me, flower?" she asked me, calling me by my nickname. "I forgive you." I replied, seeing her little smile afterwards. She was like me, wiped out from everything that's happened in just a couple of minutes. "When the next blood moon comes, I want you to be kept safe." she said to me, already getting ahead of herself. "I know this relationship is strange at the moment, but it won't be. I..." I had to cut myself off from saying the words. How could I say that when we were both recovering from our rough experiences?

"You love us." Lucia knew the words that I was going to say, causing me to nod and felt ashamed about it. I've only known them for like almost a month now. "We knew that a while ago, flower. Us vampires can see emotions in detailed vision." she told me, before she softly grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. I then abruptly sat up, sighing loudly as I was getting suddenly worked up. "Hey, there's no need to feel ashamed about anything. Love is love..."

I then turned to her with tears in my eyes.

"Get out. Please. Just leave me alone." I told her, not wanting to start a fight.

"Okay, okay. I'll leave you alone." she told me back before I watched her leave my room to return to Sienna.

I didn't know why I was like this. Why did I feel so dirty? What was actually wrong with me?

Short-ish chapter. Sorry.

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