
Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

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  • 340 Chs
  • 4.6
    142 ratings
  • NO.200+
BRONZE Prize for WSA 2023 ContestBRONZE Prize for WSA 2023 Contest

In a world where martial artists reign supreme, strength is everything. Unfortunately, that logic doesn't apply to a certain Florida Man. Refined in the nuclear fallout wasteland, Leo was the strongest mutant alive. He carried an alien artifact, allowing him to exchange his lifespan for modern items. After 50,000 years of solitary life in a humanless world, he collected enough lifespan to transmigrate to another habitable world. Leo was later thrown into a mysterious planet. He soon discovered that his body produced radiation, and it mutated the surrounding plants and grasses. Worrying that he might ruin the beautiful planet, he chose to live in seclusion. Unfortunately, the local population soon discovered his existence, and a misunderstanding ensued.

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Table of Contents
Volume 3


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Love it. It's a breath of fresh air. Read all chapters in 3 days. The characters are interesting and funny. Cat and Taxi are cute. Florida Man is amazing. Although he feels like a parody characters, yet the story seems serious. The plot is getting thicker slowly, and the system prompts don't occupy entire chapters. 10/10 for writing, grammar, characters, world building. Looking forward to read more.


I just came to a realization. Do you know what this novel lacks? The author's narcissistic self-review! Here goes. Writing Quality Horrible grammar and terrible sentence structures, ever! The author has been writing for 6-7 years, but he still made singular-plural-verb errors and preposition mistakes to the point that my Grammarly uninstalled itself! Verdict - Five Stars! Stability of Updates The author is lazy AF! Instead of publishing 2-3 chaps a day like the other top novels, your stupid author can only do 1 chap a day because he has a family! How dare he has a family! He should have been imprisoned in isolation and forced to write 20 hours a day like how Genshin Impact players sent their loli characters to a lithium mine 20 hours a day! Verdict - Five Stars! Story Development Nonsensical, illogical, and dumbest story ever! It's about secluding MC doing his own things, made this, do that, meet these people, kill those people, sell this, steal that, rinse and repeat! The plot is more repetitive than Goku meeting stronger adversaries and getting new powers every arc! In short, there is no plot but MC's doing stupid stuff! Verdict - Five Stars! Character Design MC is dumb and ignorant. He gives no F to other people and the hazardous environment around him. He allows enemies to hit him first even though he's Floridian Saitama who can kill gods in one punch. The side characters are too bland. What's the point of having Marlboro from Final Fantasy with an infant dryad on top screaming Nom-Nom Meow as MC's pet? A 10,000-year-old Loli Lich Empress is very unrealistic. Enemies and friends are braindead. Nothing is normal about the characters! Verdict - Five Stars! World Background The world is small, shallow, and illogical. It's a recycled universe from the author's previous novels because he can't create a better one. What immortal realm? What mortal world? What mystic realms? What empire? All are stupid and unrealistic. Verdict - Five Stars! Final Thoughts - 9999 Stars! Dumbest novel I've ever written! No plot, no in-depth characters, no story, NONE! You can't find a better trainwreck of a story dumber than this one! Turn off your brain and let the craziness of this story ruin your IQ. If you finished reading this review to the end and expecting a JRR Tolkien-graded story, scram! This novel is for people with a cultured mind. UwU


"reads title".............................


Quick advice, in the synopsis you mention guns, I suggest you remove them since they reduce an already low immersion(since its a seclusion type novel). Im not saying my opinion im stating facts: people that read fantasy novels want to be immersed in a fantasy world and by putting things that dont match the world(guns), it usually isnt viewed well by the reader, even if it is comedy. There is a reason why modern-world cultivation novels sell less than a cultivation novel based on a proper ancient cultivation world. Hope this might help.


I'm really enjoying it so far. It's funny and different. I hope it keeps this tone throughout.


Stop recommending it so much webnovel. I don't like this novel. I don't want to read it.


boring repetitive story with the typical secluded idiot mc. Why can't we get for once an mc that actually does something in this genre.


What a unique title for a novel LOL Quick question for the author, is Mao Miaomiao from Florida?????


This story is a gag story that deserve lots of love. More due to the fact that the author is good with making interactions. The development of the world is great and the abilities of the main character is going great too. Being able to explore his abilities, the world and his influence is a joy to read and i highly recommend it. Also the story is gag do pretty fun. References can be a hit or miss but eitherway this story is really a good casual read. Would make it 5 stars but there’s not much story development yet but i know this story is amazing.


Very well done, the essence of the nonsensical things are absolutely mind blowing.


Put your neron to the side and let apreciate the desatrous consequences of puting an 50000 years old american for florida in a cultavation world.


I just started reading so I don't know how frequently they release chapters so a 5 for now. anyways I'm about 40 ch in and it's been highly entertaining since chapter one not only is it really funny it's also super creative. besides all that the chapter titles are majestic with their 'Florida state news article title' vibes


this story doesn't have the best story I read nor the best writing. but this author does know how to make an entertaining story. which can make up for any flaws they have. which tells me their writing should be able to get better over time. as long they continue to improve their writing and storytelling. few more improvements i could see them on Kindle selling their books. I would recommend this story as you will get a few laughs out of it and will be Entertain


"Florida Man's General Store in a Cultivation World" emerges as a magnum opus of the most arcane and recondite order, forging an anomalous symbiosis between the inimitable eccentricities of its protagonist, Florida Man, and the byzantine intricacies of the cultivation cosmos, concocting a narrative that traverses the esoteric chasm of comprehension. Within this narrative maelstrom, the cultivation milieu unveils as an eldritch phantasmagoria, where the enigmatic martial paradigms and Byzantine hierarchies effloresce in an abstruse tapestry, invoking a transient and kaleidoscopic transformation of the reader's cognitive paradigm. The narrative polyphony orchestrates tumultuous martial conflagrations in consonance with interludes of absurd persiflage, effectively ensnaring the reader within an intellectual labyrinth of unparalleled singularity. The dramatis personae, an eccentric menagerie of archetypes, imbue the narrative with a cabalistic profundity, oscillating between sibylline sagacity and whimsical capriciousness, all eloquently enunciated through prose suffused with a mellifluous symphony of rarefied lexemes, ultimately culminating in a veritable synesthetic tour de force. "Florida Man's General Store in a Cultivation World" unfurls as an imperative enigma, warranting naught but an unequivocal pentalogy of stellar encomiums in the celestial firmament of literary artistry.


this one goes on my recommendation list. Comedic, unique, decent pacing, satisfactorily op protaganist for that type of novel. plenty of world building, and there is actual logical flow. (too many novels have been extremely inconsistent and illogical lately. I blame AI. This one doesnt seem to have that problem. I probably encountered something I didnt like in this novel, but I don't remember, so that should tell you how insignificant it was)


he clearly shows acceptance and understanding of his situation in latter chapters and seems more like an experienced 50k old monster instead of a child that's still ignorant of the world and seems to refuse to believe or properly understand his situation. if he had just schemed more from the start and maybe just thought for an extra second about all those novels he used to read it wouldn't have felt like such a push to like him as the MC for being so thick. the cat and pets still annoy me here and there but they do add some interesting point the story here and there.


I am very conflicted about reviewing this novel. On my own I would propably never read it but someone recommended it to me. Having read it untill chapter 39 i can for sure say that it's not for me. For sure it's well written novel, have unique background and sense of humour but it's boring. For sure some people will like it as free time novel to pass time but it require liking very slow paced novel with dense AF MC. Our main character is just stupid. For most of people's first reaction when selling some item who someone treat as treasure would be getting yourself into topic and learning about it. Sorry our MC still will play indifferent even when he need lifespan. It's just boring and wrong method to making it into comedic undertone and on the same time making MC plainly stupid and unlogical. When for some people stupid things are funny but I there are some logical limitations to this. For the author I can't say wrong thing as I liked his Villain cultivator series very much but for me work that he is creating right now is total regress to what he was doing earlier. Maybe this is whole other style of novels but earlier he had whole universe ready to explore and now he is limited to small planet with stupid MC with iq under my shoes.


I hate writing reviews but this story deserves one. The stereotypical Florida Man is now in a cultivation world... I don't know what else to say but that.




Story is entertaining, The chapter titles sound like real florida headlines, The mc is op, He is kinda clueless about shop prices so most of the time he sells the items for cheaper than they are supposed to be until others tell him, Atleast There is a guy that helps him with prices since he gets a part of the cut so that the mc doesnt get scammed, Also Cat is adorable,


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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating