
Flammiferus Phoenix System

Raiden Ignatius is like your usual weak mc in cultivation story,this world is based on a distant future where earthlings somehow manages to unlock abilities and grow stronger so the leadership heirachy now changed to a type where the strong rules and the weak is bullied in the society........ What happens when Raiden loses everything he cared about everything he ever loved... Follow the mc who unlocked a mysterious system which allows him to grow stronger on his quest to be ontop and protect those he cares about......

Natyprince · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: A New Job

Chapter 4: A New Job

She rushed to him taking large strides towards Raiden's bed.

"Rai Rai, oh my rai"; She cried amidst hugging him on the sick bed and sobbing.

Raiden wept bitterly as well remembering how many times he has been warned by Silva to quit his job and do some other jobs, saying it was too dangerous and rough but he never took it serious always giving excuses.

He regretted and sobbed bitterly.


"Ok I think that's enough moody moody for now, I have something important to tell you both"; A voice came from behind them.

They both turned back simultaneously to see who spoke as the voice was not familiar.

Turning they both saw a man on a white lab coat. They were but surprised to see a fourth person in the room and they never knew of it.


Silva disengaged the hug and her face turned red from embarrassment.

The doctor cleared his throat and continued.

"Ok, now that we are all settled, lets bring you up to speed, alsio wll like to ask you a few questions and we hope youll co-operate with us."

Raiden nodded his head in agreement, giving the doctor a go ahead.

"Ok as you already know yo've been down for so long now, you are the only survivor among others, a cop mutant job is always a dangerous among with that of thr adventures but hardly has an outcome like this been seen." He paused for a second, cleared his throat and continued ; "And yet somehow, when backup arrived on the scene after being alerted by you update calls and also yhe satellite team who contacted that something just flew past the space rader at an insane speed, when backup got there all they found was youn Raiden Ignatius, collapsed on the ground. There were know traces of any substance that may have caused such a huge crater and destruction as we saw."; The doctor said.

"But that's..."; Raiden was about to say before cut short by the doctor.

"Unbelievable, right?"; The doctor said. "What do you have to tell us in aid of the millitary's investigation?"; The doctor said.

Raiden went on and narrated what transpired from his perspective, though excluding the part of the flamish energy he saw as he wasn't sure of it.

In his mind he wondered how he has all of his limbs complete cus he remembered been bedly injured to death.

"Well, if thay's all you have to say then we'll let you be for now as the place has been barricaded and under investigation, though we still eonder how you managed to survive with so little injuries, anyways thr next news we have for you is a letter from the cops divison"; he dropped the letter on the bed and continued his speech; "The bills hae been taken care of by the government and just incase you remember any other thing I'll drop the lead investigating officer's number with you"; He said dropping a crd as well. And finally they exited the room saying Raiden will be discharged soon.


As soon as they left, Rauden brought out the file that was handed to him by the doctor.

He tore the envelope open and brought out a letter containing just one page in it, he looked at it and read aloud

"We acknowledge you for all you years of service even though you haven't been the strongest, you did you job diligently and honestly, but we are afraid you are no longer fit for duty in respect to your health report, you've sustained an internal injury that badly damaged your mutant cells and according to the doctor's report and experience from other past cases you won't be able to use your mutant cells to store mutant energy. So we'll be paying you off with the sum off $1000, use this to start something and manage yourself from henceforth. Signed from the cops division.

He finished reading the letter and dropped dowm in depression, Silva quickly ran to him to console him as they both wept.




2 weeks later

On a busy street, cars moving to and fro, car horns and commercial noise from people and machines could be heard.

A light skin young man spotting a dark jean trouser and a white long sleeve could be seen walking along the road with a troubled look on his face.

"Damn, it's been two weeks now since I was discharged from the hospital and one week now since I've been trying to get a job"; the man said to himself in his mind.


The young man was Raiden, having been discharged from the hospital two weeks ago, he and Silva has been trying to cope, managing his $1000 dollars pay off and the little Silva could get from her teaching job, but it wasn't enough to cater for their needs as things were cost to afford.

Raiden had to go and search or a job but not after so much pleas rom his side to Silva to let him go and work again, at first she vehemently refused to let him go but after listening to his facts and pleas she had to let him go with a serious warning not to do anything dangerous.

But since then till mow it has been impossible to get a job, they all discharged him as soon as they found out his mutant cell (MC) core has been destroyed.

His wife Silva was just an history teacher in the high school who earned little funs monthly as she was just a mundane human.


"Oh, finally here at last, this is my last shot cause am damn tired and frustrated already."; Raiden said to himself while standing in front of a tall four story building with the label 'Sky Enterprise'.

"Here goes everything"; He said after standing and staring for a while an dpushed the building's door open and went in.


A few minutes later and Raiden found himself seated in front of the manager.

"Okay, so the case is that your mc core is as good as dead and that means you can't store mutant energy basically making almost a mundane human, Hugh,"; The manager said after scrutinizing his files.

Raiden was seriously making prayers even though he doesn't believe there is a God, beads of perspiration filled his face as he waited for the manager to continue which he did.


"The only post this company can offer you based on sympathy and me understanding your circumstances is a delivery job, you go round with a bike and deliver goods to customers who ordered for goods."; The manager said sympathetically.

"Yes sir please, I accept,"; Raiden cried out in joy.

They shook hands, after which he bade Raiden farewell telling him to resume the next day. 


At home Raiden shared the good news with Silva and they both rejoiced. 

She even made a feast and they both and celebrated in joy.

Gradually life began to smile on them, Raiden worked well and hard that his Boss had to acknowledge him and give him tips on several occasions.

Raiden was just naturally good and talented in driving.

His ability to maintain focus for a long time was very useful. And with his perception very high, such things are easier for him compared to others, not to mention his top notch driving skills.

But as the saying goes, nothing good lasts forever. Trouble struck again and this time it was something that will change his life forever.


So sorry for the delay in posting had a little set back with my phone but it's resolved now so I'll be posting more often now.

As compensation I'll be dropping a mass release of 10 chapters on Wednesday.

Thank you guys

Natyprincecreators' thoughts