
Flammiferus Phoenix System

Raiden Ignatius is like your usual weak mc in cultivation story,this world is based on a distant future where earthlings somehow manages to unlock abilities and grow stronger so the leadership heirachy now changed to a type where the strong rules and the weak is bullied in the society........ What happens when Raiden loses everything he cared about everything he ever loved... Follow the mc who unlocked a mysterious system which allows him to grow stronger on his quest to be ontop and protect those he cares about......

Natyprince · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The robbery


"Bravo 50' patrol team, do you copy, there is a disturbance at B12 district, can you guys go check it out since you are kindda close to that area, over?"; a smooth male voice was heard with the aid of a patrol car's walkie-talkie.

"Alright man, we've gat that, we'll be there as soon possible?" came the reply from a tall fair skin man, sporting a local cop uniform like that of the American Sherriff cop.

"Ok, copy that, control room over and out" the man at the other end replied.

__Communicator breaks__

Raiden dropped the walkie-talkie back to its mother port or whatever and beckoned on his colleague from inside the patrol car.

"Hey Ryle, we've gat work to do so get your lazy ass down here before I pump you silly"

"Alright, alright amigo whatever ya say" came the reply of Ryley who was leaning on the back side of the patrol car.

"What's up this time, Amigo" Ryley asked his colleague Raiden who was more like his best friend on getting inside the patrol car.

"Control center has got a little job for us, we just gat report at a disturbance at B12 district" Raiden replied.

"Oh, guess there's nothing new"; said Ryley

"Yeah, it's still the same old and lame stuff everyday"; Raiden replied him at the same time turning the ignition on for the patrol car and gradually zooming off.


Raiden Ignatius was a cop at the local cop division which was one of the only good jobs for low level mutants like him

Yes, as you thought this is not the normal world we live in, this is a world of cruelty, full of wickedness and selfishness, yeah there are some good parts to it and good days but that doesn't hide the fact that this is a world where the strong rule the weak, where the weak are trampled on like filth.

To be weak is a big sin and curse because you won't have any place in this the world other than suffer, live at the mercy of others and await your death.

It was a serious curse and sickness for one to be weak, but unfortunately not everyone can be strong, not everyone can unlock good abilities, not everyone can have that bright talent and potential.

Raiden was one of such people who was unlucky enough to not even unlock his ability so he was one of the ones who lived at the mercy of others.

He was 23 years old and has been working as a cop for the last 3 years where he met Ryley who was a low level earth mutant and they bonded well and soon became best pals.

......15 minutes later...….


"I think that's the place"; Raiden said pointing to a two story building with the label Sky Bank Inc. inscribed at the top of the building.

He slowed the car down and the both of them observed the building from their car.

"The place looks calm t......"; Ryley was about was cut short by an explosion from within the building before he could complete his sentence.


"What the hell was that Rai?"; Ryley said while entering a state of extreme concentration.

Before Raiden could reply four mutants ran out of the bank building all sporting black body suits with an half shadow crescent moon badge on the left part of their chest

They all ran into a black sport like car which was already ready to zoom off….

"Command center do you copy, it looks like the shadow gang are it again, this time robbing a bank"; Raiden spoke into the communicator updating the command center" we are giving chase at this moment and we await backup, over and out"; Raiden continued without waiting to hear what the person on the other side was gonna say while chasing the bandit's car...

It wasn't necessary though as he already knew the reply he would get was exactly what he was already doing
