
Know Me Well

People are full of contradictions.

First, they want to top. Then, they want to bottom.

They want to torture. And then, they want to be tortured.



Junhoe arrives home by evening after meeting his co-worker at the nearby cafe to discuss a bit about his undercover task. He realizes that there were fewer shoes on the rack, hinting that most of the guys are not home yet. But Yunhyeong seems to be home, thankfully, since he sees the older's black Honda car in the garage.

When he enters the mansion and passes by the kitchen, he sees Yunhyeong cooking something. He smiles, as expected.

He decides to see the older, "What are you cooking, hyung?"

Yunhyeong turns to look at him and chuckles with a bit of surprised look, "Ah, just some soup and omelette rice, for Jiwon."


"Yeah, that punk begged me to cook for him as he is damn hungry," Yunhyeong replies with a laugh afterward, "It's a great thing that you are home. I cook a lot."

Junhoe smiles thinking about how the pretty guy is so nice and considerate for others. The whole members in this mansion are lucky to have Yunhyeong here.

"He will not be alone too, if you are here. You guys should eat together later," Yunhyeong adds.

"Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"I gotta go to the hospital back after finishing things here," he answers while squeezing the ketchup on the omelette rice, making a bunny's teeth shape.

He smiles to himself before looking up at Junhoe, "Dinner's done. I will call Jiwon to come down, so you should sit down and wait a bit, okay?"

"Oh," Junhoe grabs Yunhyeong's wrist, "It's fine, I will call him."

Yunhyeong makes a are-you-serious look to the other before Junhoe says, "I'm his roommate, after all."

"Okay, that makes sense," Yunhyeong smiles and begins preparing the dishes and whatnot, "Go on."

Junhoe quickly goes upstairs, feeling excited somehow, but at the same time, he also feels nervous. When he pushes open the door, he naturally smiles seeing Jiwon wrapped in a thick blanket on the bed, with his clothes, with no surprise, scattered all over the floor.

Junhoe walks closer to the sleeping figure and wakes him up, "Bobby hyung, wake up..."

Turns out, the older is not sleeping at all. He opens his eyes, making Junhoe shocked to find out that he is not sleeping.

"When did you come home?" He asks, a bit bewildered.

"Just now," Junhoe simply answers.

Jiwon gets up, throwing away the blanket, showing only his yellow boxer and stretches himself up before Junhoe says, "Yunhyeong hyung asks me to wake you up. The dinner is ready."

The older's eyes shines brighter hearing it, "Yes! Finally~"

Without wearing at least a shirt or what, he comes out of their shared room just like that, in a rush to the dining room. Junhoe snorts to himself. Once again, getting amused with the older.

At the dining room, Jiwon cheerfully sits on the chair and grabs the bowl of soup that Yunhyeong has provided on the table. Without waiting for Junhoe, he scoops a spoonful of the soup into his mouth.

"Gosh, slowly, the soup is not gonna run away," Yunhyeong says after slapping the other's hand while Jiwon just giggles stupidly.

"But you are gonna leave," Jiwon mutters as he slows down.

Yunhyeong looks at him and pats Jiwon's fluffy hair, caressing them lightly, "I have night shift today, so I should be prepared for any on-call emergency. I also need to study and get prepared for an important surgery tomorrow."

Jiwon cooes at him, feeling proud of his bestfriend, "I hope everything will go well tomorrow. I know you can do amazing."

Yunhyeong chuckles with a sheepish smile, "Hope so," and excuses himself to wash the dishes while Jiwon happily eating the meals.

Junhoe, hiding from behind the wall, forms a soft smile hearing the close friends' warm conversation. He somehow feels warm too.

"Eh, where's Junhoe? Is he not going to come down and eat?" Yunhyeong asks while drying the plates before coming down to his own conclusion, "Wait, Kim Jiwon, did you do anything to him?" He turns to look at Jiwon at the table, and sighs, "Damn, show some respect and modesty. How could you not wear anything in front of him??"

Jiwon looks at himself and only then realizing that he is not wearing anything other than his boxer, "Crap, I was too hungry so I didn't bother taking any clothes."

"Poor guy, he must be shocked to death," Yunhyeong smacks Jiwon's head softly before advancing to find Junhoe while Bobby only keeps laughing, "Well, I'm proud of my body~" and Yunhyeong turns back to him to hit the other's shoulder and headlock him playfully.

Junhoe presses his lips together, feeling somehow glad that Yunhyeong is with Jiwon. He looks so freaking happy and blessed, unlike the night before.

"Oh, here you are!" Yunhyeong drags Junhoe once they bump into each other behind the wall, "Come on, eat together with Jiwon. You must be hungry right?"

Junhoe hesitantly nods and sits on the chair beside Jiwon while Yunhyeong kindly gives him the meals. 

"Mind if I ask something?" Junhoe speaks after eating a spoonful of the omelette rice before Yunhyeong gives him a look for him to go on with the question.

"What are your occupation, I mean, everyone here?" 

"Well, I'm a doctor, Jinanie hyung is a linguistic lecturer, Hanbinnie is a composer, so he often spends his night at the studio, Donghyukie is a librarian at the library here and our baby, Chanwoo is still a student. He goes to the college just beside this mansion, if you notice."

"And Jinanie hyung is his lecturer, can you believe it?" Jiwon says with a short laugh, "He knows that old man is his lecturer, yet he never pay respect for that man. He always gets savage with Jinan hyung, so it's funny to watch them."

"Then, what about you... Bobby hyung?" Junhoe asks, since he is curious as fuck, even from the beginning.

Jiwon slowly looks at Junhoe and flashes a small smile, "Me?"

"Jiwonnie is a-" but Bobby quickly interrupts Yunhyeong who tries to stop Bobby from saying anything he wanted to say.

"Do you remember your Boss?" Jiwon asks without any expression on his face, and Yunhyeong sighs, "Not that job, Jiwon. You have a decent job, not that—"

"I work as his little bitch."

Yunhyeong lets out a heavy sigh and says in his tiny voice, "I knew you would say that, but please don't ruin our new housemate's purity~"

"You already saw me with your Boss last night. So, yes, whatever shit you heard from people, they might be right, and they might be wrong too. But yes, I'm his bitch."

Yunhyeong presses his lips together and mutters to himself, "Darn, how could he say all that so bluntly?"

More than anything, Junhoe also looks as expressionless as Jiwon's. That makes Yunhyeong even more... Stressed out.

"Ah, I see," Junhoe finally opens his mouth after a short silence.

"He is also a model," Yunhyeong says while pointing his finger to Jiwon, "This guy is."

Junhoe's eyes perk up, "Model?"

Yunhyeong nods, "But, yeah, the modelling agency is under Mino hyung..."

And Jiwon is quick to change from his serious mode to a cheerful mode, "I'm a very great model, you know. I can pose well and the director keeps saying I can make various expressions so I'm good. I should have become an actor, though."

Junhoe laughs, at that. And Yunhyeong also takes the chance to laugh too before his eyes notice the time shown on the clock.

"Crap! I need to go to the hospital now!" He immediately grabs his jacket and waves goodbye to the two before going out, leaving them on their own.

The time ticks by, but none of the two speaks. It is a very deafening silence, only the fans sound are heard and their eating sound.


"Can I ask you something personal?" Junhoe finally drops the silence and Jiwon stops munching to nod.

"My boss... And you... Are you guys dating?" He straightforwardly asks, without any layered coating or whatever.

And that's what Jiwon likes the most about this guy. He just doesn't know it.

Jiwon softly shakes his head before looking up to see Junhoe's puzzled face, "There is only one person that I ever fall in love with. But, that person is not him," he forks a piece of leftover omelette on the plate and adds, "And Mino hyung also knows that."

And, that just gets the younger puzzled even more.

Jiwon chuckles lightly seeing the confused look on the other's face, "We are not dating. Hope that answers your question."

then, who is that person

"Oh, Yunhyeong's calling," Jiwon says as he picks up the call, "Yo!"

He giggles and looks at Junhoe before nodding for something that Junhoe doesn't know, but Jiwon seems happy, so that's all that matter.

After hanging up the call, Jiwon says, "That old man forgot his lipbalm."

Junhoe furrows his eyebrows, not really understanding the statement, "And so?"

"And so... That is the worst problem for that old man to ever face, in his lifetime," Jiwon tells him with an amused laugh, and Junhoe can't help laughing too, though he still doesn't quite get it.

"And so, we have to solve that biggest problem of his, by sending the lipbalm to the hospital," Jiwon says again, shaking his head, "Aigoo, what an old man."

He looks at Junhoe and stirs the soup in front of the younger, "Come on, finish them if you can. Yunhyeong cooked for us, even he is always busy as fuck, so at least, we should finish everything to show our gratitude."

"That sounds so decent from you," Junhoe blurts out and Jiwon chuckles again, "Damn, that roast."

At the hospital, Yunhyeong waits for the two at the counter in lobby before hearing Jiwon's voice, "Yoyo~"

He snorts before looking up to see the two walking together toward him, "Eyy, that bitch~ I've told him not to call me like that here..."

Jiwon hands him the lipbalm that he cherishes so much and Junhoe still doesn't understand it.

"Thanks, my lips are already getting dry without this," he bumps his fist with Jiwon, "Bless you."

"Always," he replies before Yunhyeong excuses himself again to attend to his emergency patients.

"He looks different in that white outfit," Junhoe comments, a bit in awe, that Yunhyeong looks so fucking gorgeous in the doctor's uniform.

"I know right," Jiwon smiles.

And that's when another doctor appears in front of them to snap, "Look who's here again. The masochist that loves Song Mino's dick."

Jiwon's smile falters right away. Junhoe glances at the doctor's nametag which says Jaewon before looking back at Jiwon who tries to force a smile even when everyone is eyeing him weirdly, full of menacing glares and stares.

"I wonder, why do you keep coming to this hospital? Is there someone that you want to seduce here?" The doctor smirks, thinking Jiwon would cry and all, but...

"Yes. It's you," Jiwon moves closer to him provocatively, "I want to seduce you, cutie."

Jaewon makes a disgusted face at him before pushing Jiwon away from him, "Faggot!" And leaves the place with curses toward the guy.

Jiwon forms a mild smile and sighs a bit before only then realizing that Junhoe is here, with him. He quickly turns around, regretting right away that Junhoe had to witness his shameless action just now.

"I'm sorry you had to watch that," Jiwon says during their ride home by taxi.

Junhoe looks at Jiwon and shakes his head, "That's nothing."

"You have seen worse?" 

"The worst."

Jiwon eyes Junhoe's beautiful eyes, almost blue eyes, and notices some sorts of sorrowful stories hidden behind that gloomy gaze to the scenery outside of the taxi. But he is afraid to ask.

Because Junhoe looks so beautiful. As of now.

When he is feeling hurts.

When they arrive at the mansion, Donghyuk, Jinhwan and Chanwoo are already home. All three of them had their mouth go round to see Jiwon and Junhoe together.

They clap their hands in unison once the pair emerges into the living room where the three are watching television.

"The fuck?" Jiwon makes a hand motion of saying crazy to them and Junhoe can't help smiling.

"Where are you two from?" Donghyuk asks when Jiwon takes the seat between him and Jinhwan, while Junhoe stealthily takes the seat beside Chanwoo.

"From your bae," Jiwon answers blatantly, "He forgot his lipbalm."

Donghyuk's cheeks flushes red before smacking Jiwon's arm shyly and Chanwoo decides to cut in, before they forget, "Whatever it is, Jinan hyung, Dongdong, I want my 50 000 won."

Jinhwan makes an annoyed face while Donghyuk sighs, "How can this kid win the bet just like this?"

"What bet?" Junhoe asks curiously.

"We were betting if the two of you will go out together in a week," Chanwoo says with a victory wink, "And obviously I am the only who roots for you two to go out."

Jiwon snorts while Junhoe smiles, a bit amazed that the guys would even bet for something like that.

"I thought you two would be awkward as fuck," Donghyuk says with a deep sigh, for losing his 25000 won just like that while Jinhwan takes out a cash from his wallet with a frown, "I mean, it seemed like Junhoe and you would never get along. But I guess, it's the opposite now."

Jinhwan smiles as he pats Jiwon's shoulder warmly.

Jiwon snickers, "Jung Chanwoo, you owe me, kid. I helped you get the cash."

"Not at all," Chanwoo rolls his tongue at him playfully and Jiwon snorts again, "Ey, this punk," and he turns to Jinhwan and Donghyuk, "And what, he is my roommate. Of course we will get along well," he turns to Junhoe with an attempt to high-five the other, "Right, buddy?"

Jinhwan laughs when Junhoe seems flustered, mildly rejecting Jiwon's high-five, "Look, that's so awkward~"

After about a week, Yunhyeong follows them to the nightclub to enjoy some free times as he has finished on his medical exams and everything.

At the nightclub, Yunhyeong sits together with Donghyuk in front of the bartender Junhoe who is wiping the other glasses.

The two of them are talking about some matters before they decide to drag Junhoe into the conversation.

"June, how do you feel after a week living with us?" Yunhyeong asks with a soft gaze, anticipating his answer.

Junhoe stops wiping the glasses and smiles, "So far so good. I have fun here. This job is also good. I have a good time observing various kinds of people here."

The two chuckles gladly, and Donghyuk says, "How about Jiwon hyung? Is he okay with you?"

Junhoe shrugs, doesn't mean harm, but, "I have not seen him sleeping in the bedroom even for once, so I don't know much. But he looks okay and he treats me fine. So, that's just nice."

Yunhyeong sighs lightly, "Ah, that punk. I feel sorry for you, June, but if you want, you can sleep on my bed. After this, I might come home late every night, so I would prefer to just sleep on the couch."

Junhoe quickly shakes his head, "Oh, it's fine. Thank you, hyung, but really, it's fine."

Yunhyeong beams, "Just in case, if you can't sleep alone, come and sleep with Dongdong."

"Sounds good," Donghyuk winks at Junhoe cutely before excusing himself for awhile to the toilet.

"Don't miss me too much, hyung," Donghyuk jokingly whispers to Yunhyeong who blushes and tries his best to keep his calm and replies, "Yeah, just go. Don't let the urine leak."

Donghyuk snorts, "That's not funny, hyung," but he still laughs it out anyway and leaves to the toilet.

After a few seconds of silence, Junhoe comes to Yunhyeong and mutters, "About Bobby hyung... I heard you have been friends with Bobby since the beginning, so you must know a lot about him."

"Jiwonnie?" Yunhyeong smiles, "Why? Do you want to learn more about him?"

Junhoe nods without any hesitation, "I mean, he is... Mysterious. He is friendly and cheerful, but people always say mean things about him so I..."

Yunhyeong holds Junhoe's hand warmly, "I know the feeling. To be honest, he is... Like a friend that I just can't get rid of. No matter what other people tell me about him. And... Frankly, it's because those people don't know him personally. Once you know him, you just can't help finding him adorable and cool."

Junhoe looks at the way Yunhyeong smiling while talking about the other and wonders if he can be in Yunhyeong's place. 

"What is he like during high school?"

Yunhyeong looks at Junhoe, "Hm. Same like now," he tries to read the younger's eyes, "You know, June, I'm really glad."


"This is the first time that people other than me, Jinhwanie, Donghyuk, Chanwoo and Hanbinnie, respecting him rather than ridiculing or mocking him. I find it cute of you to ask this about him. So thank you, bud."

Junhoe's cheeks flush red instantly before he manages to answer, "I mean, he's my roommate, so I ought to know more about him."

Yunhyeong giggles happily.

"Well, he is still a pain in the ass though," he laughs to himself again, "Keeps begging me to cook for him, cleaning his room, and everything, as if I'm his housewife. Like never."

Junhoe also laughs before Yunhyeong adds more, "No matter how busy I am, I just can't ignore him. He is just that loveable. And annoying at times."

Junhoe still is not satisfied. He needs to know more about Jiwon.

"You... Didn't try to stop him from getting involved with the Boss?"

Yunhyeong looks flustered at the unexpected question from the bartender and it really makes him question himself too.

"I... Don't know. The time I met him back, he was already with Mino hyung," Yunhyeong says with a rather sorry tone, "We... Pretty much lost contact after graduation. We only met back when Hanbin told us about this mansion." now that i thought about it, hanbin is more closer to him, rather than me

Yunhyeongs seems to be lost in his thoughts for a short moment before murmuring, "You know that guy... He really has no interest on other people. He's always like "oh yeah?" and lets everything go in one ear and out the other."

Yunhyeong puts his hand under the chin while reminiscing, "I liked that part of him."

They really know each other so well

"But in my opinion, I think that self-containment has to be his self-defense mechanism he's developed since childhood," his voice turns low, "Maybe it's because of that, I can't help but be soft on him. Even till now, he still seems like a high school brat to me."

Junhoe smiles a bit when Yunhyeong lets out a sheepish beam, "Guess I said too much."

And that's when, Junhoe looks up and notices a familiar back figure, appearing from behind the wall and walking away from that place.

the back view of that person. Looks so sad.

His eyes round as he realizes it, Crap, isn't that Bobby hyung? 

Not long after that, Donghyuk comes back and Yunhyeong asks, "What takes you so long?"

"Sorry, but my stomach is not very well, hyung. I can't be long here," Donghyuk says with a bit of sad feeling and Yunhyeong says, "It's fine. We should go home then," he looks around, "But where's Jiwon? I haven't seen him since the morning."

"I saw him just now and he doesn't look quite good," Donghyuk tells them with a worried face, "But he is going to Mino hyung."

Jiwon walks and walks until he arrives in front of Mino's private room. And some particular words stuck in his mind.

I can't help but be soft on him.

He still seems like a high school brat to me.

Jiwon smiles sadly to himself, Even till now, you still feel sorry for me.

He laughs without a sound coming out from his mouth and still smiles even when some tears make their way out of his small eyes.

And that's when the door slides open right away.

There, stood Song Mino in his bathrobe, looking stunning as ever, but he has his arms folded.

Jiwon smiles at him.

"I want to just stare at you without opening the door, but you look so heartbreaking I can't deal with it anymore," Mino murmurs and Jiwon forces a reluctant smile.

"You come here without me asking for you, coming on your own," Mino caresses Jiwon's face gently, wiping those tears off the face, "And why is that?"

Jiwon holds Mino's hand, "I... I need you... To fuck me so hard... Wreck me up... Make me scream till I lost my voice... Just do everything hard till I need to go to the hospital—" Mino shuts Jiwon up with a tongue kiss before pulling the younger into his room, locking it and pinning him to the wall harshly, and pulls away to whisper, "Why? Did something happen?"

Jiwon stares at Mino with a tear drop to his cheek, "At least, you will only hurt me physically. Never mentally."

People are full of contradictions.

They are lonely. Then, they are not.

They are missed. And then, they are not.


They are okay. 

And then, they are not. Okay.