
Shameless Cat

Author's Note:

Based on the chapter title, I figure some of you who like to read manga might already know that this fic is inspired from the manga titled "Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai" and the main character is called lustful cat. But I change it to shameless cat. 

Junhoe walks hurriedly to the entrance door before Donghyuk calls for him, "Hey, Junhoe! Wait, let's go together, with the car."

Junhoe halts his steps and smiles at Donghyuk and Yunhyeong who appears from their shared room. 

"Let's go!" Donghyuk says cheerfully while holding Junhoe's hand to the car which Yunhyeong will drive.

Junhoe sits at the backseat while Donghyuk at the front seat and Yunhyeong at the driver seat. He looks at the two who look just like newlywed, they are cute, he thought.

As Yunhyeong is driving, Junhoe blinks his eyes when he saw Jiwon walking by the sidewalk alone, in blue denim jacket with hoodie and tight jeans, purple headphones over his ears.

"Isn't that Jiwon?" Junhoe blurts out and Yunhyeong glances at him before answering, "Yeah. Since the bar is not that far from our place, he prefers walking alone rather than riding the car with us."

Junhoe eyes the lone man who seems to not aware of his surrounding, getting immersed in his own world of music instead. He sighs, once again thinking of how beautiful that guy is. 

Once they arrive at the nightclub, Donghyuk waves goodbye to Yunhyeong who is driving away to the hospital for his work. Donghyuk then brings Junhoe into the club and meets with the tall manager named Seungyoon.

He is also friendly, so Junhoe feels more relieved than ever.

Junhoe wipes the glass at the bar while singing to himself in order to distract himself from watching the variety of people getting drunk and high and whatsoever. Even so, he loves listening to the music played in the club.

And there's one time he looks up to see the crowds for once, and... His eyes somehow find that person.


Jiwon is happily laughing with Donghyuk and another unfamiliar guy who is pretty and seems tall. Jiwon, in the other hand, looks so comfortable, as ever, while chatting with the two while drinking the orange juice, instead of alcohols.

Junhoe smiles inwardly, before he is snapped out of it from a tall, handsome man, in a grey suit, who calls for him with a smile.

"Are you listening, young man?" 

Junhoe quickly drifts his eyes to focus on the person he assumes as customer, "Yes, what can I help you, Mister?"

The man beams, looking friendly as well, and only then, Junhoe realizes that this man wears the same outfit as Seungyoon.

"I'm Seunghoon, this club's promoter," and he chuckles when Junhoe's face turns a bit pale under the dimlight, "I heard you are the new bartender, so I just wanna greet you."

"Ahhh," Junhoe forms a small smile before bowing politely to him, "I'm Junhoe. Goo Junhoe. Nice to meet you, Seunghoon-shi," and he offers for a handshake in which Seunghoon gladly accepts, "Just be casual with me. Call me hyung or whatever, I'm fine with everything," and he takes the seat in front of Junhoe.

"What would you like to drink?" Junhoe asks after finished wiping the glasses.

"That whiskey looks sexy tonight," he jokes and Junhoe smiles, "Give me that."

"Okay," he quickly grabs the whiskey and pours into a glass, just like a good bartender, like how he learnt from his co-worker in the police office, in order to pretend as a bartender, for this particular task. 

"You are very good, for a beginner. I mean it, seriously," Seunghoon compliments him and Junhoe blurts out, feeling good instantly hearing that compliment, "I practiced this a lot before coming—" luckily he stops before leaking his real identity.

Junhoe hands the glass of whiskey to Seunghoon who smiles and dunks it down right away. Junhoe turns to look at Jiwon back and can't help staring when Jiwon has his arm over Donghyuk's shoulder while talking with them about some funny stuff, laughing till his eyes disappear and showing his bunny teeth, crooked smile, but that smile is contagious, so Junhoe is enchanted again.

Seunghoon turns to the direction of Junhoe's eyes and realizes that he is watching Jiwon, intently. He looks back at the glass and decides to snap Junhoe out of it before it gets too late.

"Junhoe," he lightly calls for the bartender and Junhoe immediately looks back at Seunghoon, "Yes?"

"I heard it, you are the new renter at Jinani's mansion. And also, Bobby's new roommate..."

Junhoe feels a sudden warning tone coming from the last sentence and he begins fearing a little of what is going to happen in the future.

"Yes, I am," he replies with his eyes looking at Seunghoon warily.

"There," Seunghoon points out at Jiwon and the others, "You must already know Donghyuk right? The one with them is Taehyun, our pretty host."

"Oh, he is a host?" Junhoe asks, more to himself before looking back at Seunghoon when the other leans closer to him.

"Apart of everything, I just wanna say, you better not get too close with our Bobby," Seunghoon says, in a matter of fact, "It's dangerous."

Junhoe furrows his eyebrows, not really understanding the words dangerous; what is so dangerous with Bobby?

"I don't know about the future, but I'm worried about you. You are still new here, so I don't want you to get into trouble. I really really mean it."

Seeing the sincerity and how serious Seunghoon sounds, Junhoe nods as he gives a last look at Jiwon who headlocks Donghyuk playfully with stupid grin on his face, looking like the happiest guy ever in the whole world, but who knows what's hidden behind that bright smile.?

That thought gets Junhoe remembering the night when he first saw Bobby at the empty street, crying quietly in the corner.

Is he that dangerous? 

"He is like a flame, the blue flame, the hottest one," Seunghoon utters while staring at Bobby who is now drinking his orange juice with warm eyes as he watches over Donghyuk and the other one talking, "It's blinding. And you just can't be too close with him. Or you will be in pain."

Junhoe reluctantly smiles, "And I can only watch him from a distance, like this."

"Ah, he also smiles even when he's mad, so be careful, kid," Seunghoon says with a slight smile.

Before that smile falters when he notices someone familiar in a black suit with nicely-styled black hair walking into the club with a few bodyguards around him and everyone is bowing to him politely.

Junhoe somehow is triggered by the royal entrance from that person, so he blurts out, "Who's that?"

Seunghoon can't help snickering hearing the question, "The heck," he turns toward Junhoe in amusement, "You don't know who is he?"

"Is he...someone I have to know?" Junhoe doesn't want to sound rude, but he just really doesn't know.

"Junhoe, please don't kid around. You really don't know?" Seunghoon is still in disbelief, in awe.

Junhoe shakes his head before Seunghoon answering Junhoe's curiousity, "He is Song Minho, the owner of this club."

When Mino is nearing the bar, Junhoe finally recognizes him, shit.. Now I remember... He was the guy with Bobby that night when I first saw him... 

Seunghoon asks in a half-whisper, "You want to work here but you don't know our boss?" He slaps Junhoe's shoulder softly, "That's funny."

Junhoe scratches his head, feeling embarassed a bit, before sudden realization hits him when he looks at Mino who stops in front of Jiwon and the others.

Damn. Now I realize. This undercover job motive and target is Song Mino.

Bobby slowly stands when Mino stops right in front of him.

With a soft smile, he mutters, "Long time no—" but he is shut with Mino claiming his lips roughly, the hand forcedfully grabbed his neck and Mino presses their body together, ignoring the looks from other people there.

Including Junhoe.

At first, Bobby tries to resist, tries to push Mino away, but eventually, he just lets Mino kiss him hungrily there, just let Mino's hands wandering everywhere on his body, though he is still very shocked with Mino's sudden ambush to him.

When Mino pinches his nape, he naturally parts his lips to let the other invades his mouth, sucking his lips and everything, hungrily.

When Mino finally pulls away, Bobby pants heavily, catching his breath while Mino murmurs to his ear with his deep, low voice, "Come to my room, like fucking now."

And with that saying, Mino lets Bobby go and leaves the scene with the bodyguards still following him to the upstairs.

Bobby notices the glaring and judging looks from everyone in the club, but he ignores it all and decides to calm himself down first.

Donghyuk sighs heavily before asking full of concern, "Are you okay, hyung?"

Bobby fakes a smile, "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Meanwhile, Seunghoon sighs out of disappointment once Mino left, claiming, "That... Looks softer than usual."

Junhoe widens his eyes hearing it and starts wondering if that was soft, how is the usual one?

And his heart hurts. To see someone else on that lips. 

Seunghoon turns to Junhoe and grabs his drink, "Okay, then. I shall go now. Our boss is here, so I can't play truant anymore. Or I'm so gonna be dead meat."

After saying that, Seunghoon approaches Jiwon who dunks down the remaining of his orange juice, "Jiwon, you should go now. I don't think he would love to wait."

Bobby nods understandingly and forces out a smile at him before Donghyuk asks, "Where are you going, hyung? To Mino?"

"Yes, Dong," he flashes a smile to assure his cousin, "It has been 2 weeks since we last met, that's why..." and Donghyuk drags Bobby back onto the couch, "Hyung, please don't go. It's enough already. We all know what is gonna happen when you go to that man."

Bobby stands and lets go of Donghyuk's hand, ignoring his plead, "Dong, you can go home first tonight. Don't wait for me. Okay?"

"Jiwon hyung..." Donghyuk makes a puppy face and Bobby pats his head, "Go home with Yunhyeong. He will come to pick you up later," he looks up and notices Junhoe at the bar, his eyes immediately looking down once he realizes Jiwon is looking at him, "And don't forget Junhoe. Bring him home with you guys."

"Look who's talking," Taehyun chuckles, "Seems like you are not going home tonight. Might as well sleeping here, fucking with that guy."

Donghyuk glares at Taehyun before Bobby smiles bitterly and leaves with Seunghoon to the upstairs.

While walking upstairs, Bobby suddenly stops to look at Junhoe, "Seems like he is just doing fine on his own."

"He is," Seunghoon replies and drags Bobby away quickly, not letting the other looking at Junhoe too long, afraid of the consequences.

"I see you talking with him before," Bobby says, "What the hell did you guys talk about?"

"About you," and Jiwon stops, feeling anxious for some reasons, so Seunghoon fakes a laugh, "Just kid. I just told him about the working environment and what he should know working here."

Bobby continues his steps to Mino's private room and when he is about to pull the doorknob, he turns to Seunghoon to whisper, "Take care of Junhoe. If he knows that Junhoe is my new roommate, that kid is dead meat. And I don't want that."

"I'm fully aware of that, princess. So now, go in," Seunghoon pulls the doorknob for Bobby.

As Bobby gets into the room, he is welcomed by Mino in bath robe, relaxingly lying on the king-sized bed while reading a magazine.

"I'm here, hyung," he says, sounding timid for some reasons.

"Strip yourself," Mino firmly orders, his eyes diverting to Bobby after throwing away the magazine.

Bobby knows Mino is staring at him intently, like a predator observing its prey, and he also knows, Mino is just waiting for the time to attack him.

He removes the clothes covering his body until there's nothing and slowly walks toward Mino.

"You know it's been 2 weeks," Mino murmurs while eyeing Bobby's hips and throbbing dick, "I'm gone for 2 weeks, Kim Jiwon."

After saying that, he roughly grabs Bobby to pin him against the bed and leans into his neck, whispering, "During the two weeks I'm gone, I realize that I have a lot of whores, but no one," he kisses his neck, licking the sensitive spot behind Bobby's ear to get him moaning softly, "No one ever make me feel damn good like you."

Bobby can feel Mino's throbbing dick pressing against him and that's when Mino orders him again, "Turn your body around, baby."

Junhoe sighs sadly when he is left alone again at the bar. As soon as Jiwon and Seunghoon disappear from his eyesight, two ladies stops by the bar while chatting. Obviously about Bobby.

"Did you see what happened just now? That's Bobby, the one who is called shameless cat."

"Shameless cat? But why?"

Junhoe furrows his eyebrows while listening to their conversation.

"He is the owner of this club, Mino's fucktoy. You just see how they just kissed in public before. I guess they are fucking right now, somewhere we don't know."

"Ahh, I remember I used to hear that he is Mino's public toilet and a masochist even!"

Junhoe widens his eyes in shock hearing those words about Jiwon, what kind of a person are you, Kim Jiwon? Why are they talking like this about you?

When Junhoe is changing his clothes in the dressing room, Seungyoon comes to him to say, "Big Boss wants to see you in his room."

"Big Boss?" Junhoe creases his eyebrows, is it Song Mino?

"Yeah." Is Seungyoon's short answer before leaving Junhoe to change.

After finished dressing, Junhoe comes out and goes upstairs where it shows the up arrow for private room and looks around, feeling nervous at the thought of meeting the person he is supposed to be after.

However, when he arrives the room, he unwantedly hears soft moans and grunts and everything that's making him horny, but he knows he is in danger when he realizes it might be Bobby and Mino fucking inside.

Of course they are, he sighs. Why does he sound so inviting? Fuck.

He is hesitating whether to press the doorbell or not but Seungyoon said the boss wanted to see him. what the fuck is this, did they want me to get into trouble on my first day?!

After noticing that it gets quiet sometime later, he finally rings the doorbell and not long after that, the door slides open, revealing Bobby in a bathrobe, his hair messy but still looking so good, his face looks so shiny and bright, brighter than ever, but once he found out that it is Junhoe in front of him, he looks flustered. As fuck.

"J-Junhoe?" He looks so shocked and Junhoe wonders if this can get any more awkward?

"I... I was told to meet Big Boss here," he says.

"Oh," he is at loss, not expecting Junhoe to see him in this kind of condition, to leave such nice impression on the younger's first ever night in the mansion.

"Who is it, Jiwon-ah?" Mino emerges out of nowhere, only in a boxer, showing off his well-built body.

"He said he was told to meet you here—" and that's when Mino protectively snakes his arm around Bobby's waist, tightly before looking at Junhoe, scrutinizing him up and down, "The new bartender?"

Junhoe nods and Mino smirks, "Nice to meet you. I'm Mino, this nightclub's owner."

"I heard about it," Junhoe utters with a mild smile, not really liking the fact that Bobby is in another person's arm, and damn it's not good he looks so uncomfortable.

"This is Bobby," Mino points his eyes at Bobby who smiles awkwardly at Junhoe before Mino leans toward Junhoe to murmur, "My.Property."

Mino smiles wickedly as he backs away, "That's all. I just wanna see the new bartender's face. You can go home now."

Junhoe bows at him before advancing to leave the place and he hears the door slammed so loud and locked. And he doesn't has to guess what happen in there.

He hates it.

That afternoon, Junhoe prepares to go out and meet with one of the detectives at the nearby cafe. While spraying perfume, he glances at the empty top bed and sighs that he was sleeping alone on the first night in that mansion.

As he opens the gate of the mansion, he is startled with the appearance of Jiwon in oversized hoodie sweater and black leather pants, different outfit from last night, but his eyes look dim, and heavy.

Still, he has that contagious smile on his face.

"Thank God you opened the gate. I didn't find the keys and I thought I'm gonna die here under that blazing Sun~" he says cheerfully before entering the mansion but stops when Junhoe calls him.

"W-where are you...from?" He knows he already met Bobby last night in that room, but he still wants to ask.

Bobby smiles before turning around, "Work."

"Night shift?" 

Bobby snorts at himself and answers, "Well, you can say it like that. Sort of."

"I...see..." He ends the conversation awkwardly before Jiwon asks him then, "And you... Where are you going?"

"Meet up with some friends."

"Ahhh, yeah, then, have fun meeting your friends," Bobby says with a wide smile and is about to go to his room, before he turns around and grabs Junhoe's hand, "Oh, wait..."


Junhoe hates that his heartbeat is thumping so fast when he feels Jiwon's hand holding him tight and the fact that they are locking their eyes together is no better.

"You have such nice, pretty eyes," the words slip out of Jiwon's mouth without him realizing.

"What?" He hears it but he just wants to hear it again. He loves compliment after all.

Bobby shrugs, somewhat relieved if Junhoe doesn't hear it, "You must have heard all kinds of stuff from people about me, haven't you?" 

Junhoe looks at Bobby and blurts out, "Shameless cat?"

Bobby laughs with the revealation, "There's more, right? It's fine, tell me, I won't get mad at my handsome roommate~"

"Mino's fucktoy?"

Bobby smiles, in awe with Junhoe's direct answer, but he unknowingly wants more. More of this straightforwardness.

"Then? Is that it?" He looks unbothered at all, Junhoe is the one feeling troubled.

"Mino's public toilet. Masochist."

This time, Bobby turns quiet. He only forms an expressionless smile, as he speaks, "And?"

"You smile even when you are mad."

He chuckles, but actually, it is a sad laugh, "Aish, these people... Why can't they ever compliment me instead of throwing insults at me?"

He looks at Junhoe and pats his shoulder, "It must be nice to hear them saying I'm handsome or whatever. Just...anything good," attempting to enter the mansion again before Junhoe says, "You are beautiful."

Hearing that, Bobby laughs even louder.

"That's fresh. I have never heard that before."

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

"But I really think you are beautiful," he said, more to himself since Jiwon is already disappearing into the entrance.

Author's Note:

If you ask me the reason I make Bobby as the cat, blame Kim fucking Hanbin. :P

Remember when he used to call Jiwon neko which is a cat in Japanese. 

Apart of that, hope you guys have fun reading this fic. Credit to the mangaka who created such a masterpiece because I really love all the words and quotes in the manga. <3

Next chapter