
First love, Last love

FIRST LOVE ISN'T ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AND ALSO ONE CAN NEVER FORGET IT. THE FIRST ONE TO FALL IN LOVE ALWAYS LOSES. "We are together. Noah and I are dating for a week." Samaria said holding his hands. That person whom Cecil had been crushing since he first saw him, his friend Noah. Ah, as his good friend what should Cecil say. He should be happy, right. "Congratulations." This is my first book here and I don't have any editors for my book so, there may be grammatical errors. Your comments and feedback will be appreciated. Published date: 10 September 2020

Winter_Elyshaa · Real
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The second day was also over. All of the students were at the school gate waiting for their friends to return home. Cecil was standing with Katherine and Samaira waiting for Cain. Then he saw Noah walking towards his direction. Was Noah coming towards him? His heart was not ready, okay!! Cain still had not arrived. Cecil was already starting to feel awkward and shy. Why was it always in front of Noah he lost his composure? He was feeling like his heart was going to come out of his chest.

Cecil was dazing off when Noah came in front of him and patted on his shoulder. Noah could see Cecil's body becoming stiff. He smiled and said, "See you tomorrow, Cecil."

Before Cecil could speak, Katherine shouted, "See you tomorrow too, Noah."

Noah's smile faded away but still he said, "See you guys tomorrow." Then he rode away on his bicycle.

After that Cecil stared dangerously at Katherine gritting his teeth.

"What? Don't stare at me like you want to eat me." Katherine said smirking.

"Why did you reply to him? He was only talking to me."

"So?? You were dazing off so, I replied. Remember, we are rivals too. I have to grab every chance too." Katherine said showing a wide smile.

Cecil humphed and looked away from Katherine. He saw Cain coming and said, "Cain is here. Let's go Samaira."

"See you tomorrow, Katherine."

It was already 10 pm when Cecil completed all his works and laid on his bed to sleep. He still couldn't believe he was going to sit with Noah for the whole year. Noah also became vice-representative for his sake. Did Noah also like him? Did he actually have a chance? No, he shouldn't delude himself. But what's wrong with imagining. Cecil was still immersed in the joy of falling in love. He wanted the next day to come as fast as possible. He wished the school would always be opened so that he could always be with Noah.


Days after days, months after months were passing by and Cecil and Noah were getting closer. They were like best friends in front of everyone but only Samaira and Katherine knew that Cecil was actually in love with Noah. They were still not sure about Noah. They did their class duties together. Cecil was ahead of Katherine with millions of steps. But Cecil still dared not to say his feelings in fear of losing friendship too.

These past few months, Cecil had searched everything about LGBTQ community. After researching, he knew the problems faced by homosexuals and gay couples. The situation when they were rejected by the family, friends and society. The situation when they were made fun of and were cursed for being homosexual. Cecil really felt afraid at first and thought his first love was doomed to fail. He also saw some positive stuffs of homosexuals enjoying their life without thinking any criticization of the society. They didn't care what everyone thought about them and dated openly. But coming out was still the top problem. Cecil though how his mother would react. Will she be disappointed on him?

But those all were later matters. What about Noah? Will he accept him if he came out and confessed his feelings? Those questions were torturing his mind. He had already seen indifference of the relatives and peoples when they were a child and now he was going in a different path from others too.

Still Cecil had already made up his mind to suffer any hardship if he got together with Noah. So, he had always thought about his future seriously as it was going to be difficult. Cecil really loved Noah. He was already sure in his both heart and mind. He could still feel how he felt when Noah had first touched him. He felt like he was electrocuted by 440V of current. What was that feeling? His heart was beating loudly. It was the thrill of being in love.

These few months seeing their closeness and intimacy, some of the students had started to doubt about their relationship. Don't talk about others, even Cecil himself was amazed with their closeness. They shared the same water bottle, Noah hugged him at any chance he got and finally they were always stuck together. Cecil was really happy but what about Noah? Even Katherine felt she had already lost to Cecil. Some girls were even shipping them while some girls who liked Noah called it pure bromance.

Cecil didn't care what his classmates and other students thought. He was already satisfied with the fact that he was the closest person to Noah. None knew about Noah more than him. When he looked closely at Noah, he realized his eyes weren't green. It actually sea green. Noah also had a small brother named Nash Kelly who was studying in grade 5 at the same school. Noah loved talking about video games and movies. When he was in deep thought, his eyebrows would twitch. He loved reading fashion magazines and liked being up to date in fashion. He hated carrots and tomatoes. He also hated doing his home assignments. Everyday Noah would come early to the school just to copy Cecil's homework.

Being a person in love with Noah, Cecil would always come to school earlier than his regular time. He also had bought a water bottle enough for both him and Noah. He would help Noah in his assignments, He had even reduced his time with Katherine and Samaira just to be with Noah little bit more. That was the joy of being in unrequited love. You can only give without expecting anything in return but you would still be happy giving them whatever they wanted. Seeing their smile was worth anything.

Katherine had never thought Cecil was that serious about Noah. She had thought it would fade away after some time but Cecil's feelings for Noah was getting stronger day by day. Katherine was also worried about what would happen to Cecil if he got rejected. First love wasn't always successful. But looking at Noah, she sometimes felt Noah also liked Cecil. Noah wasn't close to his other friends like with Cecil. Whenever she looked at Noah, she could see Noah staring intensely at Cecil. She didn't know if she was overthinking or was it actually true. What to do, ah? Should she cheer Cecil and boost his confidence? Should she tell Cecil her thoughts? Being best friend and rival was not easy at all!!!