
Final Boss

Walking into an infinite maze of dungeons was more exciting for him rather than getting depressed. A young boy died in an accident and found himself somewhere in a cave but not as a human. Suddenly, he saw a floating screen in front of him and it said he have to clear this dungeon to stay alive. So he ate everything around him and levelled up to kill the main boss of the dungeon. N: the cover is not mine. I will change it of someone have any prob...

Matsuba_Kuroe · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

The Importance Of Money

In the evening, the two of them applied for the adventurer academy to participate in the same class as the heroes. Even though Stevan was kicked out and stripped from his title, he has a strong connection with the imperial family in secret. He was still in a position to control the people living inside there.

So, he prepared two fake identities as his hidden children of another wife. Because children from a branch family don't have the authority to become heirs of the family, they only receive a high noble title.

"So, we are your new children now?" Kairos asked him while he was gobbling his food down in a restaurant.

"Yes, because you look so young and this was the only way to give you proper identification."

"I see. Anyway, it looks like you ran out of money for preparing all of these for us."

"Yes, making you my adopted kids cost me three million kijo." [1 kijo - 1 dollar. They use note money made with gold paper instead of gold coins.]

"That must be really expensive. Take this. I found it on the street.", Kairos took an odd-looking stone out of his inventory and gave it to him. He was genuinely shocked to see the pure black mana stone on the table. So he quickly hid it inside his jacket and said, "Are you crazy? Do you even know what you are carrying?"


"It's called Black Orb. The most expensive material in this world. One figram is about 30k Kijo."

"Figram? What is that?"

"You don't know what Kilogram, jilogram, figram are?"

    F…* Someone just kill me. The names in this dimension are going to kill me with cringe attacks. Ugh!!! At least the kg is still kg here. 

"Yes, I understand. But whoever named those things is going to be murdered by my hands."

"Sorry what? Is there something wrong with the name?" 

"Of course there is. Figram is called mg in our world. Those names are so confusing. Anyway, forget it. Can you sell that and make some money? I will need some money in my bank account."

In this advanced world, walking with zero cash in your pocket is really frustrating. And I will need a lot of things to prepare before going to school.

"Yes, I can sell this in the black market."

"Do whatever you want. Just get the money ready."

I have to trust him for now, because he is doing his best to support us. His intention isn't bad. He's not calling any backups, he is extra careful while using transports and he moved his wife and children out of the country for their safety. He's playing in safe mode.

Hah… is it just me who's feeling uncomfortable in this advanced era? I mean, I like civilization, but not to this degree where building floats casually and humans have robotic arms working like real ones.

I wonder if there's any potion that helps people gain immortal life…

In the next few days, Kairos spent his time with Irosa in his snake form when nobody was around. All he did was watch tv, eat, sleep and cuddle the soft fluffy fur of Irosa with his tail. Well, it was she who wanted and enjoyed the cuddle so much. Kairos didn't have any choice but to do so…

   I am super bored right now.

Yesterday, I saw a show on the tv about adventurers and saw a person called a magician. He didn't have a strong body build-up, but his magic attacks were so powerful. I have always used my skills but I've never come across any magic, nor did I gain any.

Then, I searched for magic on migole and found the introduction to magic. I was so surprised at first but then I understood the meaning of it.

Magic is a supernatural power that helps a person cast various types of magic attacks by enchanting spells. And to cast a spell, a person needs to have mana inside his body.

When mana is triggered by the enchants, it creates a magic circle and materializes objects such as stone, water, ice, wind and fire. 

The more complicated the spell and powerful the spell is, the more mana it costs.

I tried to make a small flame on my finger by saying fire, but it reached the ceiling and triggered the fire alarm. It was a disaster…

No more magic spell experiments inside the room. Or we might get kicked out next time.

"Owner, I can smell Stevan. He is coming back."

"Oh? That soon?"

    He left to sell the stone this morning and came back in just 3 hours? Did something happen?

Stevan went inside the room with a small bag and threw it towards Kairos who was busy changing the tv channels. "Those are for you. I bought two phones because I'm not always around you and I made more than 40 million kijo. So, I'm giving you 2 million for now on. Ask me when you need more." He took off his jacket and took a seat on the couch to rest. "Since you guys already know how to use my phone, those phones won't be a problem. So order some food. I'm hungry." And he quickly fell asleep.

"Lazy punk…"

   Anyways, let's check what kind of phone he brought for us. Maybe something cool? Or old-fashioned? 

Kairos looked at him and saw his disgusting face shoring like a pig. "Tsk,,, I can believe that guy. He pisses me off."

But what he saw was really interesting. The device he bought wasn't something big, or something that looked like a regular phone people always carried back in 2025. 

The device was made of thin glass with no camera. It was nearly transparent. But he noticed the small nano-batteries on its side.

"Now I won't feel bored anymore. At least I can play games now."

But, Irosa has to learn a lot. She's not from an era of technology and she barely remembers her past life. So I need to check her progress daily to make her flawless for attaining the school. Or else she will just kill everyone in the class if someone annoys her.

This will be a challenging test for me…

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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