
Fighter Not a Lover

Nelly, an aspiring businesswoman, facing the turmoil of her family to become a boxer, strives to be the best in the world of men. But what happens when she meets Adrian, will he throw her off her game or not?

DaoistsxcdSL · Adolescente
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2 Chs

I'm Such a Weirdo   

The smell of fresh blood was in the air as I entered the boxing center. "Yeah, get him", "Give him a chain lock", "Kick his ass" were the words I heard from the people when I entered the boxing area, 'It looks like a match is going on here' I thought to myself. The closer I got to the wrestling ring, the louder their cheering became "Adrian! Adrian! Adrian!". "Nelly! Nelly!" I heard my name being called, I turn around and see my trainer calling out to me "Oh Alex, it's you" I say "Yeah, were you expecting someone else" He says "No I was just startled, that's all", "Okay, let's get started" "By the way who is that boxer over there" I asked "That's Adrian" He replies "WOW! That boxer Adrian is really good" "I know right he's been boxing here since he was a kid. His father was a boxing legend so i guess you can say he took after his dad" he pauses "or maybe it's because his father is his trainer" Alex says feigning shock and laughs at his own dry joke, I roll my eyes at him and walk towards the punching bag to get started. After the next 20 minutes i notice the chanting has died down and the people around the boxing ring slowly start to leave 'Hmmm, it looks like the fight is over' I think to myself "Hey Adrian, let's take a break" "Okay take 5" He says. I take a sip of water out of my water bottle and walk towards the ring, I see Adrian sitting on the bench next to the wall "Adrian, here have some water" I hear the man who is standing next to him say 'That must be his trainer' "Thanks dad" He replies 'So Alex wasn't lying, his trainer is actually his father'. After Adrian drinks the water he notices me standing there, 'Shoot! Why the hell am I even here moping at him? ARRRG I'm such a weirdo, would he notice me if I turned around now and walked away? Maybe but I need to escape this horrifying situation' I mentally scream at myself, he raises his eyebrow at me and opens his mouth to speak but thankfully Alex beats him to it "Nelly, you're break is over, come here we only have less than 30 minutes to finish up", I immediately turn around and walk towards Alex as fast as I can, I've never been so happy in my life to hear Alex's voice "Come here let's fight now they are done with the match" he say and starts walking towards Adrian's direction 'No no no, this can't be happening, this is so embarrassing'. Alex gets into the ring, readies himself and haulers at me again "Nelly, come we don't have all day here" I turn around and purposefully take my time walking to him "Stop counting your steps and pick up the pace" he shouts again, I take a deep breath and walk faster to the ring purposely not looking at Adrian, I climb into the ring and also ready myself preparing for the fight. Alex gets right into it, he attacks me ferociously and at the same time he's defending effortlessly 'Damn he is using the offensive defense tactic which is almost impossible to beat. Hmmm, I just need to find his weak spot', as we keep fighting I notice that Alex isn't that good at protecting the left side of his abdomen, I mentally smirk because I think that I might have just found Alex's weak spot, I wait for the perfect opportunity to strike him at his side. Finally I see an opening then I hit him, I keep hitting him until he tries to block me but I take the chance and hit his right abdomen hard which sends him falling to the ground "Yay, I won" I say while smiling. Clap Clap Clap, I turn around to find some people clapping and smiling at me but unfortunately he wasn't there, I force a smile at the people standing around the ring and help Alex stand up "You did good, no one has ever beat me before" He says "Well there's a first time for everything" I say smirking proudly "Mm, why don't you reconsider going into professional boxing? "Alex says "Alex, I've already told you why before, I like boxing but I don't want to go into it professionally" I reply "I still don't get you, your older sister is a professional footballer, your younger brother is a professional archer and you... you say you want to stand out but they are your family there is no standing out in a family of sports personnel, you can either follow them and reign in your own glory or be a disappointment" He says "Wow! thanks for the words of encouragement, you've been very helpful by indirectly calling me a disappointment" I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes "I'm not calling you a disappointment, I'm just saying that you are a really good boxer and you can..." "Thanks a lot Alex but I've already made up my mind" I cut him short, pick up my water bottle and walk out of the boxing center. I return home to take shower when my phone rings 'Ugh, it is dad' "Hello Dad" "Mm, my nelly how are you doing?" He asks "I'm good and you?" "I'm fine" He pauses for a while "So I heard that you beat Alex in a match today, is that true?" "Yeah dad" "That's good, it took me 6 months to find his weak spot and knock him down but for you it was 3 months, you have a real gift for boxing maybe you should reconsider about going into…" "No dad" I cut him short "I've already told you that I do not want to go into boxing" I say firmly "What is your problem?" He shouts, he takes a deep breath to stabilize himself "You have a great gift and you don't want to put it to use" I stay silent "Nelly as much as I like your idea of wanting to make a name for yourself and all, I also want you to be successful and happy and I think you being a boxer will give you that" I still remain silent "How about you come back home for the weekend and we will talk thing through?" "I'm sorry but I can't, my company's first launch is tomorrow" I say "Maybe next week then?" He asks hopefully "I'm sorry but I'm really busy. Dad I got to go I'll to you later. Bye" "Bye Nell".