
Fighter Not a Lover

Nelly, an aspiring businesswoman, facing the turmoil of her family to become a boxer, strives to be the best in the world of men. But what happens when she meets Adrian, will he throw her off her game or not?

DaoistsxcdSL · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Launch Day

"The boss is here" "He's coming upstairs" said Kendra, one of the workers in the company, trying to notify the other workers that Mr. Nicholas- the boss was approaching the building. Panic and tension were the only feelings felt by every worker today most especially me. Click Click, the sound coming from his shoes as he walked towards the company's front door, "The boss looks extra scary today" I say to Kendra "Of course, today is our launch day we can't afford to make any mistakes" "Arrgh, the tension is literally suffocating me" were the whispers of some of the workers as Mr. Nicholas walked passed us and straight to his office.


I appear calm as I walk through the hallway to get to my office paying no attention to the whispering of my workers until I hear the voice of one of my interns "The boss looks extra scary today", I pause a little before gaining my composure and walking to my office. 'What is happening to me? Why did I tense up when she said I look scary? No, I need to focus today is the company's launch' I take a deep breath to stabilize myself before I call my secretary on the phone, Beep "Bella, come to my office now". Few minutes later, Bella walks in with her head bowed down, I scrutinize her with my gaze waiting for her to explain herself "I'm sorry Sir, I was getting the meeting room ready" she explains "Tell the head of each department to go to the meeting room, with all of the student interns, we have less than 2 hours for the launch to start" "Yes Sir" she says as she scurries out of the office "I just hope everything would go well today" I say to myself. I stand up and walk to the meeting room unconsciously looking around for Nelly, I push the meeting doors open and take my seat at the head of the table when my eyes collides with hers, it takes me a second to adjust myself and clear my throat "Good day everyone" I say "Good day Sir" "We all know what today is, we cannot have any mistakes today so I need all of you to do you best" I pause "Nelly and Edmond, you two are the best student interns here so you will accompany Bella and I to welcome and talk to the media" "Yes Sir" we replied in unison "Charles, I need you to keep the workers in order when the media personnel are here" "Okay sir". After some minutes of assigning the duties to each department head, the meeting ends and I leave the room to address the rest of the workers. "Listen up everyone" I say to all the workers "I do not want anybody slacking off, the result of the launch today will determine the future of this company" I pause to take a breath "Each and everyone of you knows about what will happen if we get a bad review today so therefore I want you to put in your very best". "Let's go" I say to Bella, Nelly, Edmond and some heads of Department, we walk to the main entrance to open the company doors for the media to come in.


"Good day everyone, it is a pleasure to have you here for the launch of our company- Red Dynasty Cooperation" He says with a smile 'This is the first time I've seen him smile' I think to myself 'He kind of looks cute. NO, what am I thinking, he's definitely off limits' I say to myself in finalization. "Please follow me inside" He says as he leads them inside "Here we have our student-intern department where the only the brightest of students are trained, for example: Nelly over here" He gestures to me "She is an 18 years old student-intern from the College of Alcademia and she is one of the best student-interns we have here along with her colleague Edmond who is a 19 years student-intern from the same school" He says with so much pride. The tour around the company went on smooth and fast until it was time for questions and answer, "Mr. Nicholas, do you have any plans of merging you company and your father's company?" asked by one of the reporters "I want my company to stand firm on its own without any external reliance. Thank you" He replies "Mr. Nicholas, do you have any plans of extending your company?" "Yes I will be expanding very soon" He answers "Sir, remember you have a meeting scheduled by six o'clock today" whispers Bella to him and he nods "Thank you all for coming to witness our launch" He says to the media "We hope to see you all very soon" He says as he turns around and walks out. As we walked back to the major office area, we hear the clapping and the cheering of the workers "Yeah" "Whoo", he smiles as he walks in "Good job everyone" He applauds "I'm really proud of how you all carried yourself today, Bella, give them all a raise" He says "Thank you boss" we chorused while clapping, he smiles briefly before he walks away.