

Minutes later I arrived at the last cave. I felt the ground shake as I saw a huge figure exiting the cave. The temperature raised as trees nearby suddenly combusted in flames.

A huge scaly dragon wrapped in flames appeared in my sight. As I heard an ancient voice.

"Speak young Rage God how is it you possess one of my 12 sons aura?"

I looked in shock as cold sweat covered me.

"I'm Atlas's first trained dragon slayer he even gave me part of his soul to make me more compatible with the magic."

I said honestly as he might sense if I lied.

"Haha THE SECOND RAGE GOD HAS MY DECENDANT ELEMENTAL SOULS HAHAHAHA! Anyway, I don't know this dragon slayer but how is he and who succeeded my throne I felt Igneel was best suited but Atlas could have if only he was pure blooded."

He looked at me with feverous eyes.

I sighed as I spoke in a sad tone.

"The the reign of the dragons has come to an end a long time ago you and quite possibly me are probably the last dragons still alive."

The ground melted as the flames grew stronger.

"How about father? The 5 dragon gods? Did they do anything to stop this madness?"

"Unfortunately no they didn't make an appearance."

"So all is gone then....."

Suddenly he looked at me with hope.

"You could continue my legacy. I Degon son of the Fire God Dragon Drago imparts to you 100 percent of my elemental soul. Let my Flames of Destruction burn within you and the glory of the fire dragon clan shine in you!"

As he said those words streams of white flames came rushing towards me burning my body as I canceled my condense form turning me into a 47 feet long giant surrounded by white flame.


I screamed in pain as my soul burning pain assaulted me as I felt I was losing control over my body. Suddenly I felt my entire body burning not just my soul.

Suddenly my world change as I saw a burning world that looked like the biblical version of hell but in the middle a giant throne where a giant with 5 Nordic runes each embedded on his black horns was staring at me with a smile.


I ground in pain as I came back to reality.

Black flames started to surround me consuming the white flames as 2 devilish black horns with 3 runes grew on my head. And my eyes turned midnight black. I instantly grew to a hundred feet long.

"What are this flames it rivals Fathers. IMPOSSIBLE! STOP! STOP! Don't consume me I DIDNT MEANT to take over your body at all. STOP PLEASE! Stop! stop! sto..."

I fell on the ground as my entire body felt unfamiliar. I tried to stand up but I ended up falling in the ground destroying a large part of the soil.

I looked at the surface of the moon that is barely visible. I can clearly see its rough surface.

"Fuck it feels weird!"

I thought about condensing as I realized that I started to shrink normally I had to put mana on the mark that Sartr's soul fragment gave me.

I stood up and thought about what just happened.

"The Degon must have thought he could take over my body, in the end, it only awakened my latent Fire giant gene. I don't know should I thank him or curse him, anyway I must learn to control this power."

After adjusting to my normal hight I stood up.

"What was that vision? Surtr? This horn feels weird."

Suddenly I felt the existence of runes on my horns as if it was a muscle I can control. I try contracting them one at a time.

Suddenly my horns disappeared as I felt I could control my looks size and form.

"So the "blessings" of that soul fragment of Surtr is just a ran down version of this rune."

I tried the second one but it doesn't work.


I activated the first one again as my horns appeared.


Instantly a spear made of black flame appeared in my hands.

"According to mythology Surtr had flaming sword why do I have a spear?

Ok, what's the last one."

As I activate the last one I instantly felt my body was lighter as black flames appeared surrounding me.

"A strength boost and flames. There must be a connection between brute strength and the amount of flames I can control."

I sensed my elemental soul as I saw the flames that used to be red now has turned to alternating from white to black. I saw that the adamantite shard was still there but it had turned to black.

I try to feel more of my elemental soul as I realized black and white scales started to appear on my body turning me into a giant dragon with three black horns and black eyes. My large scaley wings covered the heavens.

"Fuck I look terrifying!"

I reached out to my elemental soul as to go back to my giant form.

I walked towards the lifeless body of Degon. I activated my second rune as a flaming spear appeared in my hands.

I walked towards the head as I split the head open with my spear. I grabbed the last crystal on its brain.

It burrowed under my fingertips and reached my chest and completed the last rune.

"It's finally finished!"

I heard a loud crackling sound as I saw the barrier that surrounded the island breaking.

"I'm finally free!"

The island was shaking as it slowly started to submerge into the ocean.

"Oh Fuck I forgot about little Jörmungandr!"

Have a nice week brothers

MoonSwallowing_Dogcreators' thoughts