

I looked towards the cave as I wondered what kind of treasures must have been stored inside.

I walked towards the cave as I made a small fire in my fingertips to light the cave.

Immediately I saw in the middle of the cave, black egg no bigger than an ostrich egg.

I walked towards it and I notice there was a sealing inscription surrounding it.

I chanted in my head.'Hell flame ignite'

A small red flame appeared in my fingertips as I try to burn the inscription with the flame.

This is one of the special properties of hell flame it burns magic.

After burning parts of the inscription, the whole magic circle collapsed.

Suddenly the egg started to shake as cracks began to appear in the surface. I shined a light in the back of the egg as to see the outline of the creature.

Before I could even look the egg broke apart as a small black snake came slithering out, my first thought was to kill it but I stopped as it looked at me.

I leave it alone as I left the cave.

After walking for a while I noticed that it was still following me.

I took hold of the snake as I looked at it closely.

"The Boa must have been pregnant when it was captured. It must have sealed its child as to wait until it was free and hatch it. You know what I'll keep you Ill name you Jörmungandr after the world serpent."

I looked at closely as I spoke in a mischievous tone.

"Your mother could speak why can't you?"

It looked at me as it couldn't understand what I was saying. I gave up on talking to it so I left and wrapped it around my neck like a scarf.

I walked towards the giant snake's corpse as I took a piece of snakeskin to cover my exposed dragon.

I looked at the little Jörmungandr as I pointed at the corpse signaling it to eat. It looked at me with innocent eyes as I grabbed some of the flesh and fed it to him.

"You lazy snake."

He bit some of it as it swallowed the entire handful of his mother's flesh.

Now it looked odd as a snake no thicker than a child's arm has a small bump on its stomach.

I walked towards my small hut near the shore as I came across a few beasts in my way which quickly became breakfast in my journey.

I looked towards the shore as a feeling of loneliness that has accompanied me this year's sets in. I grabbed Jörmungandr and placed him on the bedside.

I rest my exhausted body on the hide bed as I fell asleep.



"What the fuck!"

Saltwater rushed in my throat as I woke up.

I looked at my small hut as half of it was already under water. I saw little Jörmungandr wrapped around the tree near the hut looking at me.

I Walked outside of the hut and using 'ignite' to dry my self instantly.

The sand beneath me flew up as I jumped with all my strength up.

Immediately I rocketed upwards.

As I was 80 meters in the air I realized that the water levels are rising to unnatural levels as some trees are already submerged in water.

"Fuck defeating the first trial must have set a chain reaction. I can't die just yet I'm gonna have to challenge the other two before the island sinks down the ocean."


I landed on the ground and grabbed little Jörmungandr.

I quickly ran towards one of the danger zones.

I quickly arrived at the second cave as I put little Jörmungandr on a tree nearby.

I looked at the cave as I canceled my condense form turning me into a 47 feet long giant.

"End my torment young Rage God!"

A giant wolf the size of a bus came rushing out with great speed.


I called it spear of retribution but it's really just an adamantite spear with a combustion spell carved in the spearhead.

I giant spear appeared in my hand as I threw it towards the giant wolf with all my might.

"Is that all you got?"

The giant wolf snickered as it meets the giant spearhead on.


Explosion proceeded after they met but in the fire I sew the giant wolf charging at me unhindered, by my spear at all.

"Let's see you have a taste of this. Armaments! Chain net!"

A chain net appeared in my hands as I threw it towards the giant wolf. But he quickly dodged to the left but was left shocked as I had another chain where he was dodging towards.


He fell in the ground as he struggles to break the chain and I immediately felt my mana draining as he tried to break my chains.

"Insidious human!"


As he was incapacitated in the ground I chanted in my head."ARMAMENTS! TYRANT SPEAR!"


A loud crackling sound could be heard as giant silver spear 1 km long appeared on top of the giant wolf.


The explosion shook the island itself as the beast in the island roared in fear.

I quickly canceled the spell as making an object that size appear even a millisecond consumed 30℅ of my mana.

I condensed my giant form as I approached the crater where the wolf used to be.

The dust settled as a giant wolf with its head smashed apart laying there. I quickly looked around in the brain matter to find the crystal.

A few minutes of searching I found it as I felt it immediately burrowed in my skin.

It arrived at the black magic circle as it fields some the missing runes.

As I looked towards my almost complete magic circle with satisfaction.

"There's no time for rest I've got to defeat the last one so I can leave this damnable place."

I didn't even bother to cover my self up as I dashed towards the last cave.

Bonus chapter coming up

MoonSwallowing_Dogcreators' thoughts