
Fated To The Billionaire Prince

"To onlookers I was a perfect girl, so full of life and worth emulating. But deep down I was broken. I needed fixing but each time I would try to fix myself, I fall in too deep. Everything I ever valued in my life kept disappointing me. The men I loved had turned out to be animals. Beer failed me cause I only managed to be drunk for some hours and the next day I would be sober and still face my mess. Most of my friends are wolves in sheep clothing and I would cry myself to sleep hoping to find peace from this depression. I tried to find something that would make me feel complete, that will fill up my life and make me feel a sense of belonging. I was trapped in a closet that no one knew, drowning and no one seems to be helping me out. And just when I was about to give up, I met HIM. My Royal Prince Charming. My name is Katherine Williams, only daughter of divorced parents and this is my story.

DaoistygFAN0 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Chapter 11



I wake up to find Trevor sound asleep on my bed. I can't believe he asked me to finally be his girlfriend. I didn't know how much I anticipated that question until he asked last night and now here we are.

I pull the sheets off my body and make way to Elle's bowl to drop her feed inside.

I hear groaning sounds from behind me and turn to see that Trevor is awake. A wide smile crosses my face at that moment.

"Good morning" I greet.

He gets down from the bed and walks towards me then plants a long, deep kiss on my lips before staring at me lovingly.

"Now that's a proper way to say goodmorning"

"Good morning Trevor" I reply

I turn around to continue what I was doing when I felt him wrap his hands around my waist and rests his head on my shoulders.

"I could get used to this"

"I know right?" I turn to face him and he holds my waist pulling me close. His eyes never leaving mine for a second. I seize the opportunity to kiss him passionately, my tongue gliding in an out of his mouth as he reclined his face to deepen the kiss.

My insides are already feeling the intense heat from the passion that is taking place and in as much as I try to reel my emotions in and stop myself from this, I still feel myself giving in as the kiss turns hungry, sensual and wild.

Trevor reaches for the hem of my satin jacket covering my flimsy excuse of a nightgown and tugs it off. I am left in only my nightwear that is more like a second skin because it isn't covering much.

I become self conscious all of a sudden and try to cover myself with my hands but Trevor catches me just in the nick of time and holds it in place. His mouth never breaking the kiss.

"Don't get shy Katherine. It's just me" He whispers into my ears and I shudder. He kisses his way down to my shoulder. I gasp loudly as I feel the fireworks set off already in my body.

"Trevor" I call. My voice barely audible.

He takes that as his cue and captures my lips in another fiery kiss. I was burning in this cocoon that Trevor has lit up for us. It's been a while since anyone has taken time to worship my body like this. It's almost like he knows every single action to take and everywhere to touch.

His hands roams around my body and rests on my breasts which he squeezes lightly. I gasp as his other hand lifts up my nightwear and rests on the hem of my panties. All these while, his lips never leaving mine.

His other hands slowly works on my breasts till it reaches my nipple. I almost gave way but Trevor catches me on time and lifts me up, placing me on the desk in my bedroom.

He kisses every inch of my face and proceeds to my neck to administer the same pleasure that my lips has suffered.

He kisses his way down from my neck to my chest, blowing hot air on my breasts from the nightwear, I close eyes as it rolls to the back of my head.

He tugs at my nipple and I stifle a moan. He repeats the process, each stroke causing the butterflies in my stomach to erupt.

And when I feel his tongue on my breasts from the nightwear, I moan as the feeling washes over me.

God, what is he doing to me?

I had no time to feel self conscious as Trevor slips off the hands of my nightwear to expose my bare skin. My boobs pointing directly at him as if calling to him to continue whatever he was doing a while ago.

"You're so beautiful Katherine" he says as he strokes my areola with his fingers. His words sounds like music to my ears.

He pinches my breasts and I moan loudly. I never knew my body was capable of this type of pleasure and we haven't even done anything yet.

He takes my breasts into his mouth and suck in hard tugs.

"Tastes like honey from a nectar" he pauses before doing the same to the other.

I was already in cloud nine. I leaned in to give him more access.

I am already feeling wet down there as my toes curled in pleasure.

I pull his head closer, holding on for my dear life. Afraid to let go.

"Shit!"I exclaim when he other hands slides into my panties and begins to work on my clit. He inserts a finger as he begins to pump in and out of me. He mouth never leaving my breasts for a second.

I feel myself close to the edge. He continues the process until I am thrashing from beneath him. I came apart with a loud scream as I feel my first wave of orgasm flood through my panties.

He stares at my face as a huge grin crosses his face.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you look?" He compliments with a smile.

"You're saying it to me now lover boy" I tease and he laughs.

"You'll have to make do with this sweetheart, I won't force you to do anything until I'm certain that you're ready for it okay?" He asks and I nod. My cheeks turning red all of a sudden. How thoughtful of him.

He plants a kiss on my sweaty forehead and carries me from the desk Into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my hands firmly resting around his neck.

"We're going to get you cleaned up and ready for work sweetheart"

I laugh, a very hearty one. Somehow, I've always wanted to have a relationship like this. One with someone that would love and care for me in this manner and I'm glad I finally got it with someone like Trevor. He is everything and more. Gina was right, I've finally hit the jackpot.

Once the bathroom, he places me in the bathtub and fills it up. He helps to shampoo my hair and scrub my body. When done with my shower, he carries me inside and dries me up with my towel.

No one has ever done something like this for me before.

He blow dries my hair and apply lotion on my body.

"Lord give me strength" He pleads jokingly causing me to laugh.

"I am fighting the urge to tie you to this bed and make sure you don't walk properly when I'm done mi amor but all good things comes to those who wait"

I feel my cheeks hit up at that statement.

Then he set out to pick my outfit for the day before going to shower himself. By the time he is done, I am already done with my clothes and make-up. He dresses up and insists on dropping me off at work but as tempting as the offer sounds, I decline.

"I'll be fine by myself Trevor. I even have a lunch date with dad so I can manage"

"Are you sure" he repeated

"Yes I am"

His phone chooses that exact minute to ring out but after staring at the screen, he disconnects the call. I'm so glad he priotizes me over everything when we're together.

"Alright then. I trust you. Call me when you're settled in okay?"

"Sure I will"

I lean in and kiss his lips one last time before making my way inside my car. He does same too but waits for me to drive off before he does same.

When I arrive at work, I am feeling lighter, better and a lot more excited than I was about a month ago.

Mira notices the glow on my face and knowing her, I'm sure she has a long list of questions stashed up for me.

"Good morning Ma'am Kathie"

"Morning Mira. How are you?"

"I'm alright but it seems like you're more alright than me." She replies, hands akimbo.

"Well, the day is just beginning isn't it? Let's see how it goes" I divulged before making my swift getaway into my office. Once settled in, I call Trevor to let him know that I'm at work before burying myself into today's activities.

My phone chooses that exact minute to ring.

"Kathie, finally. I thought you were dead and we needed to organize a funeral before my kitchen party" Gina's voice comes through.

"So sorry I've been off Gina, a lot of things on my mind"

"Please tell me it's not Trevor cause he's going to suffer a serious concussion that'll land him in the hospital for weeks"

I laugh out loudly "Gina, not everything involves violence. You're getting married soon so keep your anger to a minimum before Damien ends up in the hospital"

"He knows what he signed up for. Plus, I'm a doctor so it's only fair I treat him when I'm done"

"Same old Gina and plus if you must know, he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday night"

She gasps which was followed by a loud squeal "Shut up"

"I'm just so excited"

"Bitch I'm so happy for you and plus, Trevor seems like a nice guy as well. Finally, you'll be laid before my wedding" she pressed on and I say yes as my mind wanders off to what took place this morning in my bedroom.


"Shoot. I gotta go Kathie, I'm needed for a consult. Check you later. Byeeeee" she disconnects the call and I immediately send a message to my supplier for more materials before sending an email to another store working under me.

"Ma'am Kathie you have a visitor" Mira tells me and I signal her to let the person in.

It's Brooks, my friend and most trusted designer.

"I got the dress you asked for" he tells me, unwrapping it from the box before placing it on a mannequin.

"It's gorgeous"

It was a v-neck ball gown with lace sequins. The bodice of the dress is covered in fashionable stones. Just looking at it makes my eyes water. Gina is going to love it. I made the gown as a gift for her wedding. It's a surprise.

"Thank you Brooks"

"Anything for you sugar" he leaves as quickly as he came while I stand there admiring the dress. I round my table to continue my work and before I know it, it's lunch time.

I text dad that I'll meet him at the restaurant and pick up my car keys.

I shut my laptop and leave the office to my car, once settled in, I put in the location of the restaurant on my GPS. Apparently it's a new restaurant and dad wants me to try out their food because he believes they have very nice dishes.

I drive out of my store, following the location on the map. I make an abrupt stop at another restaurant when I spot Trevor's car parked at the entrance. I recognize it immediately I saw it. Is he here for a business meeting or maybe it's someone else's car that I'm mistaking for his.

I brush the thoughts from my mind and is about to drive when I see him step down. He rounds the car and opens the door. I watch as another woman steps out from it. She looks very beautiful but unfamiliar and Trevor hasn't mentioned anything about a friend living here.

I quickly pick up my phone and dial his number. He picks up after the second ring.

"Hi Katherine"

"Hi Trevor, um I just called to check up on you. How are you? Are you at home?" I ask, eyes staring at him from my car window. Never wavering.

"Um No I'm not, actually I went to the farmhouse to oversee things. Are you missing me?"

His response leaves me speechless. I didn't know what to say next. Trevor is lying to me? I don't know if I should feel annoyed or disappointed at this moment.

I clear my voice before saying "Um yes I am. A lot actually"

"I miss you too sweetheart. Let's do dinner together okay. I love you"

"Okay then. I'll be waiting for you"

"See you later" He hangs up and I feel my heart breaking all over again.

Is this a dream? Cause I'm don't know what to say. I want to wake up as soon as possible. The air in my lungs has already vanished.

I feel my emotions choking me as I watch both of them walk hand in hand into the restaurant.