

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

MidnightSpeedster · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Demi God Heracles and The Emiya Luck

William POV

"Damn it Shirou the hell did I tell you about coming near the battle!" I shouted smacking his head around for being an idiot "I hate to agree with, your brother here but he's right Shirou you have no way to fight you'll only be in the way," Rin said with a stern tone.

"But I can William you know I have my tracing so there must be something I can do!" Shirou shouted passionately "yeah but the framework for your tracing is still too weak you haven't mastered reinforcement to the same extent as I have which makes your creations shatter easily," I replied keeping my voice calm.

Our attention was suddenly taken by the clash between Saber and Berserker who had moved their battle towards the cemetery nearby. Saber had sent Berserker crashing to the ground causing a small crater to form. 

When the dust cleared Berserker was still seen undamaged with only a small wound Saber then points at Berserker her mouth moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying so I moved a bit closer with the others following behind. 

Saber's invisible sword revealed itself for a split second and then there was a bright golden light the next thing we knew Berserker's chest had been blown apart the giant fell to ground lifelessly. 

"I think it's over now," I informed walking towards Saber who had made her blade invisible once more that is until Illya came out of the forest with a smile "hehe you're a bunch of fools my Berserker is the strongest there's no way you all could ever beat him," she said. 

The Berserker eyes glowed red with its chest regenerating slowly which made Illya's smile widen "after all he's the greatest hero of Greece...Heracles!! You can't beat him because of his twelve lives and if you take one life away, he'll grow resistance to that same method," my eyes widen at this information "t-twelve lives," I muttered in shock. 

We barely even managed to take one how the hell would we do it again especially if he can grow resistant to whatever killed him the first time around my thoughts whirled trying to think of something "finish onii-chan off Berserker!" 

Time slowed as Heracles charged at a suddenly fast speed that I couldn't react to it was sudden and unexpected "William watch out!" Shirou shouted I attempted to go in my Time Alter state only for Saber to jump in front of me taking the stab to the gut. 

-Insert Kishi Ou no Hikori Fate/Stay Night OST- 

The blade pierced through her armor her blood splattered all over my face Heracles jumped back roughly removing his axe like blade from her Saber could barely stand using only her sword to keep her up. 

The sight left me shocked while my chest throbbed, I could faintly hear my brother screaming at me to grab Saber and run while Tohsaka yelled at him to stay back. 

Why? Why did you risk yourself for me...I barely even know you aside from my visions yet without single moment of hesitation you took that attack for me? I questioned to myself never noticing the trembling in my hands I looked seeing Berserker about to charge once more damn it "I won't let you!" I shouted with anger. 

Reinforcing myself to the max I dashed forward using Lancer's speed without hesitation I lifted Saber into my arms shocking her for a moment and then I leaped up as high as I could into the air which allowed us to safely escape from Heracle's attack, but the only problem was the landing. 

We crashed downwards I shifted myself so that I took most of the damage while Saber landed on top of me.

I grunted in pain from the impact thankfully none of my ribs were broken just bruised at most. When I looked up, I found myself making contact with Saber's green captivating eyes for some odd reason I felt my face getting warm considering the fact that she was also straddling my waist right now "t-that was reckless of you master you should have re-retreated back instead of throwing yourself into danger!" she shouted in a half angered half pained tone. 

"Tch look who's talking why did you save me then? I could have dodged Berserkers attack just fine!" I shouted back. Whether Saber had noticed it or not she had leaned in a bit closer with a glare "that was different I am a servant your protector during battle it is my duty to do so," she replied in a heated tone.

"Look we don't have time to discuss this we can talk about it later right now we need to first escape from this battle alive not to mention the fact that you need medical aid which I can't do right now," I said making her wince in realization as she suddenly felt the pain from her wound return. 

-end of OST-

Swiftly I wrapped my arms around her body once more and stood up holding her up in a bridal carry much to her barely concealed shame "m-must you carry me like this?" she questioned I looked down at her with a deadpan face "would you rather prefer I toss you over my shoulder like a sack of potatos?" I questioned making her gulp a bit "no I su-suppose not." 

"Hold on tight," I said running towards where both Shirou and Tohsaka where when I got back to the battlefield, I saw Rin throwing a gem at Heracles which exploded into a purple like prison.

While Shirou was shooting using the rune enhanced gun, I had given to shoot at some of the wounds that Heracles had received from his previous battle with Saber. 

I placed Saber behind a tree to keep her safe "stay here and don't try to move Saber," I warned and before she could even protest, I was gone running back towards the battle I reached into the inside of my coat pulling out a water enhanced grenade. 

Using reinforcement and Lancer's speed I appeared in front of the now freed Heracles who roared with spit coming out of his mouth I smirked jumping in the air "choke on this you overgrown sized cockroach!" I dropped the grenade into his mouth. 

When I landed, I kept on running until I was next to Rin who gives me a weird look "did you seriously just drop a freaking grenade into his mouth?" she questioned but at that moment precise moment though Heracles head exploded into bits "to answer your question Tohsaka....yes, yes I did put a freaking grenade into his mouth," I replied.

Steam came out of the dead servant's body as it began to regenerate its head back leaving it with only ten lives left of course at that moment Shirou came running towards us grabbing both of our hands Rin squeaked in surprise at the sudden contact. 

He pulled on us forcing us to run "come on we have to get away Archer's about to do something!" Shirou shouted over the raging roar of Heracles "what do you mean Archer's about to do something I thought he couldn't do anything?" I questioned back only for Shirou to shake his head "I don't know but the only warning I got from him was 'get reckt Shirou' for some reason the guy's got a hate boner for me," he replied with a tone of irritation. 

We stopped nearby the tree where I left the still wounded Saber who glanced up at us in concern "what's-" she tried to ask but I quickly lifted her in my arms continuing our run "no time to explain!" I exclaimed as we ran for dear life. 

"GET RECKT SHIROU....CALADBOLG!!" came the shout of Archer who launched an arrow of some sort. The arrow flew at fasts speeds twisting the air around it until it landed on Heracles which caused an explosion the size of a mini nuclear bomb the shock wave from the attack caused us to stumble which made us all fall. 

It could only ever happen to me because at that moment while Shirou and Tohsaka crash landed safely Saber slipped out from grasp during my own fall causing her to fall on top of me for the second time that day and accidentally....kiss me on the lips. 

Her lips were soft and smooth yet warm at the same time I couldn't even begin to describe it our eyes widen as we swiftly separated with Saber's face being beat red while I avoided looking at her, I quickly muttered a quick sorry and shifted my attention towards the recovering forms of Shirou and Rin. 

I grunted in pain my left foot had been sprained from the exploding collision I limply walked forward "Shirou are you alright?" I asked checking to see if he was hurt anywhere, he nodded "ye-yeah I am fine brother," he replied coughing out some of the ash that went in his mouth. 

I turned back to see what had become of Heracles only to see both him and Illya standing amongst the flames perfectly fine "tch I had hoped to eliminate you both early, but your Archer has piqued my interests Tohsaka consider this mercy for now hehehe until next time onii-chans," she said vanishing amidst the flames. 

The whole entire area was covered in flames my head ached badly I suddenly felt like I was back in the Fuyuki fire. The heat was beginning to crawl up my back someone make it stop! Make it stop! I thought with panic (A/N Strong PTSF/Flashbacks are happening he's merely hallucinating just an FYI) 

The contents of my stomach swelled up towards my throat and then I released it "Bwahhhhhhh!!" I threw up heaving heavily my head spun while my vision distorted, I could faintly hear the concerned voices of Shirou and Saber in the background until I fully passed out. 

-end of the chapter-

I finally had enough energy to write out this chapter and a rough draft for #14 so thank God for that hahaha.