

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

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Chapter Twelve: Encounter with Berserker

William POV:

"So, you've finally noticed me allow me to introduce myself my name Illyasiviel von Einzbern this over here is my servant Berserker better be careful he just might drive you...insane," said the girl bowing her head.

"What Archer where are you going?!" Tohsaka suddenly exclaims and Archer replies "nope! He who runs away and doesn't fight runs away first!" leaving us behind to face this monster "heheh go and get them Berserker!" Illyasiviel shouted the monster gave a roar jumping in the air.

"Get back masters!" Saber shouts meeting Berserker head on with her invisible sword which sent him flying back a few distance aways while the rest of us kept far from the battle well except Tohsaka who started throwing a barrage of red gems that exploded with crimson energy.

"I am going to help there's no way we can leave Tohsaka and Saber alone to battle that monster," Shirou said taking out the rune enhanced gun I had given to him running to where Rin was. Blasts of different elements were shot at the monster, but it did little damage not even a scratch.

Saber was stuck on the defensive damn it if she lets up for even a second then it's game over my mystic codes and bullets were useless against whatever this monster was. I went towards a lamp post breaking it off with my reinforced strength and then proceeded to reinforce the whole thing to its max.

I jumped into the air allowing the crazed movements of the black knight from my dream to take over "ARGHHHHHHHAAAAAHHHH!!" I roared slamming the pole on top of the Berserker but it did little damage only making him stumble by a little.

Tossing the pole aside I reached into my belt pulling out my grapple hook and shot it around the servant's neck leaping on top of him much to the horror of everyone else who were warning me to get away it tried to shake me off, but I held onto his neck tightly with reinforcement.

Reaching around in my belt I pulled out a fire enhanced grenade stuck it onto his neck turned around onto his torso slamming a wind enhanced grenade I then turned ready to slam another bomb onto his back when the Berserker grabbed me by the leg and slammed me onto my back.

I let out a gasp of pain spitting saliva out from the shock, but I gritted my teeth together using reinforcement to help me support myself back up with a flip and it was at that moment the bombs took effect encasing the giant in a mini dome of intense flames and blades of wind.

"Did I get him?" I questioned out loud but to my shock the giant roared dispersing the flames huffing with anger the Berserker charged making my eyes widen but I was soon saved by Saber "William you must stay back you have no chance against a servant!" she shouted dropping back next to Shirou and Tohsaka.

"Well, I can't just sit back and not do anything that thing won't stop until were all dead at the very least we can provide distractions long enough for you to take him out!" I exclaimed Saber shakes her head "I understand master but going straight to close combat with a servant will only lead to a quick death for now I only ask that you put your faith in me both of you" Saber said looking at Shirou as well.

I sighed and reluctantly nodded "alright I'll put my faith in you Saber," Shirou said with a grim look not really liking the idea Saber nods and leaps back in to battle with Berserker.

"Archer support Saber!" Tohsaka shouted throwing a purple gem at the distracted Berserker which trapped him in some kind of energy bind a loud swish captures my attention as a bunch of red colored arrows stabbed themselves onto the purple barrier exploding on impact.

Just like many times before though the monster stood without even a single mark "just what the hell is this guy?!" Shirou exclaimed out loud. My eyes caught the figure of the girl walking away I gripped the origin knife in my coat which trembled at the thought of doing what I never thought I would ever have to do.

"Shirou stay back somewhere safe run back to the house if you can" I said calmly running after the girl however I soon noticed Tohsaka was running right beside me "do you have a plan...Emiya?" she asked grimly I nodded "if I can get close to her then I can...finish her before she can use her command spells to summon her servant to defend her," I said pausing a bit.

"Here I thought you would have no struggle eliminating her considering what you did earlier," Rin commented noticing my reluctant pause I turned giving a side eyed glare "I have no qualms taking out anybody that is a threat even you but she's just a kid...besides how can I even call myself a hero of justice if I even have to kill a child," I said whispering that last part to myself.

We finally stopped running when Illyasivial stopped Tohsaka was quick to launch an endless attack of "Gandr" all of which were blocked "did you seriously think that would work on me Tohsaka? Attacking me like an animal," Illyasivial said calmly turning around but then her eyes shifted into a glare when she saw me.

"Ah your also here William-niichan looking at you is like looking at the spitting image of Kiritsugu Emiya but then again that's not all whereas he had his reputation for being the Magus Killer you also have your own title amongst the local criminals here...isn't that right Taskmaster? Tell me am I also on your next to kill list" Illyasivial said smiling causing Tohsaka to silently gasp.

"It seems you've been spying on me and my family specifically Illyasivial I have to ask why that is?" I questioned ignoring her own question making the girl frown "I see so that bastard never told you oh and you can call me Illya if you want nii-chan in any case though it doesn't matter just know you and everyone you love will die,"

-Fate/Zero The Battle is to the Strong OST-

I narrow my eyes taking my origin knife out shifting it into a sword "then you leave me no choice Illya," I said prompting Illya to create thousands of glowing projectiles Tohsaka stayed back firing her own shots from afar.

I called upon the imitated speed of Lancer using reinforcement I charged forward using the acrobatic movements of Lancer and Saber's sword style any flying projectiles that she made shattered upon contact with my blade due to the nature of what my blade really was.

I rushed in trying to get close to Illya "Double Accel!" I chanted dodging the glowing blue barrel of swords that narrowly almost chopped my head off. I kicked off the ground appearing in front of Illya who was in the process of making more projectiles all of which I shattered in a 360 spin I was ready to slam my blade on top of her.

-end of OST-

Red eyes widen seeing the blade that was about to end her life when it suddenly paused "w-why did you stop!" Illya demanded I grit my teeth "I-I can't kill you you're just a kid if I pass that line then I'd become something else that would go against who I am as a person so consider this mercy for now" I said shifting my origin sword back into a knife before walking away.

"Emiya what the hell are you doing now's your chance!" Rin shouted but I ignored her "you're a fool William-niichan now die!" Illya shouted having launched a projectile but before I could even turn the projectile was shot down by an arrow making Illya release a sound of irritation "that damned Archer just what is his problem!" she exclaimed.

The two of us took the chance to retreat away from her yet as we ran down the forest, we stumbled over Shirou who was on his way here "William? Tohsaka?" he asked startled by our sudden appearance.

-end of chapter-

As you can see in this chapter my mc doesn't have the heart to actually go kill a kid showing that hasn't completely lost his morality.

Anway I just wanted to update you all that I won't be posting as frequently as I used to because my first year of college has started, I'll set some time aside to write and post on Fridays or Saturday's.