

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
100 Chs

Rose Petal VS Sakura Petal Part 2

Slowly the winds of the tornado began to abate, showing devastation in a wide arc. The only intact area is the tiled ground, buildings, and walls directly behind where Byakuya stood. Shinigami who had been caught up in the twister slowly stood up from beneath the rubble that had landed on them. Many of them were battered and bruised but with no real injuries. Others were knocked unconscious from the shockwave and subsequent tornado of destruction that came their way.

As the dust and debris cleared the shinigami saw the straight tall back of Byakuya standing upright before them, having protected them from the most powerful area of the blast. There was no eye of the storm in this tornado as it was man...well girl made. What Ruby had created was a spinning arrow of force using her body as the focal point. When she had launched she had broken the sound barrier with her speed emptying the air in her surroundings causing a powerful suction force that transformed the incoming air into a horizontal tornado that appeared in a sonic boom

In front of Byakuya a strong barrier was placed before him. He looked directly as the hand that was punched right through it touching his bare stomach. The force of Ruby's attack had formed a compressed air blast at the point of her fingers allowing her to punch through the barrier and the left over energy of the compressed air tore a small hole in Byakuya's robes. A small amount of sweat rolled down Byakuya's back as he thought of taking that attack head on without a barrier.

Even if she couldn't pass his reiatsu enhanced skin she would have left a large bruise. If she did pass his skin she would have drawn blood for sure if not pierced right through his stomach.

Byakuya looked down into Ruby's eyes behind the clear Danku barrier spell. The silver seemed to burn leaving behind after images as Ruby's head moved up and down as she panted. But the bright smile on her face was evident as she looked up and said, "I got you!" The red of her aura flickered where she drew back her hand from the sharp points of the pierced barrier.

Byakuya thought back to a hundred and some years ago. A young Byakuya had said similar words to a smiling Yoruichi. She looked at him like the cat who caught the canary. "Now let's pick it up a notch." A smile with sinister implications etched itself into Byakuya's mind that day.

Byakuya slowly smirked as he said almost the same thing to the young girl before him. "But now it's my turn."

Dawning surprise filled Ruby's face. She slowly stepped back as she prepared for the next part of the game. "I don't remember this part in the rules!" Ruby reached behind herself and reached for Crescent Rose for support. Ruby could swear she heard, 'Don't worry I'm here.' in her mind as her hand made contact with Crescent Rose. But she didn't allow herself to be distracted as the air surrounding Byakuya seemed to change.

Ruby felt a pressure push against her similar to when the bald old guy met them on the mesa earlier. The pressure was a lot lighter than at that point but it was still a weight on Ruby's body. Ruby spread her feet ready for quick movement.

"Rules changed when you decided to destroy Seireitei and harm our shinigami." Byakuya said as he put his hand on his sword.

Ruby looked around herself. As she looked at the destruction around her and behind Byakuya her face drained of color. "I-I di-didnt mean...I-I just wanted to win." Ruby backed away from Byakuya and slowly sat on her ankles with her hands over her head. "I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to tag you. It only broke a single wall last time. Not two whole blocks."

Seeing Ruby staring into the ground with worry and horror on her face Byakuya pulled back in his spiritual pressure. He could tell from her expression and actions that she was being truthful. Byakuya wasn't a scientist like Mayuri but he could form hypothesis just like everyone else. Judging from her abilities so far and the fact that she was actually a human; Byakuya suspected that her abilities that used reiatsu were being supercharged and slowly evolving as she stayed here in Seireitei where the highest concentration of reiatsu in all of Soul Society is located.

He could say this due to the fact that her reiatsu levels hadn't really changed all that much until after her last attack. In fact her reiatsu was refilling at a very fast speed as he watched.

And if this was the case for her then it would be the same for all of her friends. Byakuya winced as he thought of the conflict that was bound to arise from this. Hopefully the captains and lieutenants would be able to hold themselves back enough to take them in without any injury to the children. And it was at this point he really saw them for what they were. Children.

Ruby stood up with a resolute expression on her face as he turned and headed toward the devastation.

"And where are you going?" Byakuya asked.

"To help take care of the people...the people I hurt." Ruby said as she paused.

Seeing her tormented expression Byakuya had pity on her as he spoke, "You didn't hurt any of them too bad. Nothing a day at division 4 wouldn't be able to cure. This happens more often than you think at least fights between divisions happen all the time so they are pretty sturdy. Besides they needed this. They need to be prepared for anything at anytime. And from what I see they need more training." Byakuya said as he looked over the shinigami who were picking themselves up from the rubble.

"Really?!" Ruby asked with such hope in her face that Byakuya could only nod assuring her innocent self. "Wow. I feel so much better now. And that is so weird, cool and scary at the same time." Ruby said as she looked over the shinigami who were headed their direction. She breathed another sigh of relief as she slumped her upper body forward hanging her arms down. "Oh I'm glad I didn't hurt anyone. Dad would have whooped my butt if I really hurt someone." They sky was still filled with dust blocking out the sky so currently the shinigami could not really see Ruby who was standing in front of Byakuya.

But there was one who was rushing at high speed toward their location. The man had red hair that stuck out in a spiky mess of a ponytail. He had a bandanna that covered his forehead and held back his hair, underneath Ruby could see a tribal tattoo. He had squinted eyes that gave him a hard, mean look. And from his rough voice Ruby could tell he was one to yell a lot.

"Captain! Did you capture the ryoka who caused this?!" Lieutenant Renji Abarai of the 6th Division under Captain Byakuya Kuchiki. He had been on his way to the encirclement when he had seen the explosion and felt his captain's spiritual pressure so he had run over in hopes of helping.

Ruby looked to Byakuya as she felt and saw him change slightly before her eyes. She couldn't put a finger on it exactly but she had seen her father do the same thing when he had been talking with Ruby and Yang before he stepped up onto stage for a presentation at Signal. It's like he turned into a different person a more confident and serious person than when he was with her and her sister. She saw the same thing on Byakuya's face and stance. She also saw as he drew his robe tighter closing up the hole she had made. He looked at her and gave her a slight wink.

Ruby was confused by this. That wink could mean any number of things so Ruby keep herself ready to act as she needed.

Byakuya looked to his lieutenant and felt slight exasperation. He had hoped he wouldn't have to worry about anyone interfering into his fun but that was not meant to be it seemed. Byakuya put on his noble captain's persona that he had let slip while playing tag with Ruby. It seems his fun was going to be cut short unless he could divert Renji into another direction. So he gave Ruby a wink before he tried to redirect his lieutenant. Hopefully she could stay calm until they got Renji to go somewhere else.

"Renji, weren't you going to join the encirclement?" Byakuya asked.

"I did but I was pulled over after seeing the destruction earlier. Are you alright? Is that the ryoka?" Renji asked as he glared at Ruby.

"Yes as you can see I suffered no injuries. That was her strongest strike. I have this situation under control. I would ask you to join the others to suppress the others so they won't cause more damage." Byakuya said to Renji with his noble monotone.

"Yes sir! I have heard back from two areas specifically. Soi Fon is dealing with the one with cat ears. While Komamura, Mayuri, and Tosen are attempting to catch up and deal with the captain level spiritual pressure ryoka. Kenpachi and Yachiru are no where to be seen, which is probably a good thing. Captain Kyōraku and Captain Ukitake are both chasing after the red haired girl. Unohana is following close behind them with the 4th division ready to aid anyone injured. Captain Toshiro is following after the yellow maned girl who seemed to look similar to Rangiku. He will deal with her shortly. Captain Gin and Captain Aizen are searching for the two others. The other lieutenants have formed cordons with with the divisions to block the ryoka's escape." Renji said succinctly.

"What do you mean deal with her?!" Ruby yelled from behind Byakuya.

"You all will be captured and sent to the prison until the Captain-Commander decides what do with you all. If it was me I would send you all to the gallows to pay for your transgressions." Renji said with a sneer on his face.

"What transgressions?! We haven't done anything save for being sent to the wrong place! If you guys let us leave there would be no problem!" Ruby yelled back at Renji.

"There is no was it as simple as that! No one can transport themselves to Seireitei! This place is sacred and secure! There are wards and spells put in place to keep out intruders like you. And we must capture you all so we can find out how you did it. As well as return the Sōkyoku to where it belongs." Renji said as he continued to argue with Ruby.

"Renji that is enough." Byakuya said in a serious tone.

"Yes captain." Renji said as he bowed his head knowing he had gone too far. Let alone arguing with a young girl he had given away secrets.

"Well I don't know anything about that! But if that is true then it seems we weren't the only ones to appear did you guys ever think of that?!" Ruby yelled angry they would go after all of them for so little reasoning. It reminded her of the movie she watched with Yang. "What better way to distract people than throw a bunch of random young people into the mix! At least that is what the movie I watched with Yang did. The people who lived in the area were so consumed by focusing on the young people that they never found out who the real bad guy is until the end where they are nearly wiped out."

Byakuya felt a tremor go through his mind at this moment. Adding in the words from Urahara Kisuke to this whole weird situation Byakuya felt a glimmer of truth in the words Ruby had just spoken even if it had come from a story of fiction. In truth Byakuya could see such an event becoming real, as a member of one of the four Noble Clan's Byakuya knew the traditions and laws set by Seireitei were immutable so deceptions were slow to come to light.

While he was thinking Byakuya missed the chance to order Renji away.

"This isn't a fairy tale little girl! This is the real world, that kind of stuff doesn't happen. Even if it did second division would tell us of such." Renji said even as his belief in the situation was shaken a little, he still had his duty. "If you just surrender we can sort out everything!"

"If I surrender I will be cut up into little itty bitty pieces!" Ruby yelled having complete trust in Jaune believing his words to be right even if she had no idea how or why.

"Wait what? Who told you that?" Renji asked now completely confused.

"My friend who I trust more than a scary guy like you!" Ruby said now frustrated by everything she pulled out Crescent Rose and extended it into it's scythe form.

Both men turned to her as they took a quick step back and watched her with serious expressions. Renji looked like he was itching for a fight. If she took a single swing he was ready to fight her.

Byakuya who hadn't seen Ruby's weapon up to this point was surprised at the size and likely weight of the weapon. It could not be light from the way her stance shifted after she pulled it out. The crushed tiles from where she set the weapon down. And it was not a normal human weapon from what Byakuya had last seen of the human world. This was far more advanced and seemed to have concentrated reiatsu within it. He wondered if...

"So just leave me alone!" Ruby yelled as she used her Petal Burst and disappeared.

Byakuya sighed in his mind as he knew she had been pushed too far by his subordinate.

"Don't worry captain I will capture her!" Renji said not allowing Byakuya to give an order. He flash stepped away leaving a slightly aggravated captain behind.

"You aren't going to be able to match her speed at this point with your level of flash step Renji." Byakuya said to the air as he followed the two's spiritual pressure around the area. Byakuya sighed again as he flash stepped to where Ruby was heading and blocked her path.

Ruby slid to a stop in the rubble strewn area. She gave Byakuya a glare, "I don't want to play with you anymore. You cheat and change the rules on your own too much! Now you are giving yourself an unfair advantage with more people!"

"I can't let you go." Byakuya said as he pulled out his sword and held it at the ready. "I'm sorry. I wish we could continue the chase but the situation does not allow me to forsake my duties. Please surrender."

Ruby squinted at Byakuya before she simply said, "No. Cheaters and liars aren't to be trusted." Swinging her scythe she pointed Crescent Rose to the ground pulled the bolt setting one of the bullets into the chamber. She pulled the trigger.

Shooting into the sky while using Petal Burst Ruby rushed away from Byakuya towards the still standing courtyard. Once she was in the air Ruby pointed towards the only empty area without any shinigami in the surroundings opposite from the destruction she caused. In the air she fired her gun again.

As she was in the air Ruby heard Renji yell out below her. "Roar, Zabimaru!" Ruby looked down to see an extendable sword flying toward her. The metal segments were held together by a set of interconnected wires as wide as the blade segments. With the blade flying at her, Ruby spun Crescent Rose knocking the blade away as she began to fall. Ruby would normally just use her Petal Burst to rush away but with how fast these two were she wasn't sure how effective it would be.

As they had chased Ruby had seen Byakuya actually step on the air rather than the ground. She had questioned in her mind why he didn't use that to win the game but shook her head. That didn't matter. If this technique was something she picked up here she could use it as well. Ruby even felt reassurance from Crescent Rose.

So Ruby had to put her faith in the new technique she had picked up while here. Otherwise she would be in trouble.

"Please work." Ruby said to herself as she touched her foot down on the air as if sprinting and the green ripple appeared shooting Ruby into the air away from the two. "Woohoo!" Ruby called as she shot into the sky. Ruby believed she had escaped but this came to screeching halt when Byakuya appeared above her and held his sword close.

"Scatter Senbonzakura." Byakuya said softly. Immediately the sword in his hand transformed into innumerable Sakura petals and flew out to fill the sky cutting off Ruby's escape.

"Grr." Ruby growled at Byakuya as she changed her direction. Now she was aiming for an opening in the Sakura petals. She shot forward with all possible speed. Ruby passed by a few sakura petals, as she did Ruby felt her aura dip down upon contact. Ruby shook her head as she reached out tentatively to one petal with her aura retracted. Upon touching one of the petals Ruby felt pain in her find and drew it back. Looking she saw blood well up from where it was cut.

"They came from his blade and still have a swords sharpness. Wow this is pretty amazing. This must be the super strong semblance Jaune was talking about." Ruby said as she looked at the petals that swirled around at Byakuya's direction. "Sakura petals aren't sharp in any sense of the word but Rose's have natural defense in the form of thorns. So why don't I have anything like this?" Ruby question herself as she raced away from the swirling mass of sakura petals.

In serious situations Ruby could be serious and could think logically it was just that those situations don't happen all that often. Most of the time her mind swirls around like her petals on the wind leading her to the random and positive ideas that work out surprisingly well. And now Ruby thought about her semblance, roses just like her name. If she was a Rose then she should have thorns just like any other rose.

Ruby looked deep within herself as her father had taught her to do after learning her semblance. She examined her life, her name and her family and what it all meant to her. A shape formed in Ruby's mind an enormous rose that shed an unending number of petals but never shrank, surrounded by wide thorny vines that protected the pure rose within.

Slowly the form changed as the majority of the thorny vines were withdrawn into the rose melting into the petals leaving four stout vines that formed a cage around the rose. The petals that fell away now had a sharpness they didn't have before. The vines moved as if shifting in a breeze or under water. Within the rose bud a pure silver egg was softly glowing as it was wrapped up by the rose petals with great care.

Crescent Rose appeared and rotated around the rose and vines before it was drawn in. In it's scythe form Crescent Rose was pulled into the center of the rose. When it was fully absorbed the rose petals that fell now had a sharp gleam to their edges, just like a sharp blade.

"This should help my child. Now show that Shinigami who's boss!" A motherly tone came from the center of the rose shocking Ruby but also filling her will resolve and drive to see this done. She would escape and she would save her friends. Thats what a huntress would do. What her mother would do.

Ruby left her internal world and looked upon the world with new light. She rushed to the open courtyard and the only place she had an opening. Reaching there Ruby spun around and pointed Crescent Rose in the direction of Byakuya who was still surrounded by the wave of sakura petals. Holding onto her weapon Ruby went through a few motions before she held it out and it started to spin. Petals fell all around Ruby filling the area.

Ruby gave a smirk to Byakuya as she said, "I don't know who you are, voice in my head but let's do this! Let's see what my new semblance is capable of."

Byakuya who had watched Ruby the whole time saw as her reiatsu had fluctuated wildly as she closed her eyes. He had also seen how the giant scythe in Ruby's hands had glowed brightly during that time and resonate with Ruby's reiatsu. Byakuya's thought about the scythe being a zanpakuto became realized.

Since they had appeared in Seireitei, the kids held their weapons with their strong spiritual pressure allowing for the weapons to transform into zanpakuto. And with the birthing of their zanpakuto the kids were gaining new abilities through their semblances or Fullbring, as Byakuya had realized what they were.

The danger that had been tickling Byakuya's senses reached its highest point as Ruby faced him. Slowly the petals behind Ruby reach a point it formed a swirling pattern behind her reminiscent of a giant spinning rose. The swirling rose reached a size equal to Senbonzakura.

Ruby held her scythe forward and pulled back the bolt, sliding a bullet into the chamber. Before she pulled the trigger Ruby said, "Rose Petal Wave." Firing the gun the rose wave rushed forward engulfing Ruby before it clashed with Senbonzakura.

Byakuya watched on with no emotion on his face until he saw the first interaction between the two different petals where his expression went serious as he squinted. Sparks flew as they contacted one another. This scene replicated with every contact. Soon the ruby petals and pink petals had a central point that was filled with orange sparks. The light show continued as the rose pushed through the wave of pink petals. Byakuya continued to send Senbonzakura on constant impacting lines with the giant rose that was flying towards him, and each time it was rebuffed by the rose petals.

Byakuya kept sending Senbonzakura in an attempt to stop it but he wasn't having any luck. The giant rose was moving forward like an unstoppable red juggernaut. For the first time Byakuya faced an enemy who used an attack similar to his own and he was lost as to how to stop it.

"Roar Zabimaru!" Renji yelled not far behind the giant rose petal. The extending sword shot forward and impacted the back of the rose and nearly vibrated out of Renji's hand.

"Gah! Girl stop resisting! You are only making it worse!" Renji yelled at Ruby inside the giant rose.

Zabimaru was shot backward sending Renji to the ground. Byakuya appeared beside Renji and pulled him up. "We need to stop this. I need your help to do it."

"Yes Captain. What do you need?" Renji asked as he stood.

"Im going to surround your Zabimaru with my Senbonzakura. Once I do I need you to send it into the center of the rose. Once inside pull her out. No need to harm her, just wrap her up. Once she is out of the giant rose she will lose connection to it after we separate her from the scythe. Now let us begin." Byakuya said as he pulled the wave of sakura petals to him. Byakuya sent the petals surrounding Zabimaru.

"Roar Zabimaru!" Renji yelled as he sent his sword flying towards the center of the rose as it was completely encased by Senbonzakura. There was the sound of a circular saw cutting metal as the two weapons fought against each other. "Push through!" Renji yelled as he shoved his sword handle forward.

There was the sound of breaking metal as the rose petal fractured allowing the two swords into the interior. Senbonzakura formed a tunnel for Zabimaru to push through. A second later Renji flicked his hand and felt his sword attach to something within. With a pull filled with all his might, Zabimaru flew out of the rose with a tightly wrapped Ruby within. Ruby was covered in her red aura as it flickered with each movement of the sword around her.

Crescent Rose was pressed close to Ruby's body. "Let me go!"

"No. You are under arrest. Now stay silent." Byakuya said as he pulled Crescent Rose away from Ruby's grip. As the two watched the giant rose slowly began to dissipate. By the time a quarter was left the three were surrounded in a tall vortex of the petals. The sparks from the rose petals meeting with the sakura petals showered them.

"Stop this. You can't escape. Now release your technique." Renji called out as he tightened Zabimaru.

"Ow, ow, ow. Alright fine! Just stop with the sword. If you don't my aura will break and it will really hurt me!" Ruby said as she deactivated the new semblance. Slowly the petals began to dissolve.

"Why couldn't you have done this from the start?!" Renji yelled.

As he did the aura around Ruby shattered leaving Ruby at the mercy of the sharp blades of Zabimaru. They were not kind to Ruby's skin and clothing. Tearing and cutting sounds were followed by Ruby's scream.

"Renji! Release your Shikai!" Byakuya yelled angrily at his lieutenant.

Renji release Zabimaru from it's Shikai form where it returned to just a normal katana. The blades around Ruby turned into smoke and disappeared. Ruby slumped to her side on the ground. Blood began to slowly bleed through her clothing and stain the ground. "Ow. It hurts. Yang help me." Ruby said softly trying not to cry from the pain of the cuts.

Byakuya rushed to Ruby's side and used his healing kído to staunch the bleeding. "What were you thinking?!"

"It wasn't me. Zabimaru seemed to react to someth-" Renji didn't get to finish as a ground shaking roar split the sky.

Sharply looking up the two saw a yellow maned girl surrounded by flames almost equal to the captain-commanders flying directly towards them. The ground started the crack under the enormous heat and the captain and lieutenant felt all the moisture in the air vanish.

Pure burning red eyes looked upon the two with rage. And the form of the flames changed into that of a feathered dragon diving right at them.

"Let Ruby go!" Yang roared, shaking the captain and lieutenant to their core.

Next up Sun Dragon VS Ice Dragon

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