
Rose Petal vs Sakura Petal Part 1

Yang who had just narrowly escaped one of the captains was flying through the air with a power she didn't really understand. Flames appeared, surrounding her after she shot her Ember Celica to jump away. It sent her rocketing into the air as if she had fired her whole clip in one shot, and she didn't need to keep firing as the flames were keeping her in the air by itself. Yang was higher than she had ever been save for a flight on one of the bullheads. To change direction all she needed to do was angle her body. Yang was glad her reinforcement, from the dust tempering her dad and Jaune preformed, had worked out so well. If it hadn't she would have broken arms at the very least.

Yang didn't think too hard on the power as she was in the process of searching for everyone.

But Yang could not say she wasn't excited. Yang had an ear to ear grin the whole time she had started running. All of this was the most excitement she had ever had and she was loving it!

Jaune's impromptu team meeting, in one of the many warehouses, was interrupted by the giant fireball that exploded right in the middle of them all sending them in different directions.

Jaune's simple info was shinigami use something like aura to cause their sword's to change and act like super strong semblances. Oh, and they have spells they can use to hinder or attack as they so chose.


Yang wondered if she was going to see any of these spells.


Most definitely.

She was sure Ruby would get a kick out of seeing them though!

The people in the white over-robes are the captains of the divisions that were after them. These people were extremely strong and they needed to escape over fighting them at all costs. The place to escape is the elevated gate that is connected to the castle on the opposite side from where they were originally.

They at least had the time to actually put on the shinigami robes to attract less attention before the warehouse they were hiding in exploded due to the fireball. The oddest thing about the fireball was that Yang felt nothing from it. At least nothing physically.

Yang's aura sang to her like it had never before. Yang had watched as the fire condensed around her and began to flow into her body mixing with her aura. She felt her aura capacity expand five fold. But that wasn't the most interesting thing. As Yang looked at her arms in wonder she looked at her weapons Ember Celica and watched in fascination as intricate designs of feathers imprinted upon the weapons.

When she expanded them Yang saw as they transformed into two feathered dragons that wrapped around her forearm up to elbow, mouths open where the shotgun blasts would come from. The design was so amazing Yang lost herself as she looked them over for a few minutes. All the while flames had continued to condense around her but were tapering off as Yang put her weapons in their bracelet form where the feathered dragons formed two ouroboros on her wrists.

Yang had never told anyone that after she had built her weapons she had etched a dragon into the metal of each weapon. She thought it was amazing since her father always called her his little dragon. But after hearing kids at school laughing at others who did similar things to their new weapons Yang had hidden the design with the paint job she had come to love. Now her design was back with red, orange and golden feathers that intermixed with the scales she had carefully drawn out, on top of the yellow paint. She hoped she could live long enough to show it off this time because she wasn't sure she would ever change it from this point on.

They just seemed too perfect not to show off.

Yang had, after who knows how long, looked around only to see destruction of the warehouse and none of her friends or her sister anywhere to be seen. So Yang had taken a random corner and kept running. Who ever had designed this city must have loved mazes to set it up like this. It was like you couldn't go anywhere before you found a wall or building to block your way. It was annoying especially when Yang was trying to escape the people who lived here.

After a moment of thought she hypothesized that was the exact reason it had been built like this.

She had just reached an intersection when the captain, yes she was sure it was a captain after she saw the white robe as she flew away. Yang was not scared to admit she had nearly peed herself when that captain had called out to her. The voice had held authority within it and a sense of weight that the others in black lacked, even if it sounded young.

She was lucky it seemed he was used to a subordinate that looked similar to her otherwise she would have been caught.

But now Yang needed to find a way to land because being a flaming ball in the sky was not helping her with stealth. Stealth may be out of her tool box but this was a perfect opportunity to find the others. Yang squinted her eyes and searched finding nothing but endless numbers of Shinigami groups traveling the maze like city, likely searching for her and her friends.

Suddenly there was flash of red followed by a sonic boom to her right. Yang turned and saw two whole blocks of the maze city in utter devastation. Smoke, debris and shinigami formed a horizontal tornado from the direction of the destroyed area. "What the hell was that?" Yang asked.

Two minutes later Ruby was running around what was left of the courtyard the tornado came from, being chased by one of the captains. Now having a destination in mind Yang angled her body and fired her Ember Celica and rocketed towards her sister.

Yang fired multiple times in succession her speed exploding upward as she saw the white robed shinigami cornering Ruby in an open courtyard she was running around. As she watched Yang saw the captain pull out his sword and say something. A second later his weapon transformed into a large wave of pink petals oddly similar to Ruby's Petal Burst.

Yang needed to save her sister. She just hoped she would make it before Ruby was hurt. If Ruby was hurt then this place was going to know the anger of a Sun Dragon.

Ruby was having the time of her life. She was playing the biggest game of tag ever and so far she was winning. After they had changed into the shinigami robes Ruby had been in and out of multiple groups blending in seamlessly.

What she was choosing to forget was that each group she had joined she had outed herself by her actions or words.

"Which division are you from girl?" a shinigami asked.

"Um...Division 11 sir!" Ruby said as she saluted with her hand to her forehead.

"What kind of salute is that? Why is a division 11 dog doing in division 3's area? You trying to poach our intel?" Another shinigami asked anger in their tone.

"No sir! I am here to catch them on the head captains's orders. What intel do you have? It seems important to find these individuals as soon as possible." Ruby responded.

"She's right. We need to catch them and having a division 11 dog play bait we are sure to help bring them down." One of the shinigami in the group said to the others in hushed voice.

"Right well listen up girly. The intruders are hulking monsters who can change shape. They are as strong as lieutenants. It seems they are fast as well. They escaped the captain commander's flames of judgment so they are very dangerous. We heard from the 2nd division that there is one on the area so keep a good look out!" The leader of the group said with confidence.

Ruby couldn't help it she snorted at their description of everyone.

"What is so funny?" the leader asked defensively.

"They don't look anything like that!" Ruby said as she laughed. "Ok well maybe one of them does." Ruby said as she thought of Jaune in his armor then his shinigami robes. He looked giant to Ruby who was shorter than him by a head and half.

"How would you know that?" The shinigami asked in questioning tone. "It sounds to me like you know who they are." The man looked her over before he asked. "Where is your zanpakuto anyway?! Why do you not have your weapon with you?"

"Oh I don't have anything like that. I have this." Ruby said as she pulled out Crescent Rose which had changed somewhat since Ruby had been hit by the fireball earlier.

Ruby didn't remember much about it besides being separated from the group and being surrounded in a giant white energy that felt like a warm thick blanket on a winter's night in front of the fire. It was the most comfortable she had felt in a long time.

Crescent Rose had gained a stripe of silver that matched her eyes. Multiple metal pieces had been added and had functions Ruby instinctively knew the use for. It was much more streamline than it was before. The five forms were the same as well so Ruby wasn't too worried.

As the giant scythe made it's appearance Ruby looked between her weapon and the swords of the shinigami and realized what she did, "Oh, whoopsy." Ruby said right before she turned into petals and disappeared from every shinigami's sight.

Now Ruby was running. Looking around Ruby didn't see anyone in the courtyard before her. Seeing the coast was clear Ruby used her semblance and rushed to the other side of the courtyard away from the chasing shinigami. When she was three fourths of the way across Ruby slid to a stop as she looked up to the top of the doorway in the wall before her. A man with long black hair and a white captains's robe stood staring at her with an emotionless gaze.

"Caught you." The man said as he looked at her with the smallest uptick at the corner of his lips.

"I didn't even know we were playing! What is the game? I won't lose!" Ruby said as she jumped in place throwing punches at the air.

The man raised an eyebrow before he spoke, "I am Captain Byakuya Kuchiki leader of the 6th division. By order of the captain-commander I have been tasked with bringing in you intruders. Surrender peacefully and no harm will come to you."

"It is good to meet you Captain Byakuya! I am Ruby Rose! I was told not to trust you guys or you would dissect me." Ruby stuck out her tongue, "Bleh." before she spoke again, "Why don't you tell me the rules of the game and I will beat you fair and square since you cheated by not telling me the rules! So that win doesn't count!"

Byakuya looked at Ruby in confusion. "Who told you you would be dissected?"

"My friend Jaune. He said he was told by his friend Uwa-...Una-, no that's not right. Urahana- closer but not quiet..." Ruby put her fingers to her temples trying to force the name to come to her.

Byakuya froze as a name came to his mind, "Urahara? Urahara Kisuke?"

"Yes that's the one! Urahara told Jaune that if he was caught in Seireitei for any reason he would be dissected for what is inside him. He said something, something rogue element. Something like that. So I can't go with you. I'm sorry. But I will play the game with you for a while. But once I win I have to go to my friends." Ruby said in serious manner. She practically sparkles she was so pure and innocent.

Byakuya squints his eyes at Ruby's shining innocence and the fact that one of the intruders knows the criminal Urahara. Byakuya has even more questions about the situation than before. So he had to take this girl in to question her. To do so he decided it was ok to play along with her.

"The game we are playing is tag. If I win you will go along with me to see the captain commander so we can sort this out. If you win I will let you go to your friends." Byakuya proposed.

"I hope you don't regret it! I am really fast!" Ruby called out in excitement.

"Rules are you have to stay within the courtyard for five minutes. And you will be it. Touch anything on me and you win. But if you don't tag me in five minutes I win." Byakuya stated the rules.

Ruby attempted to crack her knuckles but failed miserably, having to shake them out saying "Oweey." As she looked at Byakuya with a huge smile in place. "Ok sounds good! Are you going to come down here so we can start? Seems unfair you are on the wall."

Byakuya showed a rare smile as he stepped forward and appeared ten meters from Ruby. Ruby flinched as she saw this. She felt a sinking feeling she wasn't going to win as easily as she expected. Even so she couldn't hold back her excitement as she rushed forward to look at Byakuya in a circle looking starry eyed. "That was so cool! If I win will you show me how you did that?"

Byakuya's smile froze as he saw the girl just appear in front of him as if she teleported. It wasn't flash step but something different. She didn't touch him which he was glad for but he felt his heart beat faster thinking of the coming chase. Thinking to entice her to follow him with this information he said, "IF, if you win I will explain what I just did. But you have to win first. Go back to you position and on the count of three we will start."

"Oh, okay!" Ruby said as she returned to her previous spot in a swirl of petals.

"So I was right. It is a movement technique. How odd." Byakuya said as he examined the girl with interested but resolute eyes.

"Come on! Let's start already!" Ruby complained dragging out the words.

Byakuya felt like he was dealing with his division subordinates. They sounds like this girl all too often if there was nothing going on around Seireitei. Byakuya resisted the urge to smirk as it would ruin his dignity as a member of the noble clan Kuchiki. "3…2…1…Go!"

In a flash the two disappeared. Their disappearances were different from each other as one moved over 20 meters in a single step, while the other turned into a swirling mass of ruby petals that quickly changed directions and followed the captain.

Ruby had limited amount of vision when she was in her petal form. This caused her to make short dashes that would take her where she wanted to go, generally within 10-50 meters. Unless she knows the location very well, like her home where she can speed around in circles without much thought.

That, was, the case. Now after being hit by the white light Ruby is able to have full 360 degree vision while in her petal form. The distance she could travel had tripled. And she is also now able to switch places with anyone of the petals she releases as she moves. Essentially she can teleport within the sphere of her semblance, which is about a 10 meter sphere originating from the center of the swirling mass of ruby petals, at the speed of thought.

Ruby was not quite used to these new additions to her semblance yet but over the time she had been running from the shinigami Ruby was slowly becoming accustomed to it. Like now she was able to quickly turn and chase the captain after seeing him appear at another location. As she got close to Byakuya, she materialized and reached out her hand. Byakuya didn't hesitate and flash-stepped away. Now he was 21 meters away from Ruby.

The two continued to dance like this for two minutes. Byakuya appearing and Ruby's petal form showing up a split second later. Byakuya noticed how the girls reiatsu was not actually decreasing as they chased each other. From what he could sense Ruby was actually using the reiatsu in the air and ground to speed towards him. As she chased she was increasing her speed with each movement. Byakuya, just having escaped her touch saw, as she materialized herself her foot touched the ground a green ripple pattern appeared beneath her foot. Byakuya watched in confusion as the girls speed tripled and shot right past him. Byakuya turned his head and looked over to the girl.

"Her capability is increasing as she chases me. Her speed, reaction time and reiatsu efficiency is increasing constantly." Byakuya tried to hide his trepidation but it was evident in his eyes. "If she continues on like this she will be at a lieutenant's skill level in a few years of training."

Ruby had just rushed at Byakuya again only for her to gain a unanticipated speed increase that sent her tumbling. "Owwey!" Ruby said as she shook her head. "Oh, why are there so many Zwei's?" Ruby watched as the imaginary Zwei ran around her head in a circle. "Ugh, my head! What was that?" Ruby looked up after rubbing her eyes and saw Byakuya appear on the opposite side of the courtyard.

"That was a moment technique. I do not know why you know two of them though. One should be sufficient especially if you train it to a high enough degree." He looked at Ruby in question.

"My semblance is not a technique. It is a part of who I am. A part of my soul that manifests just like my aura cloak." Ruby explained as she stood up and patted herself down of all the dust she had picked up on her tumble. As she did her red aura appeared around her like surface lake water.

Byakuya looked at the energy around the girl and came up with an explanation. "Semblance? I do not know this word. But the red energy surrounding you it is similar to the hierro technique of an Arrancar. The stronger your reiatsu the stronger the hierro. I see. That would explain why you are able to move at such speeds with out injury. A normal human would not be able to deal with the stress of such high speed movements."

"I don't know anything about what you are saying. But if I have that technique then..." Ruby said as she trailed off. She thought of the movement and the feeling of it. Ruby tapped the ground with her foot and.....nothing happened. Ruby squinted her eyes and tapped the ground a second time. Still nothing. Ruby shook her head and turned to Byakuya. "Well I'm sure I will figure it out eventually. Now where were we?" Ruby got into a sprinter's stance and readied herself.

Byakuya read her movements and kept his senses high as he read her reiatsu fluctuations. Right as Ruby pushed off from the ground the green light appeared under her feet again increasing her speed as she turned into a swirl of petals. Byakuya had to dodge a hand that reached for him. Ruby flew by Byakuya only for her to rematerialize from her petals and slide to a stop over five meters.

"This is so cool!!!" Ruby screamed as she jumped for joy. Looking at her feet Ruby had a better grasp of the feeling. It was similar to how she used her aura to connect to the ground and form a pulled spring that aided her movement. But this time Ruby felt as if the ground itself became a second bigger spring that multiplied the effect of her aura.

Ruby knew there was far more to it than what she described in her head but she now knew how to increase her speed. She looked at Byakuya with a wide smile on her face as she said, "Get ready to lose Byakuya!"

"We will see. Your time is almost up miss Rose. Thirty seconds and counting." Byakuya said as he looked at Ruby with indifferent eyes but deep down he felt this was much closer to the old days. Maybe she could give him a real challenge now.

"Oh, oh, oh no! Crap." Ruby looked horrified as she looked around hopping in place. Then a thought came to her. A crazy, dangerous, brilliant idea that just might get her a win.

Ruby thought on her time at Signal where she was playing dodge ball with the others in her class. At one point Ruby was the only one left on her team but due to her uncanny speed and semblance she was able to dodge every ball thrown at her. With all of the balls on her side of the court Ruby was in a quandary as she knew her throwing ability was non-existent. Thinking it over Ruby came up with a way she could throw all the balls across the court with extreme speed.

The aftermath of the dodgeball game was a victorious Ruby, a lot of bruised kids and a shattered steel, concrete and dust enhanced wall.

"I can't really control this move. I heard you are really strong so you should be able to handle it." Ruby said as she got into her sprinters stance again, this time she leaned into it even more nearly lying flat on the ground.

Byakuya felt a small twinge of danger from Ruby's words and actions. He sensed a large amount of reiatsu building up around and behind Ruby. As he watched he grabbed his zanpakuto's handle ready for anything. Reiatsu pooled on his other hand prepared to form a barrier.

Byakuya saw dust, dirt, grass, leaves and ruby petals begin to form a vortex behind Ruby. Ruby leapt forward, the green ripple pattern formed under her foot, she transformed into a spinning arrow of petals and...vanished.

A split second later, there was a sonic boom as the courtyard and two blocks behind Byakuya erupted.

Next chapter