

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
97 Chs

The Last Master of the Humanity

(Author's Note: Give me Powerstones!! Take me to the top!! I believe in you all!!!)


3rd Pov

"So did you learn anything?", asked Doctor Romani from Ritsuka Fujimaru who nodded and replied," After talking with locals we got to know someone who might be the cause of this singularity". Leonardo Da Vinci sipped coffee and said," So who is that person?". Mash answered," From our investigation, we came to know that the famous saint Jeanne D'Arc who was burned at the stake not long ago returned to life giving Holy Judgement to the people".

"Holy Judgement huh?", said Leonarda taking another sip of coffee, Romani sensed something about the words Mash said and asked," Why Holy Judgement?", Ritsuka answered," Well, Doctor the locals have told about some white-winged angel-like beings accompanying her and following her orders".

Both hearing that stopped in surprise, everyone else in the Chaldea was the same," That isn't the worst part, apparently she is riding on a dragon as well", Ritsuka replied, " Now that's really bad news", said Leonardo concerned, " Is that so? I am not a Magus so I can't really understand...", said Ritsuka.

"Well, You see Fujimaru, the species of monsters that appear in myths and tales are called Phantasmal species and the beings who are the strongest of this species are Dragons, if it's a named one then that's even worse, a high ranking servant can't even compare to them but that's not the really bad part, in 15th Century France Dragons shouldn't exist", said Leonardo.

After that, they continued talking for a bit when suddenly someone shouted," Angels!!! They are coming!!", Ritsuka and Mash quickly got on their guard and looked above to see tens of white-winged Angel like creatures flying towards them, to make matters worse several wyverns followed them as well.

Seeing this Ritsuka shouted," Mash!", she nodded and quickly took a battle stance holding her shield and replied, "Understood Senpai! Beginning-", her voice got interrupted by Leonardo who said," Stop! Listen, Mash, Fujimaru I can't let you fight here! You have got the information we needed and now it's better for you to take refuge somewhere safe".

Ritsuka asked her confused," Wh-What do you mean?! There are people here!", Leonardo sighed and replied," Listen to me well Fujimaru, Mash, a singularity is an isolated space detached from another Era, strictly speaking, if you were to repair the singularity then everything that happened will be erased, hence even if the people of this era were to die there won't be any problem, thus, the only people not allowed to die are you and Mash".

Ritsuka clenched his fists hearing that, Leonardo continued," Your Judgement will save us all Fujimaru, so I really want to understand the meaning behind these words", he looked around seeing the trouble, and suddenly his eyes fell on a child crying in the ground as an Angel approached him ready to turn him into meat puddle.

By the nick of the time Ritsuka Fujimaru managed to save him, then started running with the child in his hand," Fujimaru?! Didn't I just tell you-", he interrupted and said," I know! Bu-But I don't want anyone to die!", Leonardo sighed in defeat and replied," Fine", a smile appeared on her face and then she started ordering others to handle the situation from their side and prepare if the need of help arises.

Ritsuka Fujimaru ordered Mash to commence combat, and thus their battle against Angels and Wyverns began, but unfortunately from the beginning, the battle started looking deadly for them, Winged angels while not powerful didn't die easily and to defeat a single Wyvern Mash had to use her full strength.

"Only if we had another servant", Ritsuka said nervously as he watched the chaos unfold, he quickly moved towards a soldier and said," Sir! This kid had been separated from his parents! Can you take care of him!", the soldier replied," Got it!", he handed him over the child and then looked around the chaos.

People were running trying to save themselves, soldiers and men tried to fend off the attack while Women and children started evacuating to a safe place, his eyes fell on a hooded woman falling on the ground as a wyvern approached her, he looked in dread closing his eyes not bearing to look the bloodied scene.

"Who is that?!!", a soldier shouted and Ritsuka opened his eyes to see the wyvern had stopped in his tracks, it wasn't just him, but all the surrounding wyverns had stopped shivering in fear, his eyes fell upon an extremely handsome man, his dirty blonde hair swayed with the wind, he forwarded his hand to the hoodied woman who was looking at him stupefied, fear can be seen on her face as she glanced on the wyverns nearby.

He looked at the wyverns who cowered in fear moving back and then bowed their head down,' What is happening? Wait who is he?! ', thought Ritsuka Fujimaru in shock," Th-This! He is definitely a Heroic Spirit!", said Leonardo on the comms, the hoodied woman shaking took his hand, he smiled a bit and said," Miss, you better leave now, after all only a bloodbath is gonna follow here".

The hoodied woman looked at him in a trance," Wh- Who are you?", he said," That doesn't matters, don't worry they won't hurt you for now but I recommend you move in that direction or better stay in the forest after all cities and towns will be turned into ashes soon". She looked at the wyverns cowering around him, she was confused but knew it wasn't the time to stay still, she said," Thank you!", and ran away towards safety, some people other than Ritsuka noticed that the wyverns and Angels didn't go after her, heck a wyvern moved beside her but totally ignored her.

The man suddenly looked in the direction where there was another hoodied woman, he looked at her with an amused expression and then turned towards Ritsuka, whose body froze as his eyes fell on him,' Wh-What is happening?! I- I can't move ', he thought scared, a wyvern meanwhile approached him with the intent to rip his head off.

Ritsuka looked at this in dread as death approached him, just before the moment the wyvern could rip him apart, a hoodied woman saved him by ripping the wyvern apart with a single stab of her lance, he looked at her trembling as his body finally reacted again," Are you okay?!!", asked the hoodied woman, he replied in affirmation," Yes!".

"Senpai!", shouted Mash as she ran towards him and quickly checked on him," Are you okay Senpai? I am sorry I wasn't able to react quickly!", she said apologizing to him, he smiled weakly and replied," Yes I am alright, thanks to her", they looked at the hoodied woman who asked," Can you both follow me?", they looked at each other for a second and nodded. Ritsuka looked around for the man but didn't find him anywhere,' Where did he go? ', he thought.

Deciding that wasn't the time to think about that he started following her with Mash while killing the wyverns and Angels on the way.


Poseidon Pov

I teleported back to my Throne satisfied with what I have discovered," So male Ritsuka Fujimaru?", I muttered totally unamused, it would be a lie if I was to say I wasn't hoping to see the female one, I was really curious about how her personality would be and if it was going to be anything like from the parodies I have seen it that would have quenched my boredom to see an interesting character like her.

But the final result was the same old male Ritsuka, in the end, I decided to test if he is going to die easily and paralyzed him while a wyvern attacked him, fortunately for him Jeanne saved him, not that I cared, if he had died I would have definitely got something from killing a Protagonist, and if that resulted in the damnation of humanity then the rewards would have been greater though I doubt something like that will happen after all Romani is the real Solomon and he won't let that happen.

Again, now that he has survived it better this way after all this guy and his servants can be good canon fodder in the later singularities, also meanwhile I saved Jeanne's mother as the butterfly effect had started flapping in wings and I am pretty sure if not for me she would have kicked the bucket considering Jeanne was quite at the distance from her that time when she was attacked.

I heard the sound of steps and looked to find Jalter and four servants following her, she held a beaten up half-dead Atalanta by her neck and kneeling down she said," My Lord, it would seem that her madness enhancement wore off", I wasn't much surprised by this, after all the madness enhancement isn't absolute and after days of seeing the bloodied bodies of children and killing them against her will it was gonna happen at some point.

I replied," You want my help with this?", she lowered her head and replied," Forgive me Lord for asking this but I would need your help in this", I stood up from the throne and walked towards them, she threw Atalanta a bit forward before my legs, Atalanta looked at me with a look of hatred and said," I am not gonna forgive you! Yo-You bastards! For doing such heinous crimes!!".

I sighed and chanted," Over Disort Moral", she stopped suddenly and then started grunting in pain, her eyes became blank as the madness enhancement took over her again, I cast a heal, healing her and said," There You go, also don't trust on Madness enhancement, after all, it isn't absolute", she nodded and said," Thank you, My Lord".

I asked her," I would be eating some food, wanna join?", her eyes lit up and she said," If you don't mind My Lord then yes", I looked at the other servants who nodded as well," I won't mind joining as well", said Martha with an emotionless look, Jalter glared at her causing her to flinch," Don't try to put yourself before me in front of My Lord, Get it?", she said, Martha nodded in acceptance.

If I am not wrong then Martha is sad about all that massacre as well, but she can't do anything with the Madness enhancement which makes all the orders of her Masters almost absolute like a command spell, even if not impossible to break from it one would need a near Yandere level of emotions for that like Atalanta's love for children.

Not that I care, anyway we started with our feast and finished it by an hour, Jalter rubbed her belly satisfied and even the other servants' mood looked better after eating," Jalter the real Jeanne is summoned to fight against you it would seem", I said casually, she stopped and then a cruel smile appeared on her face," Is that so? Nice, I would be able to prove that I am the better Jeanne! Fake or not I am better than stupid her", she said.

I yawned and said," Fine, anyway I will be sleeping, awake me if something serious happens", she nodded and said," Okay, My Lord, I shall commit the sin of disturbing your sleep if the need arises", I stopped a bit surprised by the way of her words, deciding to ignore it I said," Hey, also Jalter, I found your mother, well if you consider yourself to be Jeanne, even if partially".

She looked at me surprised and asked," My mother?", I nodded and said," I saved her from becoming a wyvern snack, after all, that would leave a bad taste in my mouth", she looked at me dumbfounded," I- I see, then I would try to not kill her by mistake", she said, well that's new, she is okay with killing her but is refraining from doing so since I saved her, well she is surprisingly loyal and dedicated for her personality.

Anyway, it's time to rest, it would be weeks before the final battle even approaches, in the meantime I would eat, sleep and follow up them for enjoyment.


3rd Pov

Meanwhile, in the forest Jeanne who had introduced herself to Ritsuka and Fujimaru was discussing another Jeanne known as the Dragon Witch," The most surprising would be those white-winged creatures, I could feel Holy Aura of them and even purity", said Jeanne, Ritsuka and Fujimaru where troubled by this well.

" How strong are they?", asked Ritsuka, Jeanne replied," Most of them are even weaker than wyverns at the level of a low-level servant but I have sensed quite a few at the level of Mid-Servants and one at the level of a High level one", they gulped hearing that," Any idea what they are?", asked Mash.

Jeanne shook her head and said," Although not sure, I think they are Angels, or at least based on them", Romani said," Is that so? Does Dragon Witch has an ability which lets her summon these beings or it is the work of someone else?", Ritsuka suddenly said," Doctor, also that blonde haired man".

"You mean the man before whom the wyverns cowered?", said Leonardo and Ritsuka nodded, with a serious face he said," When he looked at me my whole body froze, I felt intense fear and if not for Miss Jeanne I would have been good as gone", fear evident in his voice, both Romani and Leonardo looked at him concerned.

" He looked at me as well when I had my hood on my face", Jeanne said, Romani sighed and said," I have a feeling that he is involved with the wyverns and those angel-like beings, and my mind tells me he belongs to Dragon Witch's camp", hearing that they became nervous, Mash asked," Then why did he save that woman?", Ritsuka nodded and said," I heard some of his words and he looked a bit concerned for that woman".

"Now that we can't say for sure", said Leonardo, Jeanne looked at them and clenched her fists," That woman was my mother", she said surprising them, she continued," I don't know if I am right but maybe my other 'Me' might have sent him to make sure that our Mother doesn't die".

" That might be the case", said Romani agreeing with her," That means the other Jeanne isn't that bad we assume", said Mash with a bit of relief, Leonardo shook her head and said," Bad or not, she has committed a massacre, saving one person doesn't changes that", they became silent and Jeanne said," Yes, she is right, that's why! That's why I will need to stop her!", a conviction could be seen in her eyes.

Ritsuka and Mash looked at her and nodded," We wish for the same Miss Jeanne", said Mash, thus their first day in the singularity passed.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I am not late this time! Give me powerstones!!!)