

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Unexpected Situation

(Author's Note: Powerstones guys, also should I add Fate Fake in this fic?)


3rd Pov

The next day it was early morning, the sun had just risen and birds were chirping, Jeanne was sleeping quietly beside a tree covered in a robe, and just a bit away there was the tent of Ritsuka Fujimaru and Mash Kyrielight, suddenly a voice sounded in Jeanne's head, her eyes widened hearing the voice, meanwhile Romani shouted in the comms and woke up the Master-servant duo informing them how they detected a powerful life signature a few kilometers away.

They came outside and met Jeanne whose face had become pale, Ritsuak worried asked," Are you alright Miss Jeanne?! Your face has become so pal-", Jeanne interrupted him and said," Tha-That's not important right now!", Ritsuka replied," Ye-Yes! let's head in that direction right away".

Jeanne without waiting any further made a run in the direction from where she could feel the servant, Ritsuka got on Mash's back who followed after her, soon they reached the place and the view before they shocked them to their core, the town that was supposed to be there was completely obliterated.

Jeanne fell to her knees, her face became pale as the shock was written all over her face," N-No mother", her voice trembled as she said these two words," Beautiful isn't it?", she turned in that direction the voice to find another her, the one behind this, Jalter chuckled and said with a sadistic smile," Oh, how pathetic Jeanne, you weren't even able to come at a time to see them burned into ashes".

Jeanne trembled to look other her and said," The other 'me' ", she quickly made some distance and summoning her Holy Flag held it tightly in her hand, Jalter smirked and said," You think you can beat me? I am better in every way either in parameters, skills or being a wom- You know what let's leave at that".

Jeanne trembled as she asked," W-Why? Why?! You should have known who was there!!", Jalter stopped laughing for a bit only to look at her with a grin," Oh? Do you mean 'mother'? She was lucky enough to be warned the day before, however, she ignored the warning and joined the herd of these pathetic people anyway, for that she deserved to be burned into ashes right?", she said.

Jeanne's eyes widened in shock hearing that, she couldn't believe that other he would even burn the entire town knowing that their mother was there,' Just how? Just how can she do this?! ', she thought as she couldn't believe that she could be like this, like her, while Jalter enjoyed the inner suffering she was facing,' Well, I did take the liberty of sparing that pathetic excuse of my mother, after all, Lord personally saved her for my sake, can't give up on her dropping dead now can I? But not that she needs to know ', she thought amused by the expression Jeanne was making.

"There is another Jeanne D'Arc Senpai!", said Mash, Ritsuka awoke from the trance, he was just too shocked to react now, Jalter's eyes fell on them, remembering what her Lord told her earlier she smiled," So that small and pathetic looking man is the last Master of Humanity? That's completely hilarious! Pftt...Hahaha... Oh, that made me wheezing, a person who isn't even a third-rate Magus will save the fricking Humanity?!", she said with an amused smile.

Ritsuka and Mash froze hearing that, they didn't expect this other Jeanne to know them this well, Ritsuka clenched his fists at her words which touched his spore spot, Mash meanwhile took a defensive position standing in front of her Senpai to defend him from any attack. Jeanne too got over her shock and held her Holy flag in a defensive position.

Jalter smiled seeing this and said," Now let's get that over, My servants! Show yourself!", suddenly a group of servants surrounded them," No! That's not good! Get away from there quickly! Every single one of them is a servant! You won't be able to survive this!", Ritsuka replied frustrated," Even if you say that! In this condition we can't escape", a look of fear appeared on his face as he finished saying this realizing the grave situation they are in.

"Getting scared from this already? I have more surprises for you all! Taadah!", she said with a sadistic smile as a group of Angels composed of more than fifty low-level angels, 10 4th Tier angels, and 2 High Tier angels came out and surrounded them as well if that wasn't enough a group of 4th Tier Undead warriors surrounded them as well, all of the three's faces became paler seeing this.

Jeanne gulped a bit seeing them, especially those Angel-like beings as she still couldn't understand how this creature having a Holy Aura could commit such atrocities, she asked her," Why? Why are you doing all of this?!! Why do you want to destroy France?!", Jalter looked at Jeanne speechless, with ' Are you serious? ' look, then she said," What is this sh*t? Don't you know it better than anyone why I am doing this or you are just that dumb other me?".

Jeanne replied," I would never do this! Also what are these Holy creatures and why they are committing such atrocities!", Jalter clicked her tongue baffled by other Jeanne, even Ritsuka and Mash who understood their situation well, couldn't be more speechless," Miss Jeanne I don't think she is going to tell us", said Mash.

Jalter smirked and said," Learn from that pink-haired girl, even that pathetic girl is smarter than her, I thought I would need to prove myself better than you but now I realize there is nothing to compare, you are more pathetic than I assumed to be ' Jeanne' Anyway finish them off", as the last words reached everyone ears the entire place became silent.

In Chaldea, meanwhile Romani was having a PSTD," Prepare ray shift quickly! He won't be able to survive in such a situation!", a worker replied," Working on this!", he looked nervously at the screen, the servants got ready to attack them as suddenly the sound of carriage sounded with someone's shout," Vive La France!!", they looked above to find a carriage flying.

Jalter got on the defensive as shockwaves plus Music even affected her a bit, Ritsuka and the other two became surprised, the carriage approached and stopped near them quickly," Get in! There is no time to talk, Hop on the carriage!", said Kiyohime, Ritsuka, Mash, and Jeanne knew this was their only chance and quickly got in the carriage.

Jalter looked at this unbothered, a small smile formed on her face looking at them as if looking and fools and said," Idiots", the next moment as the carriage took off something unexpected happened, hundreds of Angels formed a spherical barrier around them," Let's go! They aren't that strong!", said Elizabeth, and thus their carriage moved rapidly as Kiyohime and Elizabeth destroyed the angels, unfortunately for them, they didn't expect a large Angel to appear.

The Angel used Holy Smite on the carriage, the spell was Holy in Nature causing extra damage to the evil-aligned beings, and not long after the attacks struck Elizabeth and Kyohime screamed in pain as the spell caused intense damage to them, others, while not affected at the level of others, were still mildly injured, as for Ritsuka it was even worse.

Their carriage fell on the ground, and all of the servants fell off the carriage, " Ritsuka! Mash!", shouted Romani with a pale face, the only person who remained mostly unaffected was Jeanne but even then the Holy Smite did a bit of damage on her, she looked with a worried face at others, her eyes horrified as they fell on Kiyohime and Elizabeth who were gravely injured, and their almost entire skin was scorched.

(Author's Note: Don't go cussing me around okay, although a second-sphere angel is not comparable to a first-sphere angel they are fairly powerful, in fact against a first Sphere Angel even Ainz would have to go all out to defeat a single one, obviously the biggest reason for it is that he is an evil-aligned being but again, he is Ainz for f*ck's sake!)

Even Jalter couldn't help but sweat a bit,' So strong! Even if the Lord told me earlier that they cause immense damage to Evil Aligned beings, but for a mere summon to do this much damage on Servants! ', she thought, her face became a bit pale as she remembered she was an evil-aligned being as well, then a sadistic smile appeared on her face,' And all of them are under my control ', she thought.

Jeanne looked at the servants worried not knowing what to do, on the one hand, they were surrounded by enemy servants and on the other hand some of these unknown servants were injured, even if they hadn't come to save them she would have tried to save them against the enemy as long as they aren't enemy themselves, this is just how she was.

Jalter smirked and said," You see these white-winged chickens around us, they are something called Angels, you know what it means right?", Jeanne's eyes widened hearing that, she muttered in shock," Im-Impossible, ho- how can they- No you are lying!", Jalter grinned and said," Why? Find it impossible to believe? Just look behind you, two of those twerps are nearly dead, do you know why?! Because anything evil is purified by their attacks! Hahahaha! Do you get the irony?!".

Jeanne's expression became worse as she looked behind, she found Kiyohime and Elizabeth to be half-dead, meanwhile, Marie and Wolfgang stood up looking around the enemies who had surrounded them with worry," Senpai! Are you alright?!", said Mash horrified looking at the injured Ritsuka, he smiled weakly and replied," I am fine Mash, thanks to you".

Yes, if Mash hadn't used her body to shield him he would have kicked the bucket after receiving that attack, after all the 7th Tier angel is capable of destroying middle ages cities alone let a normal person." Commence Rayshift now!!", shouted Romani in the comms," Commencing Rayshift!", a worker replied," 3...2...1... Rayshift!", another worker replied.

The next moment all of them held their breath waiting for Mash and Ritsuka to reappear in the coffins but nothing like that happened, Romani looked at this shocked, and said," What happened?!", he suddenly heard a voice," Now that's rude", he looked at the screen to find the same blond-haired man from the day before.

Ritsuka, Mash, Jeanne, and the other two looked surprised to find him, and then something more surprising happened, the other Jeanne or Jalter before their very eyes without any hesitation kneeled in front of him," My Lord!", she quickly made her head down, respect, admiration and a hint of affection could be seen on her face, but that was nothing compared to the fear that can be seen on her face.

Even if Poseidon treated them differently compared to when he met her first and explained to her how she as his subordinate won't be punished as long as she doesn't do something extreme, can't change the fact that she was brutally beaten to submission just a few days ago, the other servants knelt as well.

(Author's Note: All these servants in the original at first acted just as background and even here when Jalter has other new servants in the form of summon, the situation has only worsened lol)

Poseidon glanced at Ritsuka Fujimaru and said," Why don't you show yourself their leader?", a holographic projection appeared in the air, the face of tensed Dr. Romani Archman appeared on it as well, Poseidon looked at him and said," You might have sent them into this era out of your own obligation, but you can't leave without my permission".

"Can we talk about this?", Romani said with a helpless look, Poseidon ignored him and then glanced at Jeanne," You suddenly are almost the same as her, I would think the only difference would be that she learns things a tad faster and is a bit less dumb", he commented amusedly comparing her to Apocrypha's Jeanne while Jalter and FGO Jeanne looked confused and doubted if he was comparing both of them.

"Who are yo-", she said only to stop suddenly," Silence", Poseidon chanted a 6th Tier spell which silenced Jeanne, normally a spell even at this level wouldn't have affected her after all she possessed EX rank Magic Resistance, but her spirit origin was extremely unstable and coupled with the fact that she had no Master worsened her Magic resistance to C level.

Poseidon continued, "Now..."

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Give me power stones if you wanna know what happens next!)