
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Rise Of The Evil God And Angel

After the God of Destruction Kessa took our heroes under his wing. They've been training immensely, and learning to wield the power of the gods! However, as things begin to escalate! Feelings begin to show, secrets are revealed, identities change, and blood begins to spill. What will become of our heroes, what will become of this family that was forged by bonds and love? Find out In the third installment of Fate Of Two Saiyans!

Foster_Tristan · Cómic
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41 Chs

Chapter 28-The Corruption Of New Westfall City

The roots of the Lyrx disease began taking hold as people screamed and ran from it. New Westfall City was once again falling into madness. The glass shattered as the roots wrapped around buildings. Stretching like webs to opposite sides creating giant bridges in the air. People who were touched found themselves decomposing in minutes. Animals, cars, plants, food. Anything it touched it consumed. Chaos spread amongst the streets as people pushed each other out of the way to survive. People were trampled, others used as bait. Families ran as if they were able to live. The roots wrapped around people and held them up as lifeless statues drained of all essence they had. Horror struck fast and New Westfall City had once again. Become a hotspot for chaos.

At the farmhouse, Rose, Bell, Ru, Okara, and Crimson. Sat together recovering from all the events taking fold.

"Where's Arako and Kytel... They should be back by now." Bell asked worried about their lives.

"I'm sure they're okay, I mean after all they're-." Rose tried to comfort Bell, but Ru interrupted.

As he began whaling loudly missing his mother.

"Shhh, shh it's okay Ru. Dad's right here." Okara holds Ru trying to calm him down. It took a bit, but Ru slowly stopped crying.

"What are we gonna do?" Crimson asked still recovering from his injuries.

"The only thing we can do, fight... Fight until our last breath." Okara replied as he held Ru.

"Even with this new god power, I wasn't able to do much. He stopped me like I was nothing."

"I know, but you didn't have Crisma back then... You should've listened and taken him when I mentioned it."

"I get it, it's my fault he got away. I'm sorry... The power got to my head."

"You think..."

"Guys! Really? This isn't the time right now to be arguing!" Bell shouts causing Ru to begin an uproar once more.

Okara goes to calm him down once more. While everyone else watches.

"You're right... For all, we know we could be the last remaining fighters. We gotta stay strong and work together... Right, Okara."

Okara looked at Crimson and nodded in agreeance.

"But something is still bothering me... After all this time, Cassa still hasn't returned and I can't stop thinking about her."

"That's true, she would've come back by now if she was alright."

"That means he did something to her..." Suddenly Okara's eyes went sharp at the thought of Cassa being harmed.

"Hold on there Okara, there might be a chance she's hiding somewhere else to keep from being found by Salas."

"That's true... But-."

Suddenly in an instant Cinthea appeared by the broken wall.

"It seems our situation has turned into a more dire one at that."

Rose and Bell stood up as they were the only ones who could fully function.

"Cinthea! You're here!" Bell exclaimed as Cinthea walked in more.

"Yes, it seems my help didn't work as intended."

Crimson looks at the ground in disappointment of himself.

"Sorry... I wasn't strong enough."

"That's quite alright, however, we have a more pressing matter to attend to now. It seems with Lord Kessa still in a coma. The pair have commenced their next phase and it has created a horrifying sight."

Cinthea looks at Ru then at Okara.

"This isn't for the child to see..."

Okara buried Ru's head into his chest to keep him from seeing the projection that Cinthea has provided. As it shows the chaos and despair that fills New Westfall City was apparent to them now. The city was a jungle of black vine-like roots, that had veins of yellow glowing from within them.

"A source has been created and used to corrupt the earth itself, I don't know where this source is or how strong it is. But whatever is creating it... Will destroy the earth within the next two days. Your planet will no longer exist and will become that of a floating ball of parasitic life. One that could spread to any other planet within the solar system and... The universe."

"You've got to be shitting me! They did this? They created something that could eat the entire universe?!"

"It seems so, this seems to be their plan since the beginning."

"Great! Great!" Okara exclaimed in anger at the thought of their homeworld being turned into a giant parasite.

"If you wish to do something about it, I recommend doing it soon. Since you two are the remaining warriors we have."

Suddenly at the tap of her staff, Crimson and Okara were rejuvenated once again.

Okara sets Ru down as he stands up. Both him and Crimson's outfits are being swapped out into their god outfits.

"To kill a god, you must ascend higher than a god... Okara as you know Crimson has unlocked that new power... You too can do so. However, we can't do it now. Because we are limited on time, so I need you to work with what you've got."

"Great! Just great!"

"Okara it's okay, we'll manage I promise."

"Easy for you to say, you've got that cool new blue power."

"Yeah well, it's very draining on the stamina lets just say that."

"As you both know, a godly fusion won't work on Salas either. So to prevent yourselves from being worn out so quickly... Avoid the fusion dance at all costs. However, I do have another method that can be bestowed upon you at Kessa's request."

"Really? What is it?"

"Be wary that since neither of you are Kai's. You will only have an hour, compared to the fusion dance which lasts for thirty minutes."

"Wait, it's another fusion technique?" Crimson questioned as he looked at Cinthea who quickly pulled out two earrings. They were ball-shaped at the bottom but had the hook for the earlobe.

"Make sure both of you put these on the same ears so you don't fuse now. Once you're ready to fuse you will put both earrings on opposite ears, instantly being pulled together to merge into a fused warrior."

Cinthea handed them both an earring the ball was green and the metal was silver.

"I don't know if these will grant you victory, but they will create an opportunity don't you forget that. Opportunities are everything now. These Potara earrings are the last of the gifts Kessa has left for you in case of his absence."

Crimson and Okara held their Potara earring in hand and looked at each other.

"We could die and the world would be over... You know that right?" Crimson said worrily.

"Crimson, we've fought death so many times at this point... I'm so used to it by now. So there's no need to worry because I, and ready to give it my all once again."

"Then we're in this together..."

Crimson turned and headed out the door, as Okara looked back at Ru and everyone. He knew something had to be done. This was that something.