
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Cómic
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91 Chs

Chapter 2: Another Master? Another Servant?

—-Kusanagi Ken's perspective—-

Date: 14th of May 2042 | 4:10 PM

Location: Fuyuki, Japan

After I recovered, I immediately rushed to remove the obstacles...

"Tch!!! THAT IDIOT!!!"

Haruka threw me out of the dojo, with her strength it is not impossible. But this is not the time to be impressed.

I dig, dig and dig


With Haruka's physical strength she will survive without a doubt. But there was another obstacle.

"I told you not to make a mess, Berserker"

I heard a young girl's voice, but Berserker!!! Isn't that one of the 7 servants of the holy grail wars?

"Oh? A survivor?"

When I look back I wanted to ask for help but with that intense blood lust, there is no way in hell they will help me.

A lady in her teens has bright brown short hair and blue eyes, she is around 163 cm, and next to her is a large man full of muscles wearing what looks like armor, a helmet, and carrying a club.

"A servant!??!!?!"

"A mage? So you are a mage? That makes things easier" She smiled grimly

What is a participant in a Holy Grail War doing here???

"You see, I was tasked to find a weapon of mass destruction. Do you happen to know what I'm talking about, heir of the Kusanagi's"

"I don't know what you are talking about! Even if I did I won't tell you!!!"

She has an expressionless face like someone who killed countless people

"I see... Then you are useless. Berserker..... kill him"

The large man behind her started moving and now he is in front of me. Dammit, I can't move I'm too tired... MOVE, MOVE, MOVE... IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE MOVE!!!!

"Sorry young man," the large man said with a big smile on his face as he raised the club

Ah! Is this what they meant by your life flashing before you die? Am I going to die?

As he was about to smash me... my right hand shone brightly, a bright red light it was enough to temporarily blind them. And in that split second the large man flew away hitting the trees in the distance. Electric sparks can be heard... When the blinding light vanished slowly... A familiar silhouette can be seen... Amidst the dust and smoke... the noisy debris crumbling... the blue flashes of lightning around...

"That was reeeaaally close, if I was a split second late you would have died Ken!" a girl clad in blueish samurai armor greeted me with a big smile on her face.

"I thought you died!!! YOU IDIOT!!!"

"HAAHAH sorry for making you worry"

My eyes are quite blurry from exhaustion and panic, but I would recognize that voice even in my sleep.


"I know it's my fault, but can you scold me later the big guy is back~"

She went to her stance. Now that I got a breather I can see clearer now. She is using the katana I brought and she is clad in....samurai armor? And her whole body is producing blue electricity?

"What the hell happened?" I asked in confusion

"Weeeelllll, I will explain later"

She is right, I stood up and dusted myself, wait a...

"A COMMAND SPELL!!!!" I shouted in surprise

The lady who attacked us was also surprised

"Another Master? And a new Saber?" she tilted her head

I thought that the 14 masters already... What is a command spell doing in my hand? And if I have one then who is the serv...




And then we got into argument.... we forgot that we are still in battle. The large man appeared behind her.

Haruka in response pushed me away and blocked the strike.

"Let's talk later, Ken!" while she is struggling

I gotta agree, I need to cool down and think rationally.

"Haruka can you...." A dagger!!!?!?!?!

I dodged the dagger and use Telepathy

"Haruka can you send him flying again!" I said through telepathy

"UWAAAHHH" she screams in shock

(It's me you idiot!!!)


(Can you send him flying again?) I asked again

(I'm not sure, each strike he does are heavy and his body is too hard)

(I see)

I analyze the situation while hiding in the debris. The girl master vanished, as expected of a veteran master. I need to secure my surrounding. I deployed a simple barrier that can block some attacks. But I still need to be vigilant.

A few meters away from me Haruka and the Berserker are fighting. Haruka keeps deflecting berserker's attacks.

While the berserker keeps pounding on her while laughing loudly.

Seriously, so this is a fight between servants. Dust all over and the grounds keep shattering.

Berserker made a huge swing but the attack missed Haruka stepped on the club and landed her attacks, she keeps swinging her blade injuring him in the process. Berserker stepped back and grabbed a trident from mid-air.

"THIS IS EXCITING!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA" Berserker shouted in excitement

Haruka kicked the club away from them and also took a step back. Both of them look excited in their fight until...

—————————Chapter End———————

Name: Kisaragi Haruka

Age: 17 • Location: Japan

Role in Story: Childhood friend \ Saber

Goal: Protect

Physical Description:

Height: 160 cm Weight: 115 lbs

A beautiful girl in her teens, with long black hair, purple eyes, slender body, she always wears a uniform properly. In her servant form, she is clad in samurai armor and her hair is tied like a ponytail with blue lightning around her body.


Others always get the impression of cool, smart beauty and thought that she is hard to approach, but to their surprise, she is the opposite, she is very energetic when it comes to her friends, but she is shy when it comes to strangers and stutters when talking to others. A natural airhead, a perfect term to explain her personality (her friends said), in any case, she is a natural airhead and because of that, she is also regarded as a cute rabbit. But when it comes to martial arts or fights she became a hunter waiting on her prey, everyone who saw her fight or fights with her always says that she is a monster in human skin because of her sinister smile.

Occupation: Student

Habits/Mannerisms: She loves eating sweets, always trains early in the morning, stutters when talking to strangers, and loves swords and cooking.


She came from a family of samurai and, her father gave her strict lessons in the way of the blade, as a result, she become a beast when holding her sword that even her father who is known as a blade master lost to her. She was once involved in a fight with gangsters, where she knocked out(massacred) everyone to the point that it left trauma to some people.