
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Cómic
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97 Chs

Project Salvation

Author note:

This third volume is mainly to set up the upcoming events and kind of show the things that have happened since he won the war, however you won't be getting all the answers immediately obviously, otherwise there would be no need to even write a story.

There were a lot of questions about why Scáthach acted the way she did with the mc or why the mc even tried to get her to teach him, well you will be getting answers eventually when the plot gets to that point. I won't rush things nor spoil things.




[ Medea pov ]

As I made my way back to the mansion, I couldn't help but sigh. My beloved had for some reason began obsessing over that woman!

He could have Diarmuid teach him spearmaship or Artoria teach him close quarter combat, but he just wanted to bring in 'the best of the best'.

I can't even be too mad because the first time he summoned her was also the first time he summoned anyone from the throne of heroes and it was more of an experiment than anything, but after she said that she wouldn't teach him he just couldn't let things go...

"Everything alright?" asked Giorno once I entered the house.

"Sigh, yes." I replied.

Giorno immediately shook his head and asked. "So he summoned her again huh?"

I simply nodded at his question. It was clear that he already knew since there was nothing else really that frustrated me so much and I doubt I made my expression stoic enough for him not to notice.

"Well, he will either have to cut his time with her short or tell me what to say to the little girl who came all the way here to meet him." said Giorno as he continued walking. "There are also two letters I need to give him, one sent by the heir to the Department of Astromancy and the other sent by a village in Wales. Apparently the future lord wants to talk about creating a security organisation or something like that, and the town of Wales was saying something about King Arthur."

"Girl?" I asked in a slightly confused tone, ignoring completely the part about the letters.

It's true that there where many bit- I mean girls around my beloved, but none actually have the courage to just show up here except for that bug that thinks she is on his level.

"Indeed, it is actually the niece of his late teacher." said Giorno. "I don't think you have met her, but she is the new head of the El-Melloi faction thanks to the young master's support. Clearly maintaining relationships or establishing new ones with a sorcerer is a very big deal around here."

Why hadn't I heard anything about this?! Whatever, my beloved must have had a reason so it doesn't matter, but why would some low-life girl think she could just show up here without an appointment?!

As if sensing my annoyance, Giorno continued speaking. "Because the young master was granting the title of Lord and became the head of the Mineralogy department, which previously 'belonged' to her family, the simplest way to solve all the issues was to just have a good relationship with the next head, so he made a deal to support her as long as she wasn't an annoyance."

After a small pause, Giorno continued. "The young master paid their debts and helped her restore his professor's family crest, however he did all that while being himself... in other words he did all that while experimenting a bit and testing the results in an attempt to make things more entertaining I guess."

"I understand that my beloved is amazing, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked confused.

"Well... she appears to be a bit of a sadistic person and she enjoyed a lot her time with the young master." continued Giorno. "So she has been coming the past few days in hopes of discussing a... union of families."

Marriage? Did he just say marriage? No no, did some bug just say she want to get married to my beloved?

"I understand how you are feeling." said Giorno, interrupting my thoughts. "And I have already tried to decline as politely as possible, however I she won't accept it from anyone other than the young master."

A moment of silence fell between us, where we simply stared at each other before I broke it.

"We should just ki-"

"I already thought about getting rid of her, but it would just mean that all the effort the young master spent was for nothing."

Damn, he has a good point...

"Then what about mem-"

"Altering her memory without anyone noticing is impossible unless it is the young master who does it, and that would require more effort than simply rejecting her."

Huh, so he has thought it out well, as expected of Giorno. He is pretty awesome at making things easier for my beloved.

"Ugh, I just don't understand why some nobodies would think they are good enough for him!" I exclaimed while stomping my feet on the ground.

"Trust me, i understand perfectly." replied Giorno. "It's just like the proposal he received from the Einzberns all over again."

"Hahaha don't even tell me about it." I said with a chuckle, though I was more irritated than anything else. "I mean those bastards really thought he would marry some random homunculi hybrid who was like 10 years old?"

"Sigh, I know." he said with a sad expression. "Unfortunately everyone in this world is apparently an idiot..."

"Whatever." is aid with a wave of my hand, trying to change the topic in order to not get any angrier. "If you want to go you should get prepared to avoid some spear attacks. I would say to wait ten minutes until he gets tired and sends her back as usual, but he seemed only motivated today so it might take longer."

Giorno nodded with a small smile. "It's fine, after all the only one waiting is a bug that is going in way over her head so she can stay in a chair just fine."

I chuckled slightly before leaving.

As I headed down to the lab, I couldn't help but think about these past four years. Everything was just... AMAZING!

My beloved even summoned Jason a couple of times so we could send him back to the throne of heroes, painfully of course.

After a short walk, I reached the lab. It was indeed a beautiful sight, filled with brand new equipment and gorgeous decorations from the month Artoria and I tried to fight over who would get to go on the first date with him by finding the best pieces of art and having him see which one was better.

Of course I won, but it was much harder than I expected.

"You are already here?" asked Diarmuid from the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked back. "Weren't you fighting with Artoria on the gardens?"

"We were." replied Artoria for the other couch. "But Giorno told us that there might be visit coming so if we wanted to avoid annoying questions it might be best to take a break."

"Sigh, whatever." I said before heading to my beloved's desk and opening a drawer. "If you are already here, you should at least help, so bring the whiteboard and the stack of papers labeled 'PS-2263' from the top shelf."

"Wow, you brought it down to 2263?" asked Diarmuid, slightly impressed. "Wasn't it 2314 a few months ago?"

"Indeed." I replied. "But it gets better, I am confident we could bring it down all the way to 2200's, maybe even enter the 2180's."

"Holy fuck." said Artoria with wide eyes and a slightly excited expression. "You will bring it down by nearly a century!"

"Exactly!" I said proudly. "Though it depends on how long it takes the association to examine that woman's brain and figure out her magecraft. When my beloved get's the grail, we will be able to bring it down all the way to the 2120's, maybe even the 2110's."

"Nice." said Diarmuid while handing over the stack of papers. "It's good that 'Project Salvation' is going so well."

Artoria moved the whiteboard in front of us, where we stared at it for a few seconds in silence.

"Do you mind getting the feather as well?" I said with a tired tone. "I don't understand why I need to remind you that whenever you bring the whiteboard you also need to bring the feather."

"Hmph!" said Artoria as she went to the secondary part of the lab where test subjects where kept and returned with a burning feather, thought it wasn't the only thing she returned with...

"Really?" I asked, staring at the lion that came with her. "It needs to stay back there, keeping an eye on the test subjects, so don't bring it here."

"Stop complaining about everything." said Artoria with a vein on her forehead. "It's not my fault that my dear's lion likes me better than you."

"Let's do it then." interrupted Diarmuid. "Unless of course you prefer to argue among yourselves instead of helping master."

Artoria remained silent and simply threw the burning feather to the whiteboard, making the whiteboard catch fire. Instead of turning to ashes however, black symbols began appearing on it and circles began guiding the fire, making it create a sphere within the board.

"The map of the world..." I muttered, staring at the sphere of fire shaped with the continuents and even country divisions. "Well then, let's see how soon we can get this garden of sinners under our master's control."