
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Derivados de obras
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24 Chs

Bonding time part 2

I was starting to get tired, and the kids were fast asleep. I looked at them sleeping and really could not help but smile. We had 2 million, but almost half of that would go to the property and land I wanted to buy. I would have to ask Grace to buy it for me, and that was if the big government did not see a huge problem with it. I mean, a poor person could make that much money…stuff did not add up.

If I wanted these kids to be safe, I would have to have a big property. Maybe I could also help other kids who have been affected like them…is that not what Grace tried to do. I guess Grace had a bigger impact on me than I thought. I would need to get the kids clothes, food, and whatever else they needed. I would also have to find a way to make sure we still had money to keep us afloat. The magical creatures would need food and a place for them to be. The spiders were easy; I just needed to get a big forest and tell them to stay there. The dragon….that was going to be tricky, and the…other creature well I will have to figure that out later.

God…I have so much money, but already I can see myself being broke. Sigh…I wonder if I should give the creatures to the wizards and just let it be. On the fence with it right now. I wonder if I could open a hospital, that would be nice. Maybe even a hospital to help people with mental disorders…dreams.

The were-kids would have to registered, I was not too fond of it, but they would have to. They vampire-kids as well. Man, I really need to go to sleep and think about this stuff tomorrow. Tomorrow I will take the kids out to the nicer part of town and have them be kids. I think that would help them, at least a little bit.

8 years old, and I already feel like my past self. Paying bills, making sure food was on the table, and being the adult…..seriously, things just do not change, do they? I was hoping this would not happen in this life, but….I guess it is not that bad. I just really hope that the money will last us long enough for me to figure out how to continue to make money.

"Big brother…I am scared," a soft little voice said. It was one of the younger kids; her name was Ashley. She was 6, from what I remember her telling the group.

"what are you scared of, Ashley."

"Will…will the bad people get us again, and will…you leave us" I felt a sting in my heart when she said that. I hugged her and said.

"Never…as long as I am your brother, I will keep you safe." These kids needed more help than I thought. That was okay, though, with the money I had, I could get tons of land, and even if I got rid of the eggs minus the spider ones. I could use ritual magic to protect them. I remember something in the movies about the ministry trying to round up muggle-borns. If I could do what I wanted to do, those fuckers would not be able to even get near my house. I would first make a ritual that would allow the trees to act as a maze. If someone wanted to harm anyone in my home, the trees would attack, either physically or mentally. If they somehow got through that, well, I guess spiders need to eat too, right? The dragon and the other creature would act as the third line of defense, and the final would be the actual house. I would place a ritual that would make the house go into a full blow defense mode. So, many thoughts, but I first have to get through the ministry to deal with whatever they had going on.

I looked at the time to realize that it was already 5 a.m. well, I guess I won't be sleeping anytime soon. I look to see that the rest of the kids were starting to get up. I told them that today we would be shopping and that after we would come back here. The kids seemed a little nervous, but I told them that no one would hurt them. It took us a while to get ready, I mean, it was hard to get the little ones to want to go outside, but we (meaning myself) got them to go.

We made our way through the city to one of the breakfast places that I saw yesterday. It was a kid theme kind of place, and they had a lot of cool stuff. I am saying that as an...kid-adult, not as a kid. There was also an arcade close to the area as well, so it was a perfect place. We got inside the building, and the first thing I noticed was that many people were looking at us. The older kids did not like the way they were being looked at. It took me a while to get them to calm down.

One of the workers came up to us and said

"Children were are your parents." I could see that Kyle was not happy about what the man had said. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"Sir, we are….orphans, and our guardian told us that we could have the day to….see London. I hope you do not mind," I said to him. Before the man could say anything, a family came up to us. There were a woman and her child. I knew them immediately; they were the Charlie family. Her son had problems with his bones. The poor kid had the brittle bone disease, and the police thought he was being abused. Thankfully, I was able to help the family. The mother was extremely thankful for my services, offered to adopt me, but I refused.

"Darius…Darius hunter is that you. OH MY GOD…it is you, and look at the little ones next to you….well my boy, come, come sit next to us. I am sure my husband will be more than happy to see you" The woman's name was Amy, and boy was she super cheerful, and a little bit….how do you say…hmm..overreactive. Nice lady, but…overreactive.

We followed her to the area they were in and had to get extra seats for all the other kids. Amy, was more than happy to have all of us here. I told the kids that they could have whatever they wanted…except blood, of course.

Amy seeing that we all ordered, said, "I will take care of the bill. You do not need to worry about that, dear. If you are wondering, Darius, where my husband is…well, he is in the bathroom…between you and me. I think that man has something, OH if only you saw older adults, then I would feel so much better. You know the hospital has not been the same; I do not think those Baboons knew what to do when you left….Oh, my goddess Darius you need to go back to that hospital. My poor boy, he talks about you all the time, says he will only see you. I tal-

The woman never knows when to shut up. I did not want to be rude to her, so I just listen to it all. The woman continued to talk THE.WHOLE.BREAKFAST. Her husband showed up about 10 minutes ago. When we finished, I thought it would be a good idea to go to the arcade. Some of the kids thought that would be nice; others did not really want to go. I told them to try and stay continue. I also told them that I would be here for them. I should go to the ministry sooner rather than later.

The kids played, but not me…oh no…I had to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Charlies…They both became paranoid about their son`s health. They nearly talked me to death, I watched as the kids played, and I could not help but feel a little jealous.

After about two hours of being in the arcade, most of the kids were ready to leave. The only two that did not want to go was Vince and Kyle. They had a rivalry going on. Vince wanted to be like me; he would act nice and kind to everyone and was a bit of a goofball. Kyle was more serious and wanted to kill the "psycho wolf." It was almost like…a certain anime….

"ARGH, you freaking bloodsucker, just lose already."

"How can I lose to a little mutt like you."

Oh boy….it has only been a day, and I already have problems. Well, I guess a family is never perfect.

"Stop you two," I said to them.

"Yes…brother," They both said to me.

"Look, you do not have to apologize; I think it is time to shop for some clothes."

Most of the kids were happy about shopping in the store. I told them that once we were done, we would head over to the orphanage. They did not like that, but I had to tell them that I needed to go to a place to get registered.

The shopping was a little easier than I thought it would be. I needed up buying a lot of clothes for everyone, and I spent 700 pounds ( I am using the money during that time period to make it less confusing.)

When we were done, we made our way to the orphanage; I just hope Sarah does not get mad at me for the girls next to me. Sigh….

[ Money before: 2,000,000.

Current Money: 1,999,300]