
Fantasy Evolution System

Readingpanda · Oriental
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56 Chs

Upgrade the Wild Ginseng!

The light blue virtual screen which is floating in front of Xing chen giving a surreal feeling but he already assumed to it, without waiting any further he first pressed the storage icon and a small screen which is one third of the main screen panel pooped out in front of him.

On the small storage screen there are many column each with different categories like; Spirit Medicine Storage, Weapon/Artifact Storage, Pill Storage, Heaven and Earth treasure Storage, Scripture & Techniques Storage, Cultivation Skill Storage,miscellaneous item Storage, etc..and so on.

Looking at these categories Xing Chen directly choosed 'Spirit Medicine Storage' category and the remaining categories disappeared in front of him and opened a new page.

The new screen panel shows a total of thirty storage grids in horizontal and vertical way and on the both lower corners (left and right) of screen there's also an option of previous page and next page respectively. Each grid can show and hold a certain kind of medicine herb and each grid can hold almost unlimited quantity of same kind of item and it's same for other categories too.

At present on the first page of 'Spirit medicine storage' only three grids are occupied while remaining are empty. On the First grid from the left an image of yellowish colour ginseng with four gree leafs could be seen and a mini number 1 is written on a side of grid which represents the quantity of ginseng in grid box.

While second grid also occupied by a ginseng and quantity is same as before which is 1. As for why both of them didn't occupy one grid because there is different in age of herb, the ginseng in first grid is hundred years old while the ginseng in second grid is only ten years old so obviously it can't be placed in same grid.

The third grid is occupied by a small bluish white flower and the quantity is also 1. The bluish white flower is called 'Clear Blue Flower', although the name of this spirit flower is simple and ordinary but it's function is not ordinary because it can not only purify and wash the impurities of the Qi of a cultivator but also contains extremely large amount of energy which could help cultivators of 'Qi Refinig Realm' peak to breakthrough into higher realm, so in market if this spirit herb/flower is present it'll be snatched as soon as it is available and many cultivators will be willing to pay all of their property for this one flower.

In truth Xing chen is also lucky enough to obtain 'Clear Blue Flower' when he went to hunt beasts in Qinglong Mountain Forest with his 'Uncle Lei'. So after obtaining this herb he always kept it as if it's his baby and after he got Star Ring he put it in it's system storage space.

Without any further ado he clicked on the image of pale yellow ginseng on the second grid and a small screen popped out with some information on it...

[ Item Type: Spirit herb/medicine.

Name: Wild Ginseng.

Age: 10 years, 7 months & 8 days.

Herb Rank: Mortal Rank Intermediate Grade.

Quality: High.

Status: Upgradeable+ ].

After looking at the data Xing chen clicked the plus button next to upgrade option and then system's voice rang in his mind.

"Ding! Whatever to move the item in upgrade altar?"

"Yes!" He replied.

Next Second above the three dimensional empty upgrade altar presented a yellowish ginseng and begun to float as if supported by some kind of power. While the upgrade button at the bottom of the altar begun to shone and Xing chen without any hesitation touched the button and the next second pleasent voice of system again resounded in his mind.

"Ding! Master whatever to consume 10 Points to upgrade the ginseng?"


After he confirmed to upgrade ginseng an amazing golden light bursted from the altar which enveloped the entire medicine and after several second it disappeared as if it never appeared, and the System promote resounded in his mind once again.

"Ding! Successfully upgraded the Wild Ginseng and its years increased by 10."

"Ding! Whatever to continue to upgrade the selected item?"


"Yes, continue to upgrade the ginseng till it reaches hundred years old!"

"Ding! As you wish master."

After the ginseng upgraded the system's sound again resounded in Xing chen's mind but he told system to continue to upgrade the ginseng because he has hundred Fantasy Points and to upgrade the ginseng it need ninety Fantasy Points so he directly ordered the System to upgrade it to it's upper limit which is hundred years.

According to the System the upper limit to upgrade the Wild Ginseng is hundred years and if you want to continue to upgrade it then you need to mutate or evolve it first into higher species, but those two things need to consume much more points then to upgrade it and the minimum points to mutate the ginseng is 100 Fantasy Points while to evolve it you need 1000 Fantasy Points minimum, which he could not afford for the time being so he only upgraded the Wild Ginseng he obtained.

As for how to obtain points, that is you need to recycle anything which contain energy no matter it is a spirit medicine, Metal ore, weapon, pills, or heaven and earth treasures etc. Any thing is good as long as it contain energy.

Three days ago when Xing chen obtained the System he got 100 Fantasy Points and he used 50 Points to upgrade his fifty years old ginseng into a hundred years one, on the other hand he saved remaining fifty points. Also yesterday he recycled the majority of medicine herbs which is useless to him and got 30 Fantasy Points from them, while he also sold a ten 'body tempering pills' each got him 2 points and total of ten got him 20 Fantasy Points.

So after sum up the total amount of points he has 100 Points. Now that he spend 90 Fantasy Points to upgrade the ginseng, he has only left 10 Fantasy Points.

"Ding! Successfully upgraded the Wild Ginseng and its years increased by 90."

[ Item Type: Spirit herb/medicine.

Name: Wild Ginseng.

Age: 100 years.

Herb Rank: Mortal Rank Intermediate Grade.

Quality: Top grade.

Status: Not Upgradeable ].