
Fantasy Evolution System

Readingpanda · Eastern
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Xing Family and the Story of Qinglong Mountain village

"Ding! Remaining Fantasy Points of master is as follow."

[ Fantasy Points: 10 ]

Look at those 10 Fantasy points in points bar Xing chen could not help but to forced smile.

"It seems like I have to speed up my pace to earn more money and bought large amount of pills and herbs to exchange for the fantasy points." He said as he switched off the main panel of System.

"Well the sun is almost up for more than four hours and now I am free for the time being, I should also check out the Qinglong village market to look for some good spirit medicines and other useful stuff for recycling."Looking at the shining sun, Xing chen left the small garden of his courtyard.

Xing Mansion of Xing Clan occupied a large piece of land and not only there are main courtyards, Martial arts arena, Royal kitchen, Scripture hall, Guest house, Meditation hall, Gardens and fish ponds etc., for Xing clan members but also there are servant buildings and guard buildings where the servants lives.

Although Xing Clan has been living in the Qinglong mountain village for more than fifteen years but the facilities in Xing Clan is no less than that of the big families of 'Ancient Wild City' and maybe even better than them, it's just Xing Chen's grandfather the patriarch of Xing Clan doesn't like to live in crowded places like big cities so he decided to live in Qinglong Mountain village together with other clan members.

in truth there are not many clan members of Xing Clan, together with the Xing chen and his grandfather there are only several dozen other clan members, which is less than sixty to seventy in total, naturally this not includes his unkown parents whom he never saw, while remaining are the servants of Xing Clan.

From the day Xing Clan settled in Qinglong Mountain village, the entire village begun to change for better and progressed by leaps and bounds with the help of Xing Clan.

At first Fifteen years ago when the grandfather of Xing chen and the patriarch of xing clan leads the clan members into this small mountain village, he bought a big piece of land near the inner area of village which is not only surrounded by hills and greenery produces a sense of beauty.

but people from village seldom goes in the inner village area because although it's the inner area of village and the most beautiful place to live but it's also the most dangerous place as the area behind the hills leads to the Qinglong mountain forest and occasionally some beast lurks near those beautiful hills, so when the Xing family arrived in the village and asked the village head to buy that piece of land, the village head first refused to sold them and persuaded them to stay away from that area because of it's danger but in the end after Xing Chen's grandfather somehow succeeded to let the village head agree.

After Xing Clan gave a large amount of money to the people of village and bought all the nearby land and hill area, then asked skilled persons from Ancient Wild City to build an ancient grand mansion for them which is now Xing Mansion is.

Naturally it's not enough to let people of Qinglong Mountain village to respect and admire them, afterall it's rich and he can buy anything, anyway we got money no one owe each other that's all.

But the reason to respect and admire them is because when Xing Clan arrived at the village, the entire village was poor and it's difficult for them to live a good life, not only because they were poor but also because they were very weak at that time. Almost eighty to ninety present people of Qinglong Mountain village were ordinary people at that time and there were only several cultivator in the entire village so although they could hunt and kill the some low level beast and search for some spirit medicine but that's all.

The beast that they were able to kill, in itself the weaker one and although they were good at collecting herbs at that time, but majority of those herbs and spirit medicine could not be identified by them and when they went to wild city to sold, majority of time they were cheated or deceived and given less money than they deserve,all that because of they were weak.

Not only this, sometimes bandits and group of robber come to village and loot or kill the village, Xing Chen's grandfather who wanted to live a peaceful life with clan members, always got disturbed and had to get rid of those robbers and bandits everytime.

In the end Xing Chen's grandfather decided to teach some techniques and skill to the people of village not only to protect them but also to less involve Xing Clan in those small troubles.

And the days passed by and the years were gone, the people of Qinglong Mountain village begun to progress with the help of Xing Clan and their day become better and in less than ten years entire village from an ordinary village changed into a cultivator village where almost majority of people entered the way of cultivation and after that under the leadership of Xing Clan the members of the village started to build good houses, Martial arts arena and even village market and in less than fifteen years from an ordinary poor village to become a rich and self cultivated village.

Naturally the entire village made such big sound, the big families and the Lord of Ancient Wild City already noticed it, afterall Qinglong Mountain village comes under the judication of Wild City. Even many people become greedy and secretly wanted to possess the village under their commands because not only it could bring them a large amount of money from village market and their people itself but also because they will be able to know the secret of their progress.

Xing Clan already know this and send a person to advice the City Lord to warn those greedy influences but after those influences knew they jeered and showed disdainful smiles and took the warning as joke, but soon they couldn't smile and only fear left in them, as some big influences who secretly sent their people to control the village not only they were wiped out but even the high levels of those influences and most because after that incident the City Lord of Ancient Wild City not only did not attacked the Xing family or Qinglong Mountain village instead warned the leaders of those big families and influence even personally went to Xing Mansion to apologize for the rude behaviour of those influences under him, which shocked the entire City and shook the hearts of many leaders in high level circle of Wild City.

From that day to present no one dare to mess with Qinglong Mountain village and once the people from village went to Wild City they were treated in good manners, not like before when they were weak.

Nevertheless, Xing Clan has been shrouded in mysteries since they came in Qinglong Mountain village, another reason is because they are always low key and doesn't interact with outsiders much.