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633 Chs

Not Quite A Villain (But Far From A Hero) By 7Flyingpancakes7 (HunterxHunterxMy Hero academia)

Latest Update: June 15, 2022

Summary:Killua and Gon are in the world of My Hero Academia, see what shenanigans they get up to while there.

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14478300?view_full_work=true

Word count:81k


Chapter 1: Midoriya Izuku I

Chapter Text

Midoriya turned a page in his hero notebook, finishing his observations on Uraraka's quirk and going to his next classmate.

His pencil sketched out a boy, copying a messy, amused smirk and a worn out uniform with two open buttons, and sharp eyes. The graphite eyes came out odd, but no matter how hard Midoriya tried, they couldn't hold a candle to the real thing. With a sigh, Midoriya let his sketch be, adding to the top of the page the name Killua Zoldyck.

That boy was something else.

He was small and almost fragile looking, but his eyes forced you to look at him. They glowed with intelligence, analyzing everyone and everything, absorbing as much information as possible. Unlike Midoriya, he rarely spoke, so no one knew what he did with it. His observation was unsettling but similar to Todoroki's and Tokoyami's quiet attentiveness.

During the physical tests, he showed an incredible amount of strength and speed, completing the tasks with enough points to get into the top five without breaking a sweat. Midoriya assumed that such supernatural strength was his quirk, and since he was rarely wrong he stuck to his theory, categorizing his quirk as super strength. A simple but very useful quirk.

For some reason, though, Aizawa seemed particularly wary of Killua.

Much to Midoriya's confusion, Aizawa never revealed why he was so interested in Killua's existence. There was no serious discussion about him; in fact, all Killua got was a suspicious look and a cryptic comment about 'being very quiet.' Killua had narrowed his eyes in response to the observation and answered the teacher in a tone far too low for Midoriya to catch from the back. Aizawa frowned at the answer and warned the boy that he wouldn't hesitate to expel him if he went out of line.

Killua smirked, but nodded in agreement. "Wouldn't expect anything else."

Midoriya had thought the exchange was mysterious, but he put it in the back of his mind, too worried about himself to pay attention.

However, after All Might's class, Midoriya realized something was up.

He hadn't seen Killua in the Heroes vs. Villains training exercise, but he heard about it. When he came back from the infirmary, part of the class was arguing about it. Apparently, the Villain team, Killua and Yaoyorozu, had won against Jirou and Kaminari. Both Heroes had come back with no injuries, but they both looked shaken, going as far as to declare that Killua's thirst for blood was worse than any true villain they've seen. It was remarkably insulting to a would-be hero to say so, but Killua didn't react to it, either used to such claims or agreeing with them. It was hard to say.

Yaoyorozu, his exercise partner, didn't take the jab as lightly and was clearly furious. She loudly declared that Killua was a little quiet but a very cooperative partner, as he had paid attention to her plan and pointed out problems with it himself, showing a bright mind and willingness to work with others. Killua, who had appeared uncaring of the argument, seemed caught off guard by the compliments, freezing up and hissing something about her embarrassing him so if she could just cut it out already! Yaoyorozu frowned at the reaction, excusing her outburst but making sure everyone knew she stood by her words.

Jirou and Kaminari looked away from her, unconvinced.

Midoriya had watched the interaction unfold with great interest. His opinions of Killua and Yaoyorozu changed bit by bit, getting more complex than his first impressions of "Wow, Yaoyorozu is so strong and smart!" and "Zoldyck-san looks so weak but he's so cool!"

Unfortunately, he hadn't gotten to analyze them for long. Moments after Yaoyorozu stopped ranting, everyone's attention switched to Midoriya. In a flash, most of the class had surrounded him, overwhelming him with greetings, names, and compliments about his fight with Kacchan. Showering him with that positive attention he always craved but never tasted before.

Amidst the chaos, Killua had spoken up briefly before leaving the class. He had smirked and teased Midoriya's reckless fighting style, commenting in an oddly fond tone about how much he reminded him of 'another self-destructive idiot'. And that was it. Midoriya barely had the chance to form a coherent reply before Killua left, waving a lazy goodbye as he walked in the opposite direction of the school exit.

Midoriya wasn't all that good at reading people's faces, and Killua didn't make it any easier, but he seemed nice enough. After all, he got into UA! Surely someone who wanted to be a hero couldn't be all that bad.

At the bottom of the page, right besides Killua's sketched figure, Midoriya wrote 'suspicious' and 'possible friend'.

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14478300?view_full_work=true