
FanFic Ideas to use since I'm to lazy to write it myself

I like to read and I'm bad at writing but I like coming up with ideas so feel free to use my ideas just tell me if you use them so I can read your work

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18 Chs

Fan Fic Idea 9 {Ronald Weasley X Twilight}

This is a Harry Potter x twilight book {here is my idea on how it could start} This is not a reincarnation story it's about ron weasley in this timeline after Voldemort is defeated ron does not end up with Hermione she ends up with Harry Potter ron realized how weak he is and left he disided to travel the world and get stronger he ends up in fork Washington... ( you don't have to make him travel you can do something else this is just my idea to inspire someone who might make this a story) [ Authors Note : if you make this a story can you tell me so i could read your story]