
Fallout Mod/Story Ideas

a collection of ideas for fallout mods and new story elements. Most are unfinished as it was a 1 night thing which I lost interest/forgot the next day. If you have any ideas or suggestions, just say so.

TheUnkownTone · Derivados de juegos
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The Second Great Schism of The East Coast Brotherhood

Arthur Maxon, the descendent of the original Roger Maxon who founded the Brotherhood.

He was hailed as a genius who healed the chapter and brought the Outcasts back into the fold after that old fool Lyons had torn everything apart to save a few wastelanders who'd kill each other anyway.

During the 2280s, the chapter packed up their operations in the former Pentagon and boarded their zeppelin, The Prydwen.

They would eventually end up in The Commonwealth, where they would arrive at the Boston Airport.

To this point, Arthur was very tame in his actions, nothing too rash.

It wasn't till Fort Steel was established when he showed his true colors.

His policies became more xenophobic, targeting ghouls, super mutants, the newly discovered synths, and most of all: the common wastelander.

Younger members were thrilled and showed complete obedience towards Arthur's actions. Some veterans, on the other hand, still harbored the ideals of Lyons.

On April 3rd, 2289, a great schism between a few veterans and the rest of the chapter occurred when the veterans took off in their vertibirds and headed west. Several air to air fights took place as well as a few ground fights. Roughly a fifth of the chapter split.

Arthur was furious and dedicated all resources to the elimination of these "outcasts".

Only this time, they didn't call themselves that.

Many settlers and other folk in the wastes saw flying metal glide above their farms and villages as well as a couple fierce fights take place along the roads.

Eventually a detachment from the splinter group seized control of USAF Satellite Station Olivia from the local raider gang. Their birds were stored off in the nature a number of miles from the site itself, which looked it still be possessed by raiders, judging from the gore and pikes.

Radio emitters as were installed on the relay dishes as well as signal blockers, both of which were acquired after the split.

An intel network was quickly established.

The detachment at Olivia goes by Outpost Omega

Another detachment at the Mayoral Bunker goes by Great Woods Bunker

A third detachment at the Rationing Site in Boston that goes by Outpost Beta

And a fourth and final detachment at Poseidon Energy the goes by Fort Poseidon