
Fallen Prince: I Shall Become The One True King

Author here, sorry for the long pause on this novel, but i would like to know if you guys feel I should rewrite it or just continue the current story path. I'd really appreciate the feedback. _________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS.... A tragic tale of a Prince who lost everything.., his family, home, friends, his once luxurious life...now forced to live at the bottom of it all. Whilst trying to keep to his now deceased family's dying wish.., with dangers and wickedness all around him, he now struggles to survive on a daily basis, while also trying to acquire what he'd lost watch as a forgotten but resourceful prince slowly makes his way back to the top..., changing more and more to adapt to this new world he never noticed until now Will he survive or not?, keep reading to find out.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Chapter 4: An opportunity

 "Brother Lucas!!!"


" Eagle eye how could you!!!!" a figure dressed in leather armour screamed in anger and horror as he watched the bearded fellow drop dead before his eyes, his once joyful eyes now filled with bewilderment at his final moments

" Hahahaha don't act like you didn't see it coming!!, badger, we all fully know the future outcome of today's victory do we not?, now that we've all gone against miss Amelia, it's only a matter of when before we'd all end up like Lucas right here, dead!, there's no way anyone of us would survive and live to tell the tale so long as one of us is alive!!!!"

"That's bullshit and you know it Eagle eyes!!!, your just trying to kill off the rest of us so you'll get to keep the winnings and escape from the kingdom with your family!!!" The leather armoured man rebutted in a timely manner as his enraged eyes stared coldly at the archer before him.

After hearing the leather armoured mans words, the archer still didn't feel any shred of guilt as he uttered righteously" And so what?!, we all know we're all thinking of the same thing anyways, so stop trying to pin the blame on me!!!, out of everyone here only one of us stands a chance of reaping the sole benefits here!, if you all don't mind, then I'll gladly take the earnings and leave!!!"

"Eagle eyes you greedy bastard!, your just trying to monopolize all the winnings for your self!!!–"

"Yeah!!, theirs more than enough to go around!!!, your just being to greedy!–" Two figures reputed only to be swiftly struck by a pair of deadly arrows!, thankfully unlike the others they were prepared and dodged In time, narrowly escaping death!.

"Tch...,since your all against it then let's duke it out!!, the last one standing gets the winnings!!!" Eagle eyes declared provocatively before charging towards the wounded fairy like maiden.


To the astonishment of the enraged and restless warriors, much to their resentment the maiden neither attacked nor evaded the archer instead she pulled up her long sword before getting into a battle stance, the archer quickly reached her side and the both of their backs were now facing each other as they geared up for the impending battle.

Most would be wondering why such an outcome would be possible but in reality it actually wasn't all that hard to understand, since the archer was supposedly going against the others the only reasonable thing he could do at the moment was to side with the severely wounded fairy like maiden, unlike the others, the both of them already had an unspoken understanding since neither would actually gain from the other till the very end of the battle so the most favourable response would undoubtedly be a team up!

With the addition of the archers instigating words and their own insatiable greed, it wasn't long before the seemingly united band of warriors started becoming wary of each other and with neither sides making a move, their once united front was slowly diminished as time slowly passed, giving rise to more distrust and shallow intentions.