
3.0 Change

Kali yawned as she got up from her bed, it was finally the morning, and the day where she and Gildarts were going to take on the mission. By the time she finished preparing and went to the throne room, Gildarts was already there which was surprising.

"Good morning, Gildarts." Kali greeted.

"Ah, you're finally up." Gildarts said. "Good morning to you too."

In front of them stood the king and the princess with two pieces of paper in their hands. Both of them had different contents.

"Well, can you tell us the contents of the job now?" Kali asked.

"Ah, yes. We have two separate missions for the two of you. Something just happened so we'd like to remove the trouble as fast as possible." Toma said.

Kali stared at the king blankly. Yesterday, he didn't mention anything about a new problem arriving, and how could there be trouble suddenly?

"I see. You were planning to do this from the start, I can't believe you're this type of person. A shameless king." Kali said.

"H-huh? What are you talking about!?"

"Nothing, it's fine. Tell us the contents already, I don't want to be stuck in this luxurious palace any longer. It's making my head hurt."

"Ah, yes." Toma said. "Kiya, you'll be subjudgating a S-Rank wizard that has been terrorizing the citizens between Hargeon and East Forest."

"Huh? That far? And the guilds near Hargeon like Fairy Tail could help out, so why do you want to help them?"

"Uh, well…I'm just helping them out! I'm doing it to build a better relationship with them!" Toma said with a wavering smile.

"In other words, you want to use Hargeon for your own interests, and possibly take over the East Forest?" Kali asked, she was able to completely see through his plans.

"Stop spewing nonsense! I never had those thoughts nor intentions!"

"Oh, well." Kali said as she glanced at Gildarts who weren't there anymore. "I see, the princess already told him his mission. Jeez, you're quite slow."

Kali quickly warped away so she wouldn't have to face the king's anger. After being seen through and insulted, she was sure the king wouldn't be able to control his temper. Though, he deserved it.

Kali looked around the area, despite it being early in the morning, the city was quite active. She had an idea in mind, if she changed her appearance, that would mean she didn't have to wear the cloak anymore.

She was able to quickly locate a store that was able to change appearances by dyeing their hair or using eye contacts. However, it wasn't open.

"Closed huh, well, that doesn't seem like a problem." Kali said as she broke the gate and door down. Once she entered, everything was fixed with a snap of her finger.

She scanned the materials that were around her, there were numerous colors, and different contact lenses that were for the eyes.

"Let's go for a common appearance." Kali said, but she had no idea what a common appearance was. The people she was always with always had absurd appearances.

Since that was the case, Kali decided to change her appearance to the opposite of what it was now. Currently, she has pink hair that attracts attention. Kali decided to go with the opposite of that.

Black hair and black eyes. Her entire appearance was changed within minutes, this type of stuff was easy for her because of Mira. After all, Mira was a model and had a lot of knowledge that she didn't have.

Kali stared at the mirror, dazed at her own appearance. She felt like she looked even more absurd than before, it also gave her a strange feeling.

She had had a premonition that this appearance of hers was going to cause her some inconvenience. But she quickly shook it off and burned the cloak.

"Well, looks like this will be my appearance for the time being." Kali said she let out a deep breath.

Exiting the store, the bright sunlight shone at her. While she was on the way to the location, she quickly got some food, and ate. It was important to eat daily and stay hydrated.


Kali got off the train and stepped onto the platform. She was back at Hargeon after leaving because she was banned. Luckily, Hargeon wasn't that close to Magnolia, otherwise, who would know what would happen.

"Excuse me, young lady. Are you new around here?" a woman asked.

"Ah, no. I'm quite familiar with the parts around here." Kali replied with a smile.

"I see, it's just that your appearance for a wizard isn't seen a lot around here." the woman said.

"I know what you're talking about." Kali said with a laugh. "The wizards in Fairy Tail have absurd appearances."

"I know! Wait, could you possibly be one of their members?" the woman asked with hopeful eyes.

"Unfortunately, I am not. I still have a long way to go from joining a guild as strong as theirs."

"Don't say that about yourself, I'm sure you're strong."

"Thank you for your praise."

"Well then, I'll let you go, I don't want to take up too much of your time. Also, be careful around some parts, it was said that some evil wizards have been lurking around."

"I see, thank you for your warning." Kali said as she walked away. Thankfully, there were still kind people in the city. "Now then, let's get to where I need to be."

Kali had a map that was labeled with directions on where she needed to go. Of course, she took the shortcut. Without anyone noticing, she disappeared, and reappeared at her destination.

She was now standing on top of a hill. From where she stood, she could see the town of Hargeon below her, and the forest that was about her. Strangely, there were a few cabins that were destroyed.

Considering this area was also quite flat, it would be normal for farmers to live around here, and grow ingredients. Except there was currently nothing, everything seemed crushed.

Anyone could tell a wizard had done this, no animal in the world that currently existed could do anything like this. Monsters around this part of the area were rare too.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of something being destroyed. Kali turned to the direction of where it came from, but she could only see the trees.

"I was hoping for a break, but I guess not. East Forest, I'm coming."