
Twenty two

Scene 1

Kevin is giving speech 

Kevin :- You can't go back and change the beginning  but you can start where you are and change the ending 

Kevin :- As we are transitioning into adulthood, have you ever contemplated on how your life in this school has been? Many dwell on bad things. Many want to go back to fix the past. It's not uncommon, We are good at remembering our mistakes. Everybody hurts in their own way. In the end, we all have to move past it. No one can get on a time machine and go back to fix the past. I wish everyone remembers the past and looks to the future. I firmly believe that teenage life is about making mistakes and growth. Don't keep Looking back and forget to look at a beautiful thing in front of you. But keep your pain and Learn from it. From today on, I want you all to believe. A forward path is awaiting us, no matter in which way. I wish everyone strength and the ability to appreciate life. It may not be perfect but that's life. Believe me, a better future is waiting for us to run forward. I hope everyone enjoys their new journey. I wish you all good luck in your chosen path.


Scene 2

Gorya along with Talay runs at the mall and so are Thyme and Lita. Thyme saw Gorya with Talay, they argued and Gorya asked him to leave her, after Thyme accused her.


Scene 3

The next day Gorya received Red Card

Amily is reading at launch when suddenly a student came to her panting

Student :- P' Amily

Amily :- Yes

Student :- P' Gorya got a red card

Amily :- Arai wa? Where is she now?

Student :- P', Some students take her to the Stadium.

Listening to this without wasting any time amily ran toward destination. She calls Ren in the middle.


Scene 4

Kevin and Mj are getting ready for prom

Kevin :- Have you called Thyme?

Mj :- I did but his phone is off.

Kevin :- Is he coming with us?

Mj :- He's going with Lita, I guess. (he puts a tie on Kevin's neck)

Kevin :- Thankyou

Mj :- But you and Kaning... (Teasingly) What's the story?

Kevin :- What? Nothing going on

Mj :- Really? (TEasingly)

Kevin :- Really, Don't imagine things.

Suddenly Ren Came

Mj :- Finally, You're here. Shall we go?

Ren nodded but suddenly his phone ring

Ren :-Its amy 

Picks call

Ren :- Hello Amy

Amily (Panting) :- Hello R, Where are you? Are you still at M's place?

Ren :- Calm Down Amy, Yes I am at MJ's Home what's wrong why are you panting 

Mj and Kevin signalled him to put the phone on speaker

Amily :- R, Gorya... Gorya got a Red Card.

Trio :- What?

Amily :- Yes, And I am sure it's not from us. M,j kevin, you both please check, I think it again someone targeting her on our behalf.

Mj :- Ok We are on it. 

Ren :- I am on my way to you.

They cut the call.


Scene 5

At Stadium Gorya is already Fainted, just then Amily came

Amily :- Hey Stop that (she run toward Gorya Finding her passed out) Gorya Wake up.

Mean girl :- We are going to help Amily, but these guys stopped us! (Pointing to a guy who hit Gorya)

Guy :- But thyme Gave the red card....

Ren is also arrived yet 

Ren :- Gorya... 

Came and hug Gorya 

Amily :- (Standing like storm) You fucking Asshole, T himself stopped giving out Red cards, didn't he? and Today's the prom, and do you think that he has enough leisure time like you shits to waste, huh?

Ren :- (Stomped on the water) If anything serious happens to Gorya, I won't forgive you. (In a deadly stern tone)

Amily :- R, we can handle them later, let's take her to the hospital 

Ren nodded and Picks Gorya in bridal style 


Scene 6

At Mj's house

Mj and Kevin ask their worker to check the Locker room footage

Mj :- There is nothing. How did Gorya get the red card?

They repeated the footage in Slow-motion

Kevin :- Hold on. Don't you think that cleaning lady is a bit off?

Mj :- Or... (Something hits him) Step back (Saying this he takes the computer in his control)

Kevin :- What are you doing?

Mj :- They hacked the CCTV system. Do they think They can fool me? Dare to challenge me, huh?

Mj used his hacking skills

After some time They found out

Mj/ Kevin :- Shiaa 

Mj :- Call Ren, Right now.


Scene 7

Ren and Amily take gorya to his call and helped her and gently kept her to back seat 

Suddenly Ren's phone Rang

Ren :- Hello 

Kevin :- Hello Ai Ren! I know who gave Gorya the Red card. Most importantly, they edited the CCTV footage.

Ren :- Who was it?... 

there is a sound of Bang as someone hits Ren's head his phone falls on the ground and Amily gets attacked by two people but before she can reflect one keeps a cloths on her nose, causing her to pass out.

Kevin :- Hello, Are you listening, The person who gave Gorya the red card was Talay. He planned everything. Get out of there now.

Talay picks up the phone and cuts it.

Talay :- As discussed, Let's move to the next plan.


Scene 8

Other side

Thyme is at Prom, He checks his phone and sees Gorya's photo where She is unconscious 

Lita :- What's Wrong?

There is a Message to call thyme to their place along with their location.

Lita :- Thyme! Thyme! Thyme!

Thyme came in sense and run from there leaving Lita confused


Scene 9

Gorya slowly opens her eyes, she finds herself at an unknown place and tied up. Further she looks to her left to see unconscious Amily, also tied to a chair.

Gorya :- What are you doing? you all go to this school. Why are you doing this? Answer me.

Talay :- They won't answer you because I told them not to. But i can answer. I gave you a fake red card because I wanted thyme to know how it felt when someone important was beaten up. Too bad, someone interrupted. So we had a change of plan. 

Gorya :- Talay you... 

Talay :- I'm sorry. Everything was blown out of proportion. Sorry for tying you up like this.Thank you for trusting me all this time. Everything will end soon.

Gorya :- What do you want?


Scene 10

Thyme took his car and went for the location in the middle he got a call from Kevin

Thyme :- What's up, Kavin?

Kevin :- Finally, we've reached you. Gorya and Amily are in trouble.

Thyme :- Huh Amily? Talay texted me about Gorya but Amily I am not going to leave him.

Kevin :- So you know about everything?

Thyme :- Yeah. Where are you guys?

Kevin :- We're with Ren. He was attacked. Where are you?

Thyme :- I'm on my way to Talay. 

Kevin :- Huh? Stop right now. Why would you go to Talay? You know it's a trap. 

Thyme :- How can I leave Gorya with him? And now amily is also there 

Kevin :- You'll go there no matter what, huh? 

Thyme :- Yes 

Kevin :- Listen carefully. Talk to MJ. 

Mj :-Thyme, I got intel. These people are anti-F4. They came together because we posted them the red card.

Thyme :- And Talay? 

Mj :- I could barely get any info on him. But I'm certain that he's the cause of this whole thing. Another thing, I could find is Talay must have some kind of connection with Phupha. Remember Phupha? 

Thyme :- Phupha...


Scene 11

At kidnapped place

Talay :- If you remember, there's a senior who got the red card before you. His name is Phupha . He tried to expose F4 about the red card. In the end, he got it himself. I'm doing all this to avenge him.

Gorya :- What is he to you? Brother?

Talay :- No, He's not even a relative or anything. Come to think of it, for me, he's just an idiot.


At their childhood Phupa saved talay from some bad people and after that they became friends

Flashback end

Talay :- Phupha is the son of a steel factory owner in the area.I don't know if it's because we're close in age or whatever the reason,but we became best friends in the end. 

Talay explains how kind was Phupa and how due to some people phupa lost chances to live happily

Talay :- As you know, in this country, if you're influential enough, you can crush someone's life just like that. And the person who did that to Phupha was F4. 

Gorya :- You're saying that you're not even a student of the school.

Talay :- That's right. I hacked the school's database and faked my way in.

Gorya :- How was that possible? 

Talay :- It's not that hard if you're well prepared and fueled by vengeance. The IT tech stuff... I happen to be good at it. Who knows? It might be fate that everything links to it.

Talay explains how he get into hacking and after phupa's incident h tried and collect same mindset people to take revenge against F4. He also stated that firstly their target is Amily as she is closest to F4 but it's hard to get along with her so they target Gorya

Gorya :- I can't anymore! Let me go! (Triestofree herself)

Talay :- After all this talk I just gave, you still don't get it?

Gorya :- I get it.I get everything that you said. It's no surprise that you want to get back at F4. Regardless, this is not the right way. I can never condone this behavior.

Talay :- You can never condone this behavior? Then tell me which other way there is. Stop with your rose-colored glasses,Gorya . With these guys who have all the power in their hands, there's no cure for them. They are evil by nature. There's no way they can change.

Gorya :- Really? You've said they cannot change. But was that true, Talay? If I'd looked closer, you would never have fooled me. I should have known better that Thyme would never bring back the red card. And you, for your revenge, you were willing to frame Thyme. You made Thyme look bad in everyone's view to justify your action. I can never condone what you did. 

Talay :- So what? In the end, what they had done can't just go away. They have to pay for everything they have ever done. 

Gorya :- They have to pay to you vigilantes? Are you sure? I don't know what to do. But it's not this, Talay Trust me. It's not too late for you to change your mind. If we brainstorm, we may find a solution to this. Don't fix your issue this way...

Talay got Frustrated

Talay (Shouted) :- How can't I change my mind at this point? It's nonsense

They both looked at side as they heard resistance Amily became conscious. she looked around.

Amily :- What's going on here? (She is trying to free herself)

Talay :- Oh, So Amily woke up! Good Morning, My Lady (Taunt her)  (He walks toward her but can't see any sign of fear) You are really something, both of you, actually!

He went and Slap Amily 

Gorya :- Hey! Leave her Talay!

Talay :- This is the little price, you've to pay for your friends

They heard a loud stomping, it was thyme.

Thyme :- Let go of Gorya and Amy. you have no right to do this

After an argument, Anti F4 group started to beat Thyme up. Gorya and Amily try to free themself and continue pleading to leave Thyme

Suddenly one guy came and kicked Amily's chair

Thyme/Gorya :- Amy!/Amily! (Yelled)

Same guy went and kicked Gorya's Chair 

Thyme :- Gorya!

But to Amily's bad luck, she hit by Gorya's chair and went passed out.

Other side

Talay picks an chair and about to through it on thyme but suddenly Gorya freed herself, came and Chair hit her just then Talay get what he is doing

Gorya :- Are you done now ?

Saying this She passed away along with thyme.

They all heard police sound and went leaving the trio alone just then remaining F3 came and take them to hospital


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
