
Twenty three

Scene 1

Someone :- Amy

Amily opens her eyes slowly, her vision is blurry but it gets better. it's her friend Maira who spoke alongside her, it is her Step Mom

Maira :- Let me go and call the doctor. 

Amily's Mom nodded

The doctor came and told them that she is fine, it's a small injury, and she could be discharged by tomorrow. They thanked the doctor

Amily's Ma :- Baby we are sorry we should keep up with you, you know how much we are scared when we got to know about your attack. Your Paa is scared, everyone is scared for both of you 

Amily :- Maa, I'm Ok don't worry na. you heard what the doctor said, I can get discharged by tomorrow. Don't Panic now na. (She pleads with eyes to Maira for help)

Maira :- Khun Paa, You don't need to worry. she is fine Now, please you go home and take some rest. I'm here with her.

Suddenly F3 and Kaning came to the room 

Maira :- see they all are here now, we will take care of her, you go and take some rest, please. you don't want your daughter to get stressed because of your health.

Amily Ma :- Thank you, child. you guys also take a rest in the middle, you all have been here since the incident. 

They all nodded  

After Amily's mom left 

Amily (To Ren) :- You ok? He didn't hit you hard right? I'm so sorry R, I should be more careful about my surroundings. (panicked)

Ren :- (Comes and holds her hand) Ah ah ah! It's not your fault Amy, We all didn't even imagine in our dreams that someone could attack us like that. Calm Down ok. (Calming her)

Amily :- How is Gorya and T?

Mj :- They are still unconscious, Doctor told us that they will get conscious in some time.

Amily nodded

Amily :- And for how many time we are in hospital?

Kevin :- Its more than 24 hours.

Amily :- Can i go and meet them?

F3/Maira/Kaning :- No (Shouted)

Amily :- (Shocked by reaction) Ok calm down, we are still in the hospital

Kaning :- Yah right and you are still in bed, if you have forgotten, Let me remind you that you have just regained consciousness and your body is still weak. you need rest.

Before amily can protest

Mj :- Take some rest, it's still night we will meet them tomorrow. (In stern tone)

Amily :- (Pouted) Ok


Scene 2

Gorya get conscious she slowly open her eyes. 

Kaning :- Gorya Hasn't woken up yet. Yes. mm

Suddenly Gorya wakes up with jerk

Kaning :- P'Kavin, Gorya is awake. I have to go.

Gorya :- Hey, was I out?

Kaning :- Chai! Everyone was so worried. You were out for days. Does it still hurt?

Gorya checks her brushes and denied

Gorya :- I've got a little headache but I'm fine. (Suddenly something hits her) Do you know how the whole thing is going? Thyme? He was hurt more badly than me. Amily? She also get hurt how are they?

Kaning :- About Amily She got conscious 2 days prior, she is fine by now. and P' Thyme... 

before kaning could say Gorya ran toward thyme's room

Kaning :- Gorya! Wait up!


Scene 3

Mj take Amily with her to Thyme's room

Mj :- Act Along

Gorya :- (To amily) Is this true?

Amily didn't say just bowed her head and a small sob came out. F3 along with Maira and Kaning were shocked by her acting skill but stay calm 

Gorya :- Are you Pranking me? I'm not amused.

Others just looked down. 

Gorya starts to shake thyme violently

Gorya :- Jerk! Wake up. You can't just leave me like this. I haven't told you since the first day we met how I hate you. I have a lot of bad words to call you. And I haven't told you that I love you. (Everyone else try to control their laugh) Why do you do this? How can you do this to me? (She accidentally pulls the sheet on thyme's face and everyone burst out, just then she realises the prank) 

Mj :- Alright, with the power of "I love you"... 

Kevin :- P'Thyme has been revived from his death. Let's drink a toast. Cheers! 

Everyone takes drink and cheers

Thyme :- Hey! I didn't come up with this... 

Gorya :- (Start beating thyme with pillow) Was it funny to you? 

Thyme :- Ouch! That hurts.

Gorya :- You might as well be dead. 

Thyme :- That hurts. I've still got wounds. Stop.

Kevin came to rescue

Kevin :- Be gentle.

Gorya (starts beating him as well) :- You too!

Kevin :- MJ, help! 

Mj :- Don't!

Gorya beat Mj as well

Thyme (Slowly pulls her toward him) :- Hey, stop. Aren't you glad that I'm OK? But I'm so glad that you told me you loved me. And... I love you... 

Before he can complete gorya beats him again

Gorya :- Is this the time to be romantic?

Thyme :- That hurts! Look at my wounds.

Kevin came after collecting strenth

Kevin :- Gorya, take it easy.

Gorya :- You want it?

She beats Kevin 

Gorya :- Amily, You also lied to me.

She is about to beat her but Mj came in rescue

Mj :- Gorya Not her she is not fit properly 

Gorya and Amily see him, and Mj is seeing Amily they are lost but came back as mj got smack

Gorya :- So then you have it on her behalf

She continued to beat him she turns around to maira and Kaning

Gorya :- Kaning, Maira, You both also come here! Kaning! Maira!

She went near them but Kaning is blocked by Kavin and Maira is blocked by Ren.

They had fun but unconscious to their knowledge someone is watching them.


Scene 4

Everyone is leaving for home leaving the chaotic couple at hospital

Amily :- Kev can you drop Kaning to her home. Mj is dropping me and Maira and R are coming with us.

Kevin :- Sure 

Mj :- See you, See you later, kaning. 

Kaning :- Drive safe

They all bid bye and left for their ways.

Kaning :- Glad this is over. I'll see you later.

Kevin :- Chipmunk, Amy do tell me to drop you home.

Kaning :- Its ok P'kavin, There is bus stop near by i can go by that 

Kevin :- By the way, have you been in a sports car?

Kaning denied

They both went in his car 

Kevin :- The seatbelt is there.

Kaning noticed and pulls her seat belt

Kevin :- You haven't been in this kind of car, have you?

Kaning :- I have no idea what is where. I can't understand why people love these expensive cars.

Kevin :- You're the only one who is this tense. How about this? (kaning see him confused) If you want to know what's cool about this car, I'll show you.

Saying this he escalated the car and Kaning shouts

At Kaning's home

Kevin :- How cool was that, huh?

Kaning :- (Holding her head) I though I'd never get home.

Kevin :- How could you not? I told you I'd get you home. But if it's usual way, it's not F4 right?

Kaning sigh

Kevin came near her, kaning became nervous but then Kavin takes something from drawer.

Kevin :- I got you this. Can you make sense of it? (They are Garland patterns style ) These are the patterns my grandmother keeps. The ones I told you I'd give to you. 

Kaning :- Wow, They look so classy. I can never find these patterns on the net.

Kevin :- Ok Course.These are the Taemiyaklin Kittiyangkul garden patterns.

Kaning :- Of course, My lord. (Seeing pattern) But it must be very difficult to make.

Kevin :- You're very skilled. I can help advise you.

Kaning :- (Smiled) Thank you, P' Kevin, for remembering these little details we talked about. I'll show you a finished product. See you later.

Kaning leaves but before she went inside her home 

Kevin :- Kaning, Please look after Gorya. She's just been through a tough time. Don't know what is in store for her next.

Kaning :- I know that already. But you said it like it was not over.

Kevin :- It's just a general concern.

Both nodded and left for their path


Scene 5

In Mj's car

Mj :- Here's the information you asked Amy. Maira's Dad was last seen at XYZ Place I think we should start searching from there.

Maira :- This is my hometown. Thank you guys for your help but from here I can go alone to find my paa, you guys don't need to come along.

Mj :- First of all no need to thank us, we are friends and friends don't say thanks

Amily :- and secondly if your paa is lost or in any danger, it's not safe for you to go alone so no buts we are coming.

Maira :- But there is so much mess already, You need to stay here. 

Ren :- You don't need to worry about that Kevin and Kaning are here. they will accompany Gorya and Thyme in any situation, and at any point we feel we need to come back, we all will be back together.

Maira nodded as she get there is no way she is winning this, so she surrendered.

Amily :- So when we are leaving?

Mj :- This Weekend before that we have to handle some work.

They all nodded.


Scene 6

Ren is at the hospital where Phupa is, he called thyme and informed just then Talay came 

Talay :- What are you trying to do?

Ren :- After what happened, the five of us talked. And we agreed that the whole thing was caused by our past. and apologize.

Talay :- Apologize?

Ren :- Yes, and Phupha is on that list.

Talay :- You know that what you're doing is selfish. (catches his coller) Why? Do you want redemption? You think any of the victims will forgive you? 

Ren Remebers how thyme ask forgiveness for his every victim

Ren :- You may not believe it. But Phupha was the last one.

Talay :- (Punch Wall) Damn it!

Ren :- Talay, Since Thyme met Gorya, he has changed. I couldn't believe how much thyme has changed either. I understand how frustrated you must feel. But let the whole thing, end the way it's supposed to.

Talay is not ready to forgive Thyme and threatens to post Thyme's confession on the Internet just then thyme comes and posts that Video by himself 


Scene 7 

Thyme's guard kidnapped gorya as thyme want to tell what he did and F4 is going to expose but to his surprised Thyme post video in "only me" so they are safe.

They both talking more than bickering and fighting just then Lita came and see them

Lita :- What is this?

Gorya :- It's not what you think

Thyme :- Gorya didn't do anything wrong.

Both stated together but cutted by Lita

Lita :-  Before you explain, tell me first how Gorya is here. Isn't this a space where no one can enter?

Thyme :- This is not... (Cut by Lita)

Lita :- Why don't you just let Gorya explain? It's her who breaks the rule. (Aunty Yu came there) Can you please explain how you're here? You're not hiding or betraying me, are you? Answer me, Gorya.

Gorya :- Lita... (Cut by aunty)

Aunty Yu :- I allowed her. 

Lita :- Excuse me?

Aunty Yu :- I must apologize to you, Miss Lita, for not informing you in advance. She's here because we're recruiting her to be Mr. Thyme's maid. 

All three of them are shocked but act along.


Scene 8

Gorya actually has to work as a maid at Thyme's home

Gorya is feeding thyme 

Thyme :- Hoi! it's still hot

Gorya :- Don't be too fussy. 

Thyme :- Talk to me nicely. Auntie Yu assigned you this task. (She start blowing food) More.

Gorya :- Enough?

Thyme :- Sure.

Gorya :- I hope no one sees me now. please.

Just then they hear a camera click and it's ren who click the photo. and he share it in their friend's group in which F4 and Amily along with Gorya, kaning and Maira are present.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
