
Twenty six

Scene 1

After dinner, Amily, Ren, Mj and Maira head back home amily and Mj are in front whereas Ren and Maira are behind.

Amily :- It's fun today right?

Mj :- (Streching) Yeah right it must be fun for you but I and Ren both had to clean the entire house you know how much it's hattrick.

Amily :- Haw! I don't know that mafia kid would get tired with this amount of work only. (Taunting)

Mj :- Ahh! can't you stop making fun of me (irritated) I'm already tired.

Amily :- Aaa! Aaa! Let's go back home then, I will give medicine to you 

Mj :- Can't you give a massage to me 

Amily :- Do you want to clean our house as well at night? (Questioning look)

Mj (Pouting) :- No, you are always like this, You always make me do as you want and never do as I asked.

Amily Laughed.

Maira :- P'Ren I never imagined seeing this side of P'Mj.

Ren :- What do you mean?

Maira :- I always thought of P'mj as a rude, strong Person, even i though saw his funny side sometimes, but I never thought behind his Scary mask of mafia there was a kid like this who also wined.

Ren :- You can see this side of him because he is with Amy.

Maira :- What do you mean?

Ren :- Amy is the only girl to whom Mj shows his childhood side. Since We were children Mj has been possessive of Amy, he always wants Amy's attention, from childhood he doesn't like when Amy gives much importance to Me, Thyme or even kevin, He always behaves like a child in front of her so she gives him attention.

Maira :- But why so?

Ren (calmly) :-  Because he liked her.

Maira looked at Ren in shock

Ren :- Yeah MJ liked Amy, He has liked her since we were kids and Amy liked him back Mj hasn't realised it yet and Amy, she doesn't want to accept her feelings for him publicly.

Maira :- And you know it, and still ready for this engagement?

Ren :- And why won't I? Neither Amy nor MJ realized their feelings or were ready to accept it, and If we deny this engagement right now, our parents set us somewhere else moreover, Our engagement is not an issue as we can cancel it any time but doing it right now may bring us in focus and Thyme's mom can play her game. 

Maira :- So for thyme and Gorya you both will sacrifice your life? you know it will destroy three life nor only your's and Amy but P'mj's also. if he has genuine feelings for her and can also destroy your friendship.

Ren :- Mishae! We all have the ball in our court only, If any day Amy and Mj realize their feeling and are ready to start their lives together. I will move aside happily and to be honest this engagement will make him realize his feelings only and about me, if Ever I love someone Amy would be the first one to know she always does even before I realize it. that's our friendship she is my soulmate. I always want her to be happy and if her happiness relied on me, I would be more happy to be with her.

Maira Smiled.


Scene 2

At Mayte o garden

Kevin :- Do you know in my view My garlands are special? Because they are delicate, and it makes them more meaningful.

Kaning :- Really?

Kevin :- Yes. That's why they are used in important events Such as ceremonies and weddings, In the old days, they were used to find a soulmate.

Kaning :- Find a soulmate?

Kevin :- Chai! Fortune garland. When a woman looked for her soulmate, she would throw a garland at a man she liked.

Kaning :- Really?

Kaning seems tired

Kevin :- What I'm telling you is when making a garland, you need to concentrate. No distraction. Haven't I told you this, chipmunk? What's more important is you shouldn't be sleepy. Here, I made you a cup of coffee.

Kaning :- Thank you.

They both had coffee and Kevin started teaching her, Kaning admired him

Kevin :- I just told you not to be distracted. (Teasingly) Don't tell me the reason you did a poor job on this garland is that you're busy thinking of me.

Kaning (Protested) :- Not at all.

Kevin :- What were you thinking then?

Kaning :- I don't know, At that time, I may have been worried about Gorya.

Kevin Chuckled

Kevin :- You two are cut from the same cloth. You worry about others than yourselves.

Kaning :- How can I not? Gorya has been through so much, Kavin. Before it was school and Hana. and then it was talay and when everything seemed to get better, there's Lita. I just want her to be happy.

Kevin :- But this is between three people. There's not much we can do.

Kaning :- Isn't there anything we can do to help at all?

Kevin :- You know love is a delicate thing, Let alone a love triangle. There is nothing more complicated. In the end, Someone will get hurt. Only the people inside Triangle know how it will end.

Kaning :- Are you talking about...

Before she can finish, she gets a needle prick in her hand, Kevin gets worried and checks her out.

Kevin :- So clumsy.

Kevin went too close they had an eye lock but it broke Kevin as he remembers something

Kevin:- There is a First aid kit I'll get it.

Kevin went to take Kit just then kaning put her finger in her mouth

Kevin :- (Laughed) Are you a vampire or something?

Kaning :- Who wants to get hurt intentionally? (Slowly)

Kevin :- That's true, No one wants to get hurt But that's Life. You can never know what's going to happen to you. and sometimes the person who hurts you the most is yourself.


Scene 3

Amily is in Ren and Mj's room and giving head massage to Mj. Ren saw it and smiled.

Ren :- I am going to make coffee, you both want to have it?

Both nodded

Amily :- Ask Maira as well and could you please go and talk to her she has been in a dilemma since we came back from farm.

Ren nodded and left

Both are facing the mirror so can see each other's expression

Mj :- I can see what are you doing.

Amily :- What am I doing? (Innocently)

Mj (Gives her questioning look) :- Don't give me this innocent Look, I know you are pushing Ren toward Maira

Amily (Smiled) :- and what's wrong with that? Maira is a nice girl, We have known her for more than a year. She helped us every time without even questioning.

Mj :- You know the problem is not Maira, It's Ren. He is heartbroken since P'mira left him and at this time pushing him toward Maira is it right for any of them?

Amily :- He already moved on from P'mira. (Mj gives her a questioning look and she just signs) Do you think, I will push my friends when I know they don't move on from their past love? (Mj denied) 

Mj :- Are you sure Ren Likes Maira and vice versa?

Amily :- I am not sure if they like each other or not but they understand each other, Maira helped R not once but twice with his dilemma. Moreover, Maira treats R as a normal person and not as someone who is a great man and does not need someone beside him just like others did, I am not forcing them to be together but just giving them a chance to know each other so they can find out if they are compatible with each other or not.

Mj :- And what about you and Ren, Won't you tell him about your reason for this arrangement?

Amily :- Do I need to speak with him? He knows me very well I never had to explain anything to him.

Mj :- But you can't assume things Amy, I know Ren knows you well and always understands you but that doesn't mean you just do whatever you want and expect Ren to understand you without you clear out with him.

Amily :- Fine I will talk to him once he comes back here, let him talk to Maira first Ok?

Mj nodded


Scene 4

Maira is in her room looking at an album, Ren comes near her.

Ren :- What are you doing?

Maira :- (Started at first but recovered) Nothing just checking some old photos What happened do you need anything?

Ren :- Mishae, I was just going to make coffee so thought to ask you if you want.

Maira :- No, it's okay I won't need it (Started to check photos)

Ren came and sat beside her

Ren :- Maira you know you can share anything with me 

Maira watched him, she could see the sincerity in his eyes

Maira :- (Shighed) Today when we were having dinner at the farm I liked it, It was like I found some missing pieces, I have been missing this kind of warm feeling since my Pa left, I miss that homely feeling.

Ren (Pulls Maira in a hug) :- You're allowed to be weak at least with me.

Maira hugged him and cried

Maira (Crying) :- I miss them P, I miss them badly. They are my home, My family and now I lost them. Seeing Mae at the hospital broke me P'. I can't express my feelings, I can't be sad or broken in front of her else she will lose all hope but what about me P'. I am feeling helpless P'. Every lead is going in Null. I am losing hope P'. I am tired of fighting but I am afraid, that if I Stop Fighting, I will lose everything. I will leave alone P'.

Ren (Cups her face) :- Maira Listen to me You will never be alone, You have us, We will never let you lose. We will help you face every obstacle, Amy told you once na that you have her back now I am reassuring you, You have our back not just mine or Amy you have all F4's back. At any time in your life, if you need us you will find us with you and that's my promise. And about your pa, Don't worry, Even if we don't have any lead right now, we will still keep searching for him, until we find something and soon we will find him ok?

Maira nodded and sat beside him putting her head on his shoulder


Scene 5

Thyme is doing something on his laptop just then Gorya came

Thyme :- No need to say it. I know I've been bad. Until I can get things straightened out with Lita, I won't let anything like that happen again.

Gorya pulls a knife

Gorya :- I'm just here to set the table. (both smiled) How's it going? 

Thyme :- I can't get hold of Lita. Everyone tried to contact her even went to her house but she is not ready to talk. If Lita keeps avoiding me, I'll have to talk to Mother about calling off this engagement. I checked her work schedule and got plane tickets. 

Gorya :- But, you have to talk to Lita anyway.

Thyme :- I know. Why are you so hung up on Lita? You keep 'festering' me.

Gorya :- Pestering. And if you don't want me to pester you, move

Thyme :- No.

They both start bickering just then they hear Aunty's voice.

Aunty :- Oh, Miss Lita. You've come quite Late.

They both see Lita who is already watching them.

Aunty :- How long have you been standing there?

Lita :- Long enough to see how friendly a maid here can be with the owner.

Thyme :- It's good that you're here. Let's straighten it out.

Lita :- Yeah? What's there to straighten out? How stupid do you think I am? everything is clear, It's been clear for a while how you and gorya feel about each other. and you want to call off our engagement But do you really think you can pull it off?

Thyme:- I'll do it no matter how difficult it is. I've prepared the Plane tickets. The two of us will talk to my mother tomorrow.

Lita :- (Takes the tickets and tear them) It's too late, Thyme. I've talked to your mother and asked her to move in with you. and she granted me. Starting today, I'm moving in here in the same house as you

Maids came with her luggage.

Thyme :- You can't do this Lita.

Lita - Why not you know the person who has power in this house is your mother? Even you can't oppose her. Right? (To gorya) Sorry, I am playing this game, since things are already this messed up I believe all I can do is to keep going forward.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
