
Twenty seven

Scene 1

Maira and Ren are sitting beside each other, Maira's head on Ren's shoulder. Suddenly Someone knocks on the door

Mj :- I hope we are not disturbing you guys (Teasingly)

Maira and Ren Separate from each other

Amily :- (To Maira) Are you feeling better now?

Maira nodded

Amily :- Actually, I want to tell you something (Both looked at her) We need to go back, T called and informed us that Lita contacted T's Mom and asked her permission to move in with T.

Ren/ Maira :- What? (Shouted)

Mj :- Yeah and also she threatened him that she would destroy Gorya if Thyme didn't do as She asked.

Maira :- I never expected her to be like this, I thought she was good.

Ren :- (To Amily) What are you planning to do now?

Amily :- I'm thinking of talking to her.

Maira :- And you believe she will understand?

Amily :- We should give it a try, As much as we know her she is not bad, She is a nice girl. She will understand.

Everyone nodded

Ren :- Ok when do we have to leave?

Mj :- We can leave in half an hour if it's not ok, we will leave tomorrow morning.

Ren :- I'm ok with both what about you both?

Maira :- I'm also ok with it.

Amily :- Ok, so let's leave in half an hour and M arrange everything, I want to talk to her Asap.

Mj :- I'll arrange something. (Mj gestures amily toward Maira)

Amily (nods and pulls Maira's hand) :- Maira don't worry we will find something about your father soon Trust us, Let us finish the matter of T and Lita first, then we will look for your Paa We promise.

Mj and Ren put their hand on Maira's shoulder and she nodded.


Scene 2

At Paramantara

Thyme is frustrated, he is angry he is about to break something but stops just then Lita comes into the same room

Lita :- I thought you were going to break a thing or two. That's quite unexpected. I didn't think you could stay calm.

Just then Amily came and stood in front of Lita

Amily :- I never thought you could be this kind of person either. But stop it already, Lita. I can see this is not you.

Lita :- It's not surprising. Every girl is willing to do anything for someone, she loves.

Thyme :- (Shouted) This is not love, this is you want to win. Get it together.

Amily :- Calm Down T. Let me talk Please and Lita I understand what you are saying and honestly I would also be willing to do anything for my loved one but tieing someone with you knowing he won't be happy being with you is also wrong. I assume you know everything but still, I want to clear it up, T loves Gorya and it did not start some days prior, They loved each other for almost a year.

Lita :- And you believe he loves her.

Amily :- He changed himself for her Lita. You told me prior that you thought he was violent and that's true Thyme was a very violent person before he met Gorya but he changed himself for her. He became humble and that's all because of gorya. They are made for each other Lita they complete each other please don't do anything stupid Lita, not for them but at least for yourself. As much as we all want T and Gorya to be together, We also care for you and want you to be happy.

Lita :- But What will I do, I fucking Love this Man (To thyme) and it's hurting me now, You both know the day he asked me to be his girlfriend, it was such a happy day for me. I couldn't stop thinking about him even for a minute. I really felt that way. I thought We belonged Together. (To thyme) Don't you feel the same that we are meant to be together not even one per cent? (Both Amily and Thyme just bowed their head and Thyme denied) If you don't feel that way, I'll make sure you do.

Both Amily and Thyme Looked at her confused the next second she removed her dress. Thyme puts his head down then crosses her and pulls a blanket on her.

Thyme :- Cover yourself

Saying this he stands there and Lita starts crying, Amily goes and hugs her Silently.


Scene 3

Gorya went to the mart as Aunty asked her to buy something, she was lost just then Ren and Maira Approached her

Gorya :- Ren, Maira (hugged her) When did you guys come back, You found your Paa?

Maira :- about my Paa, There was no clue about him at our home town so we came back.

Ren :- (Smiled) And We came back a few minutes prior, we noticed you coming here so we followed you, and saw you standing here staring vacantly for 10 minutes. So we get a bit concerned.

Maira :- Is this about Lita? (Gorya looked at them)

Ren :- Thyme told us about Lita's arrival that's why we came back so soon. Amily directly went there to talk to her.

Maira :- I can't believe how vicious Lita can be.

Gorya :- I get it. Lita must feel like she's betrayed. She's just doing everything she can to reclaim what is hers. No one wants to lose.

Ren :- It's true, Are you anxious about Thyme?

Gorya :- Anxious about Thyme? Not at all. I trust him. The person whom I'm worried about is Lita. The more I trust Thyme, the more I know how badly this will hurt Lita. and there's nothing I can do for her.

Ren :- You have done everything you can Gorya. The only thing you do now is wait.

Gorya :- And I will do that as long as I know Thyme will be there for me I will wait. so, You both don't need to feel upset about my account.

Both smiled and they continued shopping.


Scene 4

Amily came out from Paramantra's house and found Mj waiting for her.

Amily :- Where are the others?

Mj :- They saw gorya and went behind her to talk, Ren said he would drop Maira and gorya off after they were done. (Amily nodded) What happened inside?

Amily :- She had a breakdown. I tried to talk to her and make her understand but not sure what she was going to do next.

Mj :- You ok?

Amily :- (Nodded) Please drop me at the penthouse, I want to stay there today.

Mj sat in the car and drove amily closed her eyes and went into deep thought suddenly car stops

Mj :- Amy...

Amily :- We reached?

Mj :- No, But come out let's have a walk.

Amily :- M I am tired please I don't want to walk. Please drop me at my place.

Mj :- Amy, I know you are tired but I also know it's not physical it's mental, I promise I will not force you to talk just come and have a walk with me please (Puppy eyes)

Amily (Sighed) :- Fine but for some time only.

They both walk in silence and sit in the middle of the beach Amily puts her head on Mj's Shoulder. They sit there in silence you can hear the voice of waves

Amily :- We are being selfish M. We hurt Lita, We betrayed her. Today When I talked to her I realized she is like us, Like me. She felt betrayed, When none of us tried to confront her at the start, when we all pretended to be her friend. She feels Betrayed when Gorya being her so close friend doesn't tell her the truth from the beginning. She says maybe if we confronted her at first She wouldn't fall in love with T. Maybe we all are not in this situation.

Mj (Cups her face) :- Amy We are not being selfish, We don't know her, how are we supposed to trust her from the start and tell her everything, Maybe she blackmailed us. (Amily looked at him) I know now we all know that she is not like that but at that time we had no idea about her. How can we trust her? And Amy now we can't change the past so let's see what wraps for us in the future.

Amily nodded and Hugged him.


Scene 5

Ren drops Gorya at Thyme's house and after that goes to drop off Maira. During the entire ride, Maira is unexpectedly silent and Ren notices it. When they reach Maira's place, Maira is about to leave but Ren stops her

Ren :- What happened Maira you looked disturbed, Anything is bothering you?

Maira :- Nothing P'Ren I am just thinking about Gorya and Amily they both look after others so much before thinking about themself, Even After all this Gorya is thinking about Lita, her feeling whereas Lita is ready to hurt her, she is trying to claim P'thyme and if Lita got succeeded Gorya would have lost her love but still she is anxious about Lita. And at the same time, Amily is going through so much that even if she doesn't tell me everything I can sense it and still, she doesn't want to bother anyone. although she is Stupid at the same time but both of them are Selfless. I am not even their 1 per cent.

Ren :- (Smiled) Who said you are not selfless? You have known all of us for more than a year, and still, not even once did you try to use our power to find your dad. you are always ready to help us, even today you are ready to come back to amily's one word. Isn't it selfless? And about Lita, Amily and Gorya Three of them are playing their part in life you should play Yours. Maira you should never compare yourself to anyone, You are different, And we all adore you as much as we do Gorya. Got it So please don't doubt yourself Ok?

Maira nodded they both looked at each other. they were lost in each other's eyes. they both came closer to each other. They both kiss, this kiss is soft, and they separate from each other.

Ren :- I like you, Maira

Maira :- I am Sorry P'ren.

Ren (concerned) :- Oh sorry, I am really sorry Maira, I thought the feelings were mutual. I am sorry, I kissed you without your permission. I am such an idiot. Please forgive me.

Maira :- P'Ren Calm Down. You are not wrong. Our Feelings are mutual P' but...

Ren :- But?

Maira :- You are my friend's Fiancee P'ren. Even if it's an agreement still I can't betray Amy.

Ren (Chuckled) :- And you say you are not selfless. (Pats her head) Don't worry I am also not going to betray her, She is way more important to me than anyone in my life. I will talk to her first and till then I will wait for your answer.

Saying this he smiled and Maira left but before entering her house, she came back and gave a quick kiss on Ren's Lips and went back inside

Ren :- (Smiled) Am I blushing.


Scene 6

Lita convinced her family to call of the engagement.


Scene 7

At Mayte O garden

Kaning is working alone and talking with Uncle Ga at Video call as he is on vacation. Kaning sigh

Uncle Ga :- Sigh, You sigh again. Kaning, You worry about Gorya twice daily.

Kaning :- No, I'm just bummed off that the shop owner left me to take a trip on his own.

Uncle Ga :- Oh! When you have good sales, you take a rest.

Kaning :- Sure. But I do worry about her.

Uncle Ga :- See?

Suddenly Kevin came into the shop

Kevin :- Stop worrying. The news confirms it. Lita has called off the engagement.

Uncle Ga :- My goodness.

Kevin :- And it looks like a happy ending.

Kaning :- (Happily) Uncle Ga

Uncle Ga :- Kaning, no more working. Close the shop now.

Kaning :- Yes

Uncle Ga :- And you, the new guy help kaning close the shop.

Kevin :- I'm not the new guy.

Uncle Ga cuts the call Kevin puts the closed tag in the door and kaning sighs and puts her head on the table

Kevin :- (Splashing water) You keep worrying about others.

Kaning :- P'Kavin!

Kevin :- (pats her head) Think about yourself for a change.

Kaning :- What should I be thinking about?

Kevin :- (Smiled) Everything. Pack up. I'll give you a ride.

Kevin went inside, Kaning was blushing and checked the garland when suddenly someone came to the shop

Someone :- Is the shop closed?

Kaning :- It is, We hope to serve you next time.

Someone :- Such a shame, (She checks garland) Do you sell this type of garlands here?

Kaning :- Oh no, this is not for sale.

Somene :- Very beautiful. I used to practice making garlands too. But I stopped it long ago as someone doesn't like it.

Kaning :- It's a shame.

Suddenly Kevin came

Kevin :- Are you done, Chipmunk? Let's go.

Kaning :- P' Kevin. This customer used to make garlands.

Kevin see the customer and so do the customer and there is an awkward environment in shop which noticed by Kaning.

Someone :- Please excuse me.

And she left, Kaning noticed Kevin's sadness.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
