
Twenty one

Scene 1

Thyme goes to meet gorya and sees of glakao as he is going back to his hometown. They are having breakfast but in the middle of a conversation

Gorya (Suddenly says) :- thyme and Lita comes great together. (Thyme looked at her confused) 

Thyme :- What's up with you? Why the sarcasm? (Irritated by comment)

Gprya :- I wasn't being sarcastic. You and Lita really look good together in terms of business, lineage. You're in the same social circle. (After a pause) On top of everything, Lita is really cute.

Thyme is not feeling good about conversation 

Thyme :- Let's talk outside.

He leaves followed by gorya

Thyme :- (Little angry) Let's have it out right now. What's the matter? Why did you say that? 

Gorya :- Was I wrong? With Lita, you don't have to struggle. 

Thyme :- What is this, Gorya? Are you still hung up on that girl? I told you, I would handle it. Just be patient. If we can get through this, it's smooth sailing from here.

Gorya :- Smooth sailing? Are you sure about what you just said? I get the part where you told me to be patient. But you know, (Crying) the more patient I've been, the more I see how big your world is. The two of us have been fighting the tide. Can't we just admit that even though we get through this, it will not be the end? How long will I have to stay and be patient? I'm exhausted, Thyme. I'm exhausted. I just want to stay in my world. And you should be with someone who's right for you.

Thyme :- We can be together, Gorya. We're always together. What is this 'your world, my world' thing? (Impatiently)

Gorya :- Thyme, Open your eyes, Open your eyes to the reality and how different we are.

Thyme :- What do you want me to do? (Shouted) I'm trying here, Gorya.

Gorya :- But with Lita, You don't need to try at all. I really think that if you can love her, things should be easier.

Thyme :- (Calmly) Really Gorya? Do you mean what you said? (Souted) Did you feel anything when you said that? What about everything I've done, Gorya? Say it. What about everything I've done? Don't you see how hard I've tried? Answer me.

Gorya :- (Crying Bitterly) I can't, I can't do this thyme

Suddenly thyme's bodyguard came 

Thyme :- Did you tell my family, Gorya?

Gorya :- Go back to your world.

Thyme  :- What have you done? (Shouted on top of lungs) What about all these things I've done, Gorya? Answer me! 

Suddenly Bodyguard came and drag thyme away from Gorya. Thyme is devasted so do gorya but both are showing different emotion where thyme is showing his emotion by his anger and their gorya is showing it by Crying


Scene 2

Amily Calls Maira and asks her to take her to meet her mother. They both go to the hospital.

Maira :- Mama today I brought one of my friends to meet you. Mama meet Amily.

Amily :- Swadi kha Pa 

Maira's Mom :- Swadi kha, Maira told me so much about you, how you make her your friend and actually treat her like that. Khapuni kha Child for taking care of my daughter. She is lucky to have you as her boss

Amily :- Pa, You are getting it all wrong. It's Maira who is taking care of me and trust me, It's me who is lucky in this friendship.

Both smiled

They talked and then left for work


Scene 3

It's Evening time 

At mayte O Garden

Kaning, Maira, and Uncle Ga are at the shop

Kaning :- Thailand's weather... It rains whenever it wants.

Uncle Ga :- Off-season rain? I hate this gloomy vibe.

Maira :- hmm It is depressing.

Uncle Ga :- No It's because we have no orders. Graduation ceremonies are coming. If universities cancel the whole thing because of floods, our shop will be doomed. (Both girls smiled) With that said, Let's get back to work. 

Kaning :- When this time of year comes you can feel it. A year has almost passed.

Uncle Ga :- That's why you should hurry and do what you want to do. Teenage years are short. Don't waste your time hesitating. OK?

Maira :- I know. But honestly, Uncle ga, something is very difficult to decide on. For certain things, if we make just a tiny mistake, It may result in a big consequence. 

Kaning :- (Sighned) If that happened It'd be devastating.

Uncle Ga :- That's true, but hear me out, girls. No matter if you make a right or wrong decision, until we see the result with our eyes, No one knows how's it going to end.


Scene 4 

Lita came to Gorya's home at night and told her about thyme's proposal. Lita seems super happy about the proposal and gorya forced the smile on her face.


Scene 5

There was a news on all over social media

"Akira Paramaanantra in a relationship with Lalita Empicaa"

This news is enough to make f3 boys along with Amily, Maira, and Kaning Worried about their friends.


Scene 6

Amily along with F3 are sitting on the couch 

Mj :- I hate that girl (In a Glumpy voice)

Amily :- What's wrong?


Mj is going to have fun with some girl when he finds Lita

Mj :- Ai Lita! What are you doing here?

Lita :- MJ, tutor me about Thyme. I want to know what he likes, what he eats, and where he goes. Tell me everything.

Mj :- No

Lita :- Why?

Mj :- First, I don't want to get involved in your business. If you want to know, ask thyme yourself. Second I'm in the middle of something important. Between a crazy kid like you and the girls. An easy choice for me. Bye.

Saying this Mj started to leave with the girls suddenly Lita started Shouting

Lita :- What about our baby that I'm carrying?

Mj :- (Shocked) What the hell are you talking about? (Lita Slapped Mj) 

Lita (Fake Crying) :- You irresponsible jerk! If you don't have mercy on me, have mercy on other girls. Stop jerking people around.

Mj :- (To girls) Wait, It's not like that 

Lita starts her acting and the girls run away frightened

Lita (Stop acting) :- I see you're free now.

Flashback end

Kevin :- Idiot! I'm very proud of my friend Mj here. You....

Mj (Stops him by filling food) :- You need to shut up. As if you could handle that girl. That time we went out with her, wasn't it you who was panting beside me?

Kevin :- At least I'm not Lita's coach like you.

Amily :- Guys stop fighting, We all know how Lita is, She very well knows how to get what she wants. But right now we should worried about T and Gorya. They are confusing us.

Ren :- Do you think it has anything to do with Lita's Confession?

Kevin :- Possibly

Mj :- But no one could force Thyme to do anything Or Does Thyme really like Lita for real?

Kevin :- Who could switch from girl to girl like that?

Mj :- You... I bet you're talking to a new girl now.

Kevin is chatting in his phone

Kevin :- Mishae! I'm talking to Kaning. She's asking me about this stuff.

His phone rang 

Kevin :- What's up, Chimpunk?

He stands up and leave

Mj :- And then he leaves.

Amily :- M I asked you to find out about someone, Any clue?

Ren :- About Whom?

Amily :- Maira's Dad, He suddenly disappeared two years prior and there is no trace of him so i thought maybe by M's connection we could find him.

Mj :- I got some information but they are not certain, we have to go and find out ourselves.

Amily :- How about we leave after your Prom Night, till then our exams will also be over.

Mj nodded

Ren :- I'll also join you guys. (Amily and Mj give him a questioning look he sighed) I also want to take break from this mess.

Amily laugh 

Amily :- yah right, I hope We don't get into another mess till then. and guys let this be between us only right now.

Both Boys nodded.


Scene 7

F3 and amily are waiting for thyme 

Mj :- When will thyme get here?

Kevin :- Call him if you want to find out.

Mj :- No, I don't want to catch him while he's with Lita. (Suddenly he sees Thyme) There he is, (Raised his hand) Thyme!

They all saw in direction and got shocked as Lita pulled Thyme into a kiss.

Mj/Kevin :- Shia!

Amily and Ren just sighed

Kevin :- He skipped to some advanced stuff.

Amily and Ren Noticed Gorya who also watching this scene. They could hear other students praising the couple, both gave each other a look and were about to leave.

Mj :- Where are you both going now

Amily :- To meet Gorya, It's almost your exam time. All the best to both of you. 

Kevin :- what about your exam Ren

Ren :- I will be there in a while.

Saying this they left


Scene 8

At thyme side 

Thyme is socked with a kiss he Pushed Lita 

Thyme :- What are you doing? (Confused)

Lita (confidently) :- Just kiss you to wish you well on your exams. Couples do that.

Thyme :- No, You're a girl. It doesn't look 'pamper' when you do that

Lita :- Pamper you mean Proper?

Thyme :- That's it. Don't do that to me again. Got it?

Lita :- No , Next time I'll do more than that. (Teasingly) Go now or you'll be late. I'll come and pick you up (She starts squizzing his cheeks)

Everyone is far from them so they cant hear them just see them


Scene 9

The mean girl finds Gorya and starts taunting her. suddenly a guy through some books to distract them, and scares them. after they go it turns out it is one of person Gorya met recently, and who is helping her. she asked for a job opportunity at his work, they are talking when Amily and Ren saw them. they are feeling something good 


Scene 10 

At mayte o garden

Maira/Kaning/Uncle ga :- They kissed!

Gorya :- Yes 

Kaning :- What did you do?

Gorya :- What could I do? Lita is beautiful and nice. Her boyfriend is a very lucky guy. (calmly)

Maira :- Are you really OK with this?

Gorya :- I am, Maira. Lita is my friend seeing her happy makes me happy.

Suddenly they heard a knock, the same guy was at the door and Gorya left with him

Uncle Ga :- Gorya is so mature.

Kaning :- It would be nice, if I had half her courage.

Maira :- You can do it.

Uncle Ga :- Oh F4 will take their last exams tomorrow

Kaning :- What? Gorya said her last exams are the day after tomorrow (Panicked)

Maira :- Chai! but the seniors will finish first.

Uncle Ga :- I did some digging. Aren't I good? I'm like F4's number one fan now.

Maira laughed just then they noticed Kaning was lost.

Uncle Ga :- Hey, As I mentioned if there's anything you want to do, now is the time.

Kaning thinks something


Scene 11

Ren and Mj are there, students are taking selfies with them 

Mj :- (Sighed) Despite today being our last day as students, all of F4 are not here.

Ren :- Don't feel down. There's still prom tomorrow.

Mj :- It's not the same. (disappointed)

Mj see someone

Mj :- That's Kaning. Kaning (They waved her) What are you doing here?

Kaning :- I just want to congratulate you all on your graduation.

Ren :- Thank you 

Kaning :- Congratulation 

Suddenly Mj's eye went to a bouquet

Mj :- are you here to propose your love to someone? There's the 'Flower of Love' in the bouquet. (Teasingly)

Kaning (Blushed) :- That's not the case. Don't tease me, P'Mj. What about the others?

Ren :- Thyme is staying at home, he said he is too lazy to come.

Mj :- He who is above all the rules. 

Ren :- (smiled) Amy is also staying at home as she wants to study for exams.

Mj :- We both know why she doesn't want to come (winked at Ren)

Ren :- And Kavin is preparing for his speech inside as a valedictorian.

Kaning (Surprised) :- P'kevin?

Mj :- Isn't it cool? You don't need to be the best student here. but you need to have an uncle who's the education minister to be valedictorian. 

Ren just Smiled

Ren :- Do you want to come inside? The ceremony is starting soon.

Kaning :- Can I? (Mj, ren nodded) Thank you.

they had a conversation about Gorya and they got to know about Talay.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
