
Twenty four

Scene 1

Group Call

F4 Extended 

Ren :- I shared a photo in group check it.

Ren shared the photo of gorya feeding thyme

After checking

Maira :- Shiya! This is the perfect shot, Ren

Kevin :- You did well, man.

Kaning :- Gorya, you never feed me like this (Sad face)

Amily :- Princess Thyme is getting Royal Treatment

Mj :- Speaking of which, I will post it...

Gorya :- Don't

Everyone chuckles

Mj :- I'm kidding. We know, We won't cause any trouble. Ok?

Gorya :- For Real?

Kevin :- Chai! We were just teasing you

Ren :- Are you stressing out?

Gorya :- I've got a lot on my plate. This thing with Lita is left unfinished. and I have to pay for this vase. I haven't been able to go to work at the flower shop. I don't know how kaning is doing, I m glad Maira is there to help her but still.

Thyme notice other expression changes

Thyme :- Speaking of which, Amy Why this urgent con call? Is there something you want to share?

Amily :- Chai! Actually Me, R, M and Maira are not going to stay here for a while.

Kevin/ Thyme :- Alaiwa?

Thyme :- You can't leave me like that

Kevin :- Why am i not involved in this trip 

Ren :- Guys listen to us first, We are not going for trip we are going to find Maira's Dad.

Thyme-Gorya, and Kevin-Kaning gave confused looks then Ren and Amily feed them with details

Mj :- And that's why we are going on a search mission. 

Kevin :- And you even don't consider telling me? And Why am i not part of this mission?

Amily :- Because we need you here Kev! at first we decide to not involve you as we need someone to take care of T and gorya at our back.

Ren :- And now as Gorya is not able to go at shop its best for you to stay here and help Kaning at shop.

Kevin :- and why me?

Mj :- I know people and places so it will be beneficial for us whereas Amy is not ready to stay back and its good to have 2 boys than 1 boy with 2 girls.

Kevin :- So let ren stay and I join you

Amily :- Ai! Kev stop being stubborn you stay here and help kaning at shop.

Kevin begin to sulk

Maira :- Khon tode P' Kevin Its my fault If i don't ask for help we won't have to leave you here, Khon tode Kaning I promised to help you. how about we postpone the plan

Kaning :- Maira you don't need to be sad you were right at your place, We all have our lives and problems you go and find your father

Gorya :- Chai! My problem is not going to finish soon you go and do your work 

Thyme :- Aaa! Aa! Gorya is right You all go and help Maira We will handle everything here. 

Ren :- Just remember to be safe and if you need our help we are just one text away.

Gorya :- Guys i should get back to work but do tell me when you are leaving.

Kaning :- I should also Go now I have work P' tell me if you need my help in anything.

Maira :- I am also hanging up, I need to go to Mae and check arrangements for her before leaving.

Everyone nodded trio hang up

Amily :- Now T Tell us, Lita hasn't picked up your calls, has she?

Thyme :- Yeah, I don't know what to do.

Mj :- I did some research, since what happened, Lita hasn't left the house. She even deactivated all her social media accounts. No one can reach her. 

Ren :- We even try to go and meet her but she is not ready for talk now i think we should wait for her to approach.

Thyme :- But If I don't do anything...

Ren :- Thyme, This is not weighing on you only, it's taking a toll on Gorya too. You stay here and look after her. you're the only one who can do this job.

Amily :- Leave other things on us. We all here for help We'll keep try to reach her now and then, Ok?

Thyme :- Ok.

Mj :- Very well. We should go 

Kevin :- Alai wa? Am I still your friend? no one cares about me. I am sulking here and you all are busy with your mess only.

Mj :- Stop it Kevin We all know how much you like to spend time with Kaning we are giving you time to spend with her know her.

Kevin :- oi! who told you that I like her.

Amily :- Kev, I don't know how you feel about her but if you dont like her dont play with her heart she is a nice girl and moreover she is gorya's friend. so whatever you do its going to effect all of us. You know infinite chain rule right.

Kevin :- I know and that's why i am worried, One wrong move and our life will be a mess.

Amily :- So be careful na.

Before Kevin can say ren speaks

Ren :- Kevin please do as we ask stay here and take care of everything behind our back and if you need anything just call us

Kevin sign and nodded

Mj :- Thyme Remember you need to keep your distance from Gorya. Don't be too obvious.

Thyme :- Seriously? This is me, Thyme. I know right from wrong

Others just roll their eyes and cutted the call.


Scene 2

At Mayte o garden

Kevin :- As i was saying, I came her to work in place of gorya only because Amy asked.

Uncle Ga :- Marvelous We should hand out flyers today. I've printed a bif file of flyers. What do we do now?

Kevin :- (Slowly to himself) Boy, did I pick the right day to be here?

Kaning :- How's Gorya doing about work, the house, and Lita? she hasn't replied me since our last call.

Uncle Ga :- Kaning Kaning I get that you're worried about Gorya but we have so much to do. Let's finish our work first and talk about Gorya later.

Kaning (Wining) :- when will we ever finish?

Kevin :- Yeah, if we hand out flyers the usual way, it will take a long time. But don't worry, chipmunk. I've got an idea. This thing requires some assistance, like the face and the skin that is glowing.

Kaning :- Mine? (Confused)

Kevin :- (Blincked) Mine.

Both of them signed

but after a while they saw Kevin stand outside the shop

Kevin :- Hello, if you buy flowers from Maytee O Garden regardless of the price, you'll get a flyer from the shop, and for a special promotion, a kiss from yours truly.

Uncle Ga :- The confidence.

Kaning :- Will it work?

Uncle Ga :- I wonder. 

But then they saw no. of ladies coming to their shop for flower/kiss.\


Scene 3

Maira, Ren, Amily and Mj went for search They went to Maira's home town

Maira :- Sorry P' My house is not that big for us to have saperate rooms so we need to share

Ren :- Don't worry maira we can adjust 

Mj :- Chai! we don't mind sharing rooms just tell us which room should we stay.

Maira :- P you and P'Ren can take that room, that is my Parents room and Me and Amy can stay at my room.

Amily hasitate before nodding Mj noticed that but didn't say anything

At night 

Amily is already sleeping as she is tired and still on medicine, Maira just went out of her house for walk She is lost in some old memories just then Ren came

Ren :- Maira You ok?

Maira (Came back in sense) :- yes I m good do you need anything P'?

Ren :- Mishae i cant able to sleep so came for walk what about you?

Maira :- Same This place remind me of my parents and our good memories.

Ren :- I heard somewhere that sorrows are reduced by sharing and happiness is increased by sharing. So would you like to share some.

Maira :- (Smiled) Would you like to go on places where my memories stored? 

Ren Smiled and nodded


Scene 4 

Mj is getting bored at his room so he went out when he heard someone Sobbing. He went toward voice and saw amily curled like ball and sobbing in sleep he hurridely went toward her

Mj :- Amy, Amy Wake up 

Amily wake up and seeing Mj she hugged him and Cried loudly

Mj :- Sh! Sh! Amy stop crying see i am here for you what wrong tell me

Amily :- I saw.. (Hiccup) Mumma.... (Hiccup) Accident.... (She started crying) 

Mj just took her in his embrence and let her cry

Mj :- Amy its a dream calm down, I am here see.

She cried for a while and Mj kept her in embrence once he felt she is better he leave her and give her water.

Amily (Takes water) :- Thank you.

Mj :- Amy since when you having nightmare again? as far as i know after Ren came back you feels better you told me that, You lied to me?

Amily :- Mishae, All this started again since the attack.

Mj :- Thats why you hasitate to share room with Maira?

Amily :- Chai! I haven't told her anything.

Mj :- (Nodded) You told Ren about this?

Amily :- Mishae, If i told him, he will force me to stay at home and take treatment. I am already feeling guilty since maira came to my life I never tried to know her problem I always drag her to our problems, I don't want to delay this search for more, specially because of my misery.

Mj :- Why you always think about others first, Initially, I did not push much because I thought you share everything with Ren at least, but now you have started hiding your problems even from him. Won't you understand that we love you, We want to help you why you always being this selfish.  (Shouted)

Amily :- yes I am selfish M, I don't want to rely on anyone because I know one day everyone will leave me like Mae, P'tia, P'mira, and... and.. T No one is gonna choose me (Shouted and start crying)

Mj :- why would we leave you Amy We are staying by your side, And how Thyme didn't choose you? Amy What's wrong, What's in your mind tell me (Calmly)

Amily :- I know I am a bad friend Feeling insecure with my own friend's happiness but I cant help it M, I know T didn't leave me directly but his priority change's Now his priority is Gorya not me, And i know I am being childish but one day when you, R and Kev will also find your one you will leave me, You will choose them and there is nothing wrong in that M but then again I will left alone. (Cried)

Mj (Hugged her) :- Thats why you agreed  for your engagement with Ren right?

Amily :- (nodded) Chai, I know I being Selfish but when our family came up with this engagement, I thought it would be a great idea to atleast kept R by my side forever

Mj :- and you do know this is wrong. 

Amily nodded

Mj :- Amy you are more sensible than any one of us take your decision wisely. Its not only about Ren you are doing wrong with yourself as well. We are here for you but please do anything that you will regret later. and please talk to us.

Amily nodded

Mj :- Now sleep I will ask Ren to share room with Maira.

Amily nodded and sleep


Scene 5

Maira and Ren came back and maira is about to go to her room but ren stop her

Ren :- Maira can you stay in your parents room today.

Maira looks confused

Maira :- but i am going to share room with Amy na.

Ren :- Actually Mj is sleeping with Amy at your room. so you can stay in your parents room.

Maira nodded 

They went to room and Ren is about to leave but maira stops him

Maira :- You can stay here P'.

Ren :- Are you fine in sharing room with me?

Maira :- (Smiled) I trust you P' Ren, I know you wont do anything wrong.

Ren smiled

Ren :- Then i'll take this couch

Maira nodded

After a long silence

Maira :- P' (Ren hummed) What happened with Amy?

Ren looked at her confused

Maira :- Common P' I am not dumb I saw how Amy being restless sometimes, I know she never show that she is weak or she has some issue but I can  sense it that there is something wrong with her. and I can guarantee that you know about it as I saw you being protective around her sometime. I remember once P' Mira told me to take care of her initially i thought its a sister's concern but now i can say its more than that i can sense it.

Ren (Smiled) :- This is not my story to tell you Maira, This is Amy's story she will tell you whenever she feel right. and can i ask you favour 

Maira nodded

Ren :- please dont talk about this with anyone until amy is ready. amy dont want anyone to know about her problem.

Maira nodded.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
