
Twenty five

Scene 1

Next Morning

Ren, Mj, Maira, and Amily are at the breakfast table 

Ren :- Slept well?

Amily nodded

There is complete and Awkward silence No one 

Amily :- Where have you been last night? You and Maira are not at home?

Maira :- Actually, I went for fresh air and When Ren joined me, I took him to show some of my childhood places.

Amily just nodded in agreement 

There is again awkward silence, This time Maira breaks it.

Maira :- Amily... (Amily hummed) Can I ask you something?

Amily nodded without looking up, but when Maira didn't say anything for a while she looked up. and could see an uncomfortable look of Maira. she also noticed looked between Maira and Ren, So she knew what she wanted to ask, but she felt bad as her friend is not comfortable to ask her something, so she assured her.

Amily (Puts her hand on Maira's) :- Maira You can Ask me anything I'll reply to you honestly, I never lied to you or hid anything from you when you asked something right?

Maira :- But I don't want to invade your personal space

Amily :- (Chuckled) I am at your home with my friends searching for your father. Am I Invading your privacy? (Maira Denied) Maira, I Was afraid of asking questions, So I know how it feels when you want to ask something and You can't, I don't want that Awkwardness or fear between us. You can ask me anything, If I feel that I can't share it with you I will tell you. Is it ok for you? (Assuaring smile)

Maira :- (Nodded) Amily... What happened last night? Why did P'Mj have to share a room with you? (Sighed) If you don't want to tell you have all right, You are not forced.

Amily looked between Mj and Ren, both signalled her to do what she feels right.

Amily :- I had a Panic Attack last night, I have a fear of losing my people, It is my childhood trauma. I generally get hold of my fear but sometimes when something happens that triggers my Fear, I go into Panic Attack. Do you remember when Gorya got framed when R was not here, I called you in panic, That time also my fear triggered as I thought I would have lost T, My T who is changing now. Normally I take medicines so I don't have regular attackes. But whenever something like this happens to me It triggersmy fear and resulting in pannic attack or nightmares.

Maira :- So what happened this time to trigger your fear?

Amily (sighed) :- The Attack, On that day I thought I almost Lost Gorya and T. I was not feared of dying but I couldn't handle losing my people, You remember When we met and you asked me Why I didn't have many friends? This is also the reason apart from what I told you I feared to be betrayed, To left alone, I feared to lose my people. As much as I get attached to someone the fear of losing them is automatically triggered. And now losing Gorya, Kaning and You is equally painful for me as much as losing F4. I can't lose anyone one of you.

Amily puts her head down she is not facing anyone Maira comes and hugs her

Maira :- I can't promise you about others, but I am not going anywhere not now, not ever. I will stay with you like your shadow and won't go even if you want me to go get it.

Ren and mj smiled with adoration, Maira sat back at her place.

Maira :- Won't others know about your condition?

Amily :- They slightly do, P'mira, R and M know about my nightmare and Panic attacks. About P'tia, Kev and T they only know about my panic state that occurs whenever my pa is around. Apparently, they had an idea that there was something wrong with me but they never asked and I never told them myself.

Maira :- So you mean that P'mira, P'Ren and P'Mj asked you about this?

Amily (smiled) :- Mishae! P'mira has been with me for a couple of times when I started having these attacks, so she knows it and she is the one who helped me with pills, and for R he once saw my prescriptions and asked doctors about it and as I went to his hospital for a checkup it's easy for him to know everything and about M, (looked at him) He also saw me gping through panic attack when we got to know about P' tia's Marriage, Since then They all guarded me, make sure that I feel secure.

Maira :- And What about your Pa? Why do you feel afraid of him? 

Listening to this Amily somehow started feeling Restless Trio understands the uneasiness and calmed her down.

Ren :- Maira, Amy's Fear for her father's presence is something even we don't know, and we never force her to tell us, so please don't ask this to her.

Maira nodded

Amily (calmed herself and smiled) :- let's discuss about this topic later. I still need some time before telling you guys this story. Just Understand that there is something happened with me when my child, after that me and my father are not at good terms. And whenever he came infront of me, that trauma triggered and I feel restless.

Maira nodded 

They all had a peaceful breakfast, all tried to calm Amily and they were successful in it.


Scene 2

Gorya is working in thyme's garden and Thyme is watching her from behind Gorya feels it and turns 

Gorya :- What are you doing there?

Thyme :- I'm enjoying my garden.

 Gorya :- I told you, I don't need you to watch over me. I'm fine.

Thyme :- Watch you? I'm watching the garden.

Gorya :- Yes, Master Thyme. You're watching the garden.

Thyme :- In this heat, aren't you a bit thirsty?

Gorya :- Who's watching the garden now? You're keeping an eye on me.

Thyme :- What are you talking about? I'm just saying stuff.

Gorya :- Who are you saying stuff to? Only the trees and me here. Are you talking to the trees?

Thyme :- (Frustrated) What do you want me to do?

Gorya :- I told you, You don't need to keep an eye on me. I'm fine. And you have a lot of things to do.

Gorya start working but suddenly her finger cuts and thyme panicked

Thyme :- Clumsy as always. How can i not worry about you?

Gorya (Complaining) :- You were putting pressure on me standing there.

Thyme :- Let me see.

Gorya :- How can i concentrate?

They both are very close they had eye lock, They are lost as Gorya came back to sense. she pushes thyme

Gorya :- I'm sorry. I'm fine. I can take care if myself.


Scene 3

Amily :- Maira is there any place, where you dad used to go on daily bases?

Maira :- My pa used to work somewhere whenever we came here for break but I dont have any idea in where he used to work.

Mj :- What do you mean by you dont have any idea?

Maira :- Its been so long P, As i remember Last time when we came here was 7 year ago, how could i remember?

Ren :- Ok Ok, We got it maira but could you tell us how many places are here in this village for part time job?

Amily :- Not much, I found this diary in cupbord, It contain details of some jobs, Sorry Maira I checked it without asking you.

Maira just smiled

Maira :- Its ok Amy, I know you want to help.

Ren :- So can we start from here?

They all nodded and went there 

There is old lady who is worried about something

Maira :- Swadi kha Grany (greeted)

Grany :- Swadi kha, Who are you?

Maira :- Grany, I am Mr Pokunpakorn's daughter who used to work here around 7 years ago? Do you remember him?

Grany :- 7 years, it's so long How could i remember anything? there are so many people who worked here whenever someone came here for vacation and want to work, they always choose places like this.

Maira show her his father's photo 

Maira :- Do you remember anything now?

Grany :- Mishae! it's so long no one would remember anything. 

They all about to leave when Ren noticed Grany's worriness

Ren :- Grany why do you look so worried? Do you need any help?

Grany :- Yes my child! I want to clean this place, today some guest are going to join us but our house workers are on holiday. I am thinking how could i do this alone. I have to cook food as well for them.

Ren :- We will help you Grany

Trio (shocked) :- Alaiwa?

They all took ren little away 

Maira :- What are you planing P'ren?

Ren :- Listen she is right it's been long so there is no way asking them, whether they remember or not. In any way, if we help them then may be we found something. any sort of document or something.

Mj :- I doubt that (not fully convinced)

Amily :- It's perfect we can help them, as well in mean time we can try find clues without getting caught R, you are genius.

Maira (excited) :- So final we are doing this.

Mj (irritated) :- Really? Since when did I agree?

Ren :- Won't you help?

Mj see Amily who is giving her judgy and dominating side eyes

Mj :- Alright, I'll help.

Amily :- Yeah, Be a gentleman. (Tonted)

Mj sighed

Maira :- Let's go and tell her that we will help.

They do the same 


Scene 4

At Mayte o garden

Lady kissed kevin

Uncle Ga :- That's a big kiss. Thank you (handed her flower)

Kevin :- Thank you.

As lady left

Uncle Ga :- Today is a big hit. Sales of the past two quarters combined, Can't been match today's sales. Kaning, Close the shop. We don't need any more sales.

Kaning (Smiled brightly) :- Sure.

Uncle Ga :- Thank you so much, Kevin.

Kevin (smiled) :- My pleasure.

Uncle Ga :- What's that?

As kevin watches at side where uncle ga is pointing uncle ga kissed kevin and run inside blussing

Kaning :- I'm taking off, Good night.

Uncle ga :- bye

Kevin is lost thinking about something just then he saw kaning leaving

Kevin :- Where are you going, Chipmunk?

Kaning :- I'm not sure how gorya is doing. So I... want to see her.

Kevin :- No need. You have more important thing to do.

Kaning looks confused.

Kevin :- (Takes her bag) I can see what's inside.

Kaning (Try to protest) :- No!

Kevin :- (Pulls Garland from her bag) Did you make this using my family's pattern?

Kaning :- It's difficult.

Kevin :- Not that. (Kaning is confused) You have a great teacher but you never ask him to teach. That's why I'm going to teach you today.


Scene 5

Amily and maira are helping in kitchen Ren and Mj see the house and looked at each other 

Ren :- Man, Entire house.

Mj :- Exactly, Gentleman much?

Ren :- I just thought to help, why you agreed to it at first place?

Mj :- You Know, i cant handle Amy's Look when she looked at me with those eyes. (Ruffle his hair) I lost my control of thinking. She is so much dominating.

Ren Chuckle 

Ren :- Aaa! Aaa! Let's complete this work, as soon as possible I don't want to miss Maira's food, She really cooks well.

Mj :- Ya! Ya! I know by the way, Is there anything between you and Maira? (Teasingly)

Ren :- Mishae! we were just friends, I like spending time with her but not more than that atleast for now. and moreover if you forget Amy is my fiance, I am not going to betray her.

Mj don't know why but his face expression changes listning word fiance for amily. but he ignores and start working.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
