

Scene 1

Kevin wakes up beside another girl and he receives a message from Kaning


I found that building.

Location 📍

Can you meet me, here tomorrow at 6 a.m.?

Kavin sighed and put her phone on side table

I'll be waiting


Scene 2

Kevin is at the pub, he is distracted

Girl :- P' Kevin, Who is he? (Pointing toward thyme who is trying to hide himself) he's been spying on you.

Kevin sighed, Excuse himself and Went toward him.

Kevin :- Why are you here?

Thyme :- I'm... (Shuttered) Clubbing (Giving sheepish smile)

Kevin :- Why does everyone give me headaches? First Kaning , Then Amy and now you also Why are you bugging me to go to that rooftop?

Thyme :- Did Kaning really find rooftop?

Kevin :- Yeah.

Thyme :- Good, Kanning is a fighter.

Kevin :- What good does it do though? Ever since kaning set out to find the rooftop, my life has been such a mess. This matter has long passed. It's so pointless.

Thyme :- Pointless or not, only you can answer that though, right? I don't know. but for a girl who fights with all her might so you could find what she doesn't know if it's useful for you... Can you really leave her hanging? (Sighed) Anyway, it's your decision whether to go or not, but I don't want you to make the same mistake twice. Find out what's important to you. and you'll be able to make that decision.

Saying this he left Kevin alone in the club After thinking for a while Kevin also came out of club and went to meet kaning


Scene 3

Gorya and Kaning are waiting for boys at parking

Kevin :- Hey Little one, Do you know how frustrating your stubbornness is?

Kaning :- But I found what P' Mona was trying to tell you that day. (Kevin thinks about Mona) Time is running out. Hurry!

Kaning and Kevin went to upstairs, Its almost Sun rise

Kevin :- What is this?

Kaning :- P'Kavin, your feelings did reach her, and she had something to tell you (just then sun risses) She wanted to tell you this all along.

Sun rays fall on board and create a shadow of it thats shows "Kavin". Kavin see it and he is very happy and smiled with sorrow

Kaning :- You said you're not fit for Love, That's not true at all.


Scene 4

F4 boys and girls are at thyme's house

Mj :- To make up for the surprise party the other day, Let's have fun to the max! Woo!

Mj, Amily, Maira and Ren are at their high energy but others are just at low.

Maira :- Nothing is wilder than this party.

Amily :- This is even sadder than your last Party, T. Why did you have to drag us here?

Thyme :- I just wanted to party. Can't I?

Ren :- I think you guys should get some rest today. We can do it next time.

Everyone nodded

Maira :- Before that could you guys please tell us about your last night advanture

The four Giving them Questioning Look They share about their adventure and group is happy for friends

Maira :- I can't believe this P' Mona actually Like P' Kevin just imagine if they confess back then they would be together now.

Amily :- (Smiled) It's not easy for everyone to confess their Love specially when that certain Someone is your Friend. (She looked at Mj and he is already Looking at her)

Flash back

Amily went to Mj's room where he is sleeping soundly she went toward him and sat beside his bad facing him adoring him suddenly Mj face expression changed like Pout.

Amily :- You know how cute you look When you pout Like this. It's like i want to lock you and Mark you mine, (Chuckle) You know I can't say this to you when you're awake so (Went close to him) I Love you P' Mj. I Love you since our entire childhood. And you know everyone noticed my love for you T, R, Kev , P, and Even Gorya, Kaning and Maira can see it but you can't see it. To be honest I am happy that you can't see it, Because I can't have you as my lover, You know I can't loose you. I am ready to see you and Love you from Far but It's still not easy whenever i see you with someone else I can't take it, I know you are not mine and I can't force you to stay but I also can't handle it. but i promise I'll not come in your way ever. It's better to be friends than being Strangers.

Flashback end.

Mj :- Thats True, Now that it's over, Let me say Something. (Smiled at others) It's easy to fight outside battle but not your inner battle. Congratulations to you all for everything. Not everyone is Lucky to get their love revert back in a same way. (he looks at amily)

There is awkward silence

Ren :- Ah! Ah! What I am thinking that lets go for a trip, You guys has your summer break and as well we have a party due for Thyme and Gorya's Recoincile.

Kevin :- And we need to party for You and Nong Maira's Love also.

Maira :- Ok! Gorya for how long you need to work here?

Gorya :- I am already free Maira, My work is done.

Maira :- Perfect so let's plan a trip.

Everyone agreed.


Scene 5

At trip

They all are going at farm house of Mj so They all met at Ren's House to Go from there.

There are some unwanted guests between them there is a new face for everyone and one for only Gorya and Maira.

Gorya :- Who is she P' Kevin?

Kevin :- (Looked at the person and then kaning) She is Mona.

Gorya and Maira are shocked and worried about their friend


Two days after their conversation, There is bad weather outside the house, Kevin Went to pick Kaning from Maytee o Garden.

Kevin is waiting for Kaning as she is wrapping up. Suddenly It starts Raining heavily.

Kevin :- Todays Weather is very unpredictable, Can you tell me why are you working in this kind of weather?

Kaning :- P' Kevin, I want to Work. Even though Maira is back for my help but still it is my job, And i have to full fill my duty. (Giving sweet smile)

Kevin :- Ah! Ah! Ah! Let's Go you can finish remaining work tomorrow. Before weather get worse I should drop you home.

Kaning nodded and went out Kevin holding umbrella for Kaning and then they left but in midway Kaning saw something.

Kaning :- P' Kevin Stop The car.

Kevin :- Chimpunk! What's Wrong, It's raining We need to reach home As soon as Possible.

Kaning :- P' Kevin Please stop the car.

Kevin Stop the car and Before kevin can come to Kaning's side to hold the umbrella for her, She gets out of car and runs somewhere. Kevin follows her and find her helping Pup who is drowning due to excess Raining water in drain.

Kevin :- Chimpunk, Are you serious you stopped me for this, you know you may get ill.

Kaning :- P' I have my family, My friends to take care of me but he don't have anyone to take care of him, If we don't save him today he will die till rain Stop.

Kevin nodded and helps her.

After the mission they looked at each other.

Kevin :- Let's Go back.

But before he can took her to car she ran away in rain, jumping and Giggling like a child. Kevin sees her smiled at herself and went toward her and plays like child with her.

After Some time

Now Rain Stopped and they both are sitting at roadside Bench.

Kevin :- You Know Chimpunk! I always wonder how Thyme changed with Gorya's arrival in his life. I never believed that how someone can enjoy doing these things Like Enjoying Pot Noodles and Watching Tv. For us these thing could never count in having Fun, But now I know (He looks in her eyes) Being with Right person, Every Moment can be special even if it is nothing for other because It's not moment which make life beautiful, It's our fellowship which makes it memorable.

They both are lost in each other They kept looking in each other's Eyes.

Someone :- Kevin?

Kevin and Kaning both came back to reality and looked at side. They both are shocked to see each other.

Kevin :- Mona?

Mona came and Hugs him tightly and start crying, In return Kevin embraces her back. Kaning see entire Scene and Slowly starts to leaves the place silently but kevin hold her hand

Kevin :- Stay (He frees himself from Mona) Mona What are you doing here?

Mona :- I need your help Kevin. Can you do me a favour.

Kevin :- (Still Holding Kaning's Hand) What wrong Mona?

Mona :- I and P' knight, We Parted our way. (Kevin looks at her in confused) He Cheated on me. I catch him with someone and left his home. But...

Kevin :- But...

Mona :- But to my bad luck, now i don't have any place to live.

Kevin :- So What do you want from me Mona?

Mona :- I know, I might sound selfish

Kevin :- Just Speak Mona

Mona :- Can I stay with you Kevin, I don't have friend apart from you whom i can trust and I can't stay at hotel or some place as he would come and Force me to go with him. I want to finish everything this time Kevin. And I need your help Can you please, Do me this favour.

Flashback End.

Amily :- And Why is she here at our Trip?

Before Kevin can reply Mone Speak

Mona :- Amy, I know you don't like me but trust me if it's not required I would never came her to destroy your fun.

Amily :- Amily! I'm Amily for you Mona! and secondly I am asking my friend so it's better if you keep your mouth shut. (Glare at her and then Kevin)

Kaning :- I asked her to Join Amily! (Everyone looked confused) There is no one at P' Kevin's house and if we leave her alone she won't feel good So I thought she could came here and enjoy with us.

Everyone kept silence

Thyme :- And who the hell is she (To the person beside Mj)

Mj :- She is My Girlfriend Aum!

This is second shock for Everyone as till now Mj may flirt with lot of girl but he never been in relationship

Gorya :- Are You pranking us P' Mj (Looking worriedly at Amily in between)

Mj :- No Gorya she is actually my Girlfriend?

Kevin :- And From when this happened, It's not like she appears from air all of sudden? why didn't We know about this? (About to charge)

Mj :- I met her at interschool Competition held last year, She is a Basket ball player, I had love at first side with her but can't able to approach her as she left immediately after competition. I met her two weaks ago and proposed her and suprisingly she also liked me so we started seeing each other. And about not telling you guys, You all are stuck at your problems so i waited for right time to introduce her.

Everyone kept silent and kept looking at eachother, Mj is looking into Amily's eyes all time, they looked broke, angered but she controlled.

Amily (Smiled) :- Welcome to the Family Aum! I am Amily, Mj's... friend.

Aum :- Hii, I heard about you a lot from Mj. Actually I heard about all of you Like I know you guys already.

Everyone smiled but internally everyone is worried about their friends.

Maira :- Guys let's go to our room and take rest. Aum, Mona you both can share room and all boys can share room

Aum :- Actually can i share room Amily? I wanted know her more as I know she is important to my Mj.

Mona :- So can I share room with Kaning as I only know her little bit in girls

Everyone looked at each other before nodding.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
