
Thirty Four

Scene 1

Amily and Maira are struggling to free themself, Meantime Amily remembers something


After Talay's incident

Mj came to pick amily up from her home so they could go in search of Maira's Father

Mj :- You ready?

Amily (Smiled) :- Yes, Let's go. (Start to go toward the car)

But mj pulls her by her wrist.

Mj :- Wait. (takes out something from pocket) Wear this.

Mj gave Amily a beautiful phoenix design Locket, Amily looked at him confused

Amily :- But M, it's not my birthday or anything.

Mj :- I know, it's a tracker. (Amily looked at him shocked) Amy please, listen to me first. When you got kidnapped by that guy. I can't able to track you, I was scared to death. It's not like I can keep your track every time, you just need to push this small button twice (Shows her button) and it will send me a notification with your location. Amy, Please wear this for me, You know if anything happens to you ever, I can't forgive myself.

Amily nodded and kept the locket

Flashback End

Amily :- Maira... (Maira looked at her) Can you take out my locket and give it to me?

Maira nodded in confusion but did as Amily said. Amily put a locket in her hand and tried to feel it.

Maira :- Amy, What are you doing? (Confused)

Amily :- This locket has a button, which can send my location to Mj.

Maira :- But Amy, Lung said there are Barriers. Do you think it can catch a signal?

Amily :- We don't have any other option, We Should give it a try Maira.

Maira nodded. and somehow amily press the button.


Scene 2

Mj is frustrated and working to find Amily

Kevin :- Any update?

Mj denied

Mj :- I checked every path, every possible place he could hide Amy, but I can't able to find anything. (Frustrated)

Just Mj's Phone rang, He checked it and found a ray of hope.

Mj :- Robin, Collect everyone. We found the location.

F3 :- (Confused) What and How?

Mj :- Our Fighter. Amy sent me her location.

F3 sighed

Thyme :- Are you out of your mind? Mj, Amy can't send us the location.

Ren :- Yes, It's not our Amy, It's a distraction. Someone is fooling us, Again. (Slowly)

Mj :- It's not. (Protested)

Kevin :- How could you be so sure?

Mj :- It's not from her phone or something. Amy sent me her location by his Locket tracker. which I gave her after Talay's Incident. It is my and amily's little secret, So I am sure no one else knows about it. (Putting hand on Ren's Shoulder) Not even Maira.

Ren bowed his head.

Mj :- I am going to save the girl I love, If you want to join you can. If you don't, won't regret it later.

Mj collected his men and went to the location. Ren along with Thyme and Kevin followed him.


Scene 3

Tony came into the room. He suspiciously went near Amily and found the locket in her hand.

Tony :- What's this with your locket?

None of them show any emotion to Tony so he snatches her locket to check and gives it to his man

Tony :- Check it.

After a while, his man came back

Tony's Man :- Sir, It has a tracker.

Tony grabbed Amily's hair, Amily didn't show any fear.

Tony :- Trying to be smart? Let me show you what happened with brats like you.

Maira :- (Pleading) Uncle leave her, please.

Tony :- You know, I very well know how to keep spoiled kids like you in the right place. (Angrily) You will regret this. Initially, I decided that I wouldn't hurt your friends, but not now. Now I will make their lives miserable. and that in front of your eyes. (He pulls out his gun) And it all starts with your best friend. (kept gun on Maira)

Now amily is afraid.

Amily :- No, No, No, not her. I was the one who pressed the button. If you want to kill, then kill me.

Tony :- Oh come on love. I told you before, I love you and I can't let you die. besides, Killing you won't hurt you as much then seeing your friend's life become miserable in front of your own eyes. (Maniac laugh)

Tony pulled his gun at Maira and Shoot.


Scene 4

F4 along with a bodyguard came to the location. They are coming as quietly as they can so that no one would know of his arrival and hurt their friends.

Suddenly they heard the gunshot, They panicked and moved in that direction.

As soon as F4 came inside the room, they found Amily getting shot, and blood flowing from her wound. and Maira sobbing

They attack Tony and catch him. And take Amily and Maira to the hospital.

In the entire ride, Maira is in shock. she kept babbling and blaming her for whatever happened to Amily.


Scene 5

Everyone reached to hospital, once they knew about amily. Amily is at the Operation theatre.

Gorya and Kaning went and hug Maira. Doctor came out of Ot.

Doctor :- We removed the bullet. We almost lost her 2 times in operation, but she is a fighter, She kept fighting. We need to wait till she becomes conscious to know more about the impact of all this on her mind.

Maira :- This is all my fault. I am the one at fault. (She cried bitterly, both girls are trying to calm her)

Ren went near Maira

Maira :- Ren... I am sorry, this is all my fault. I should be there instead of her. I am sorry. I hurt her. (Cried)

Till now ren was hoping that Maira hadn't betrayed them. Everything, every proof comes into his mind. And now her words saying otherwise and this is his last string

Ren :- (Slowly) You betrayed us. you hurt her, and because of you, she is in that state. (Showed her door) (Shouted) Leave(Maira looked at her in confusion)

Gorya :- P' Ren, We know you are worried about Amily, but that doesn't mean you should blame Maira.

Ren :- Gorya please, Not now. She betrayed us. This was all her and her uncle's plan, And now when the plan has failed, She is acting innocent. (Maira is looking at him confused) Listen, If anything happened to Amily, I won't forgive you. Now Leave and never, ever come anywhere near me and My friends.

Maira is scared, She is hurt by Ren's words. She never in a dream thought that Ren could believe that she deliberately hurt Amily.

Kevin :- Maira, You go home now, As soon as Amy regains her consciousness, We will inform you.

Thyme :- Gorya, Kaning, Please take care of her as well. She needs rest. We are here for Amy.

They nodded and left


Scene 6

It's been 2 days and amily is still unconscious, Everyone is worried about her

Amily's Dad :- Doctor, What's wrong with my daughter? You said she is out of danger so why can't she get conscious till now?

Doctor :- Sir, our operation was successful, but after checking your daughter's reports. We think she went through a panic attack before she got shot. Due to this, It will take time for her to recover, Please be patient.

Amily's dad was crying when Amily's Mom came and hugged him

Amily's Mom :- P' calm down, If you break down like this, then who will take care of Amily? Our daughter needs us P'. 

Amily's Dad :- Maki, I am lost. My... My daughter is in this condition because of me. I have never paid attention to my daughter. I never told her how much I love her. My daughter was always afraid of me and I could never end it.  I was defeated, I was defeated as her father. Once I was defeated as her father, once again I let her down. I am a bad father.

Amily's Mom :- (Console him) P' You are not a bad father. You always loved her, it's just a communication gap between you both due to which you both are apart. P' (Cups his face) Promise me once our daughter gets her consciousness back you will talk to her, and try to fill that gap. 

Amily's Dad :- I promise Maki, Once Amy gets conscious, I will give her lots of love and try to end her insecurity. (Doubt) But will she forgive me?

Amily's Mom :- P', She is like her mother, and she is your daughter. What do you think will she forgive you?


Scene 7

At mayte o garden

Kaning was packing when Kevin came

Kaning :- Oi! P' Kevin, You here? Everything is fine? Is amily woke up...

Kaning words cut as Kevin came and hugged her

Kaning :- P' Kevin, What happened?

Kevin :- I'm feeling helpless, Kaning. Amily hasn't regained consciousness yet.(Cried)

Kaning :- P' Kevin, It's ok to feel like this. But P', You can't lose hope na. 

Kevin :- I can't see her like this Kaning. I wish there was something, I could do to make her feel better. Both Mj and Ren are fighting their battle and I can't do anything to console them, I don't understand what should i do.

Kaning :- P', If you can do anything in this condition then it is only that don't lose hope. P' If you give up, then what will happen to others, Who will take care of them?

Kevin :- (Nodded) Thanks for being here and listening. It means a lot to me. 

Kaning :- (Smiled) Of course, We'll get through this together, Okay?

Kevin :- (Hummed) Kaning, (Kaning hummed) You won't leave me right? (Kaning looked confused) I can accept every change Kaning, But the only change I'm not ready to accept is if one day you leave my side.

Kaning :- (Chuckle) P' Kevin You didn't forget to flirt even in this situation na. (About to leave)

Kevin :- (Hold her) I am not Flirting Kaning, I am telling the truth. I have regretted once by not telling my feelings sooner, I don't want to regret it again. I know It's not easy to trust me kaning but I want to make you believe it through my actions. Can you give me one chance? Can you please let your heart open for me? 


Scene 8

F4 are outside the ward, Gorya and Kaning came there with some drinks. Thyme signals Gorya to give Ren first

Kaning :- You all should take of yourself also, Amily won't like to see you all like this. (Handling Drink) P' Mj (Mj silently take the drink)

Gorya takes one drink and went near Ren

Gorya :- P' Ren 

Ren :- Gorya Please...

Cut by Gorya

Gorya :- For Amily Please. (Pleading)

Ren takes the drink

Kaning and Gorya went to Kevin and Thyme. 

Gorya :- You also need energy P'. (Handed him drink and so do Kaning)

Kevin :- Where is Maira? Is she ok?

Kaning :- Maira is also not in a good state. She is just blaming herself. 

Thyme :- what about his father? Is he ok?

Gorya :- He is fine now. (Seeing Ren) and he decided to go back to Korea now.

Kevin/ Thyme :- What? (Looks toward Ren but Ren didn't react)

Mj (calmly) :- Ren, Don't make rational decisions, Don't let Maira Go. She loves you. 

Ren :- You still taking her side? Even after knowing what she did to Amy? 

Mj :- I know what I am saying Ren, Maira would never do anything to hurt Amy. I trust her and so do Amy. Don't give up on your love. Now I know how anyone can feel when their lover is away with him without any sign of coming back. I don't want you to go through same pain.

Ren :- Let Amy get conscious first and then we will decide what should we do further.

Ren Pov :- I want to believe you Maira, I want to believe that you didn't betray us. But I can't Every evidence is against you, and leave evidence you yourself admit that because of you amy go through all of this. Why Maira, Why you do that. I loved you so much, I trusted you with every secret of ours. Why you betray me.

Ren went inside room

Ren :- Please wake up na amy, I need you. your R need you Amy, please please wake up.(pleading)

Ren thought if amily is awake she will guide him with his delimma.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
