

niceene 1

Thyme is at Gorya's home, they both argue and after reconciling, Gorya gives Thyme his gift. just then Thyme heard the news of the number one billionaire in Thailand's health condition, hearing this he excused himself and left.


Scene 2

At mayte o garden 

Amily along with Maira, Kaning and Uncle Ga are their

Amily :- chai we just decided to get along with the flow. We can't focus on Our engagement right now, as it's not a big deal. I think it may be a distraction for us as we two are closest to T, and if we get stuck with our problems, it's easy for her to do as she wants.

Maira :- But what if she has other intentions for it, you said she never does anything for nothing.

Amily :- We are not putting our guard down. we are just letting her know that her plan with us is working well. We are still looking for her intentions behind our marriage.

Kaning :- Amy You ok? (Amily nodded)If Anything happens, just remember you have our back. (Amily smiled)

Uncle Ga :- hoi! if you all are well, can I check my social (Everyone chuckles (Reads) Number one businessman has been diagnosed with severe health issues, Ho! Typical Rich people

Amily :- Uncle can I see that post (He shifts side for her to see) 

She checks the name 

Amily :- I need to go now. I will meet you later.  


Scene 3

Mj :- Honestly Ren, When you and amily said you got a strange feeling about thyme's mom. I don't get it.

Kevin :- But I do. If Thyme's mom wants to just get rid of gorya, she doesn't need to reveal Thyme's fiancee so soon, Neither does Ren's and amily's alliance make any sense to me. Don't you think it's too strange and too soon?

Mj :- Have you found anything? (To Ren)

Ren shows them a newspaper in which the news of the billionaire health issue is mentioned

Kevin :- This smells fishy.

Ren :- There are no stars in the sky tonight.


Scene 4

Somewhere in Singapore

Thyme's mom manager :- You're just arrived. Aren't you going to get some rest first?

Thyme's mom :- No. This is a crucial moment, not just in Thailand but also here in Singapore.

Thyme's mom Manager :- What about Mr Thyme, Miss Lita, Mr Ren, and Miss Amily?

Thyme's mom :- I have no concerns, Because of the timing, everything will be set in motion by itself.


Scene 5

Ren was sleeping peacefully when suddenly thyme came 

Thyme :- Ren! Ren! (jumps on ren) Ren! wake up. I have something big to tell you. Get up, Get up. (Shows him cookies) Gorya made cookies in the shape of my face. Admire themagnificencee. It may not look as good as the real me. But seeing how hard she worked on it I...

Ren is frustrated as his sleep gets disturbed he just eats the cookies

Thyme (Tries to snatch them) :- Ai Ren !, Spit it out (Ren eats the cookie and goes back to sleep) Ren, Spit out my cookie. I'm going to eat every single piece.

After a fight

Ren :- You came to meet me early in the morning. Just to show me a cookie?

Thyme :- No, I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought I'd stop by. besides We are not able to talk about you and amily being dragged into this mess. If I ask her, she is gonna say she is fine but we know she is not, I know it's not needed but still, I want to ask you to take care of her.

Ren (Nooded) :- She is my friend too thyme (Pointing toward Luggage) You heard about the news (Thyme sighed) So what are going to do?

Thyme :- I'll be very busy I'll go back and stay at my place for a while. 

Ren :- About Lita?

Thyme :- That girl is a pain, But don't worry. I have a way to handle her (smirks)


Scene 6

Gorya and kaning are doing work at the shop suddenly Kevin and mj enter in a hurry

Gorya :- How come, you're such a mess?

Kevin :- Thyme asked us to help him deal with Lita.

Mj :- Yes, So we planned to use our coolness to deal with her. but it's a mess.

Kaning :- How?

Kevin :- Do you have a map? It will help me describe.

Gorya :- Why would we have a map?

Kaning came with a map

Kaning :- Found it.

Gorya :- This is so uncle ga.

Kevin :- That girl told us, she didn't like to go to simple places. So the first place we went to is the amusement park

They continue and pinned point the entire map

Kevin :- she is so hyper.

Kaning :- Did lita go home?

Suddenly gate open

Lita :- Not possible. I'm still full of energy. (Both boys sighed) Metro boys are boring. They're no good. Gorya, Let's go out. Find something fun to do.

Gorya :- Well... I have to work, Sorry.

Lita :- Does it mean that if someone buys all the flowers here, you won't have anything left to do and can go out with me?

Gorya and kaning watch her dumbfounded, as she takes out her card and buys all flowers


Scene 7

At Maira's home

Some people came to her home and started throwing her stuff

Amily came to drop Maira, when she saw that

Amily :- What the hell is happening?

Person :- Who are you?

Maira :- Amy please, Let me talk. Sir, I already told you, I will give you the money next month please understand.

Person :- What understand we already gave you enough time, now no more. either you give us our entire money at next month or I will sell everything you have and take my money. (Threatens)

The person leaves 

Amily starts to pick up Maira's stuff with her 

Amily :- Maira who is that and which money is he talking about?

Maira (Sighed) :- He is the person my father took money from before his disappearance 

Amily :- wait what disappearance? (Think something) Now that I realize we never talk about your family maira neither do I see them.

Maira :- (Sighed) I am the only child of my parents so I'm lovable, My Pa and Maa love me, My Pa works as a Bodyguard, he never told me for whom he works. we are living a good life. but 2 years ago, we got to know about mae disease. she has cancer and due to that my paa borrowed money from them, he told me he has worked and soon he will get money from his boss, but one day suddenly my pa didn't come back home. We try to find him everywhere but there is no clue. We don't know about his workplace, so we can't even find them.

Amily :- Where is your Mae now?

Maira :- She is still in hospital, it's her last stage. For her care doctor suggested she to stay at the hospital only. Due to her health and my studies, I have to work.

Amily :- (Hugged her) I'm sorry, We have been friends for a while now, but I never tried to know about your problem. I always drag you into my friend's problem, never bother that you also have life. I am a bed friend.

Maira :- You don't need to be sorry. And to be honest, I am lucky to have you by my side. I won't lie, At the start, I thought about you as a fake personality typical rich kid type. But as I started to know you, I can say you are one of the most genuine people I know. I saw how you take care of people whom you consider yours. You are not a bad friend Amy, you are a phenomenal friend. You always look after your friends, doesn't matter how much they hurt you.

Amily :- Ok now stop it, and tell me how much you own them. I will pay so that they can never bother you. (Started to pull her purse)

Maira :- (Stops her) Amy If I really want your money won't I ask you, I haven't told you as I... (slowly) my self-respect won't allow me to take money from you.

Amily :- And who told you I am giving you money for free (Maira looks confused) I am giving you advance for your work as my Personal Assistant. (Smiles at her) I am hiring you at a permanent job and some per cent of your salary is considered as an instalment of money I gave you, There is only one catch, You are not allowed to switch jobs or leave my side until you pay your entire debt. Does it sound good?

Maira :- Chai

Amily :- Good let's collect your stuff, and then order something to eat I'm hungry.

Both smiled and Continued the work


Scene 8

Lita and Gorya went to shopping there gorya saw a bag but left it seeing the prize tag. Lita observes it and buys for gorya. When Gorya refused to take it, she threatened to leave the gift at the mall only and Gorya also agreed to do the same.

Lita :- Am I making you uncomfortable? I've never had a close friend before. Don't know how to make friends, Please don't be mad Please (Cutely) 

Gorya (Smiled) :- hmm I'm not mad. It's just that these things are too much. The dress that you gave me the last time... I almost couldn't put it into my closet. The zip almost broke.

Lita :- Ok, from now on I won't do this kind of thing anymore. Promise. (Pulling her pinky finger for promise)

They both do the little promise gesture

Lita :- By the way, you said the zip of the closet almost broke. What does your closet look like?

Gorya is surprised and embarrassed by the question


Scene  9

Amily is back at her home, she parks her car inside and is about to go inside. When a men grab her, Amily tries to pull herself from his grip, then she punches him in the stomach and kicks him in his balls and she starts beating him

Man :- Au! Amy, it's me Please stop 

Amily (Confused) :- M?

Mj :- Chai (Groaning in pain)

Amily :- Oh my god get up.

She helped him to stand and took him to her room 

Amily (Sternly) :- What are you trying to do 

Mj :- To Kidnap you Duh!

Amily Gives him a look

Mj :- I observe that you are not in a good state of mind. and ever since your and Ren's engagement announcement, you didn't even show us. so I thought to kidnap you and make you feel happy by going to an ice cream party. (Inocently)

Amily :- (Smiled) I got it but you don't have to go this far. It's only me, if any of the bodyguards came to rescue me, you know what could happen.

Mj :- You know you are more dangerous than any of the bodyguards. I want to know, from where did you learned your fighting skills?

Amily :- From Korea. (he looked confused) When I went to Korea, I met some bad people. who thought of me as their pray, so to get rid of them and show them their place. I learned self-defence.

Mj :- You never told us. (Concerned)

Amily :- I don't want to bother you, and besides I should learn self-defence na. it's important. (Give Puppy eyes)

Mj :- Ah! I won't tell about your bad people to thyme or anyone else, but that doesn't mean we are good. I need the entire story and their names and address. now I will deal with them (Amily sighed)


Scene 10

Lita is at Gorya's home checking her Closet

Lita (Excited) Wow, a zippered closet. I have never seen that, It is so cool. (seeing something) What is this A dollhouse?

Gorya :- Mishae! This is to trap cockroaches.

Lita:- Trap cockroaches?

gorya :- But this is so dirty, Don't play with it.

Lita :- Your house is full of good stuff. Can I come here often? Na, Na... (puppy eyes)

Gorya :- Sure if you want to.

Lita :- Really? No take back, Ok?

Both are happy

Lita :- You know in my whole life, I've never experienced anything like this. (Gorya confused) My parents Arranged everything, Friends and social life included. Everything is boring

Gorya :- Really

Lita :- Sometimes, I wish I could be an ordinary girl.

Gorya :- You can, We can be friends.

Both enjoyed the company. Then Lita asked Gorya about her relation with thyme, and she said they are friends. Just then thyme came and both Thyme and Lita fight like tom and jerry and gorya gets irritated.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
