

confusede 1

Mj :- (Side hugging amily) Don't worry we won't let us break 

Amily :- but how? When our friends don't want to live together, we can't force them.

Mj :- Why can't we force them? You will see If they don't Sort by themself, I will kidnap them and make them understand.

Amily (chuckle) :- Like you do with T and Kev, when they are not ready to send me away.

Mj :- oii! I didn't do anything at that time. (Innocently Pouting)

Amily :- (Side eyeing then chuckle) Yeah yeah I know. (after a long pause) we will be able to save us right?

Mj :- (Nodded) Amy let's just give our 100 per cent and leave the rest on time.

Amily just put her head on Mj's shoulder and nodded 


Scene 2

Kaning came and sat at the back stairs where no one could see her and started crying. Suddenly Kevin came from behind

Kevin :- I'll say it again. you're too naive. (Giving her his handkerchief)

Kaning :- Are you here to taunt me?

Kevin :- (Sighed) No, I'm here to console you.

Kaning takes his handkerchief, kaning is crying slowly kevin takes her pic.

Kaning :- What are you doing? Stop messing around. (try to snatch his phone) Delete the photos now.

Kevin :- No way.

Kaning (irritated) :- stop messing around.

Kevin :- No

Kaning :- stop it. hand over your phone.

In their snatching, they had an eye lock suddenly both smiled.

Kevin :- This looks more like you. It's boring when you cry. Some girls cry pretty. But tears (wiping her tears) are not for someone like you. Dry your tears and get back to being a fighter. (Console her)

Kaning :- Don't you know how to console people in normal ways?

Kevin (Smiled) :- Alright, Let's go.

Kaning :- (Nodded) Hmm, I think Gorya and P'Ren should be here now.

Kevin :- I mean your thing. It's not fun if it just ends this way. 

Kaning went confused


Scene 3

Gorya :- It's strange how kaning would like to see me out of the blue, not to mention she's here with Kevin, and Maira is also going to join.

Ren :- I suspect Mj and Amy were behind this.

Gorya :- Kaning and Maira have to get caught up in this mess. Kaning already has a lot on her mind and Maira also has her own life.

Suddenly Maira joins them.

Maira :- swadi kha, P'ren Swadi kha Gorya. (Smiled) 

Both wayed at her 

Maira :- Is Kaning and P' Kevin are here?

Gorya :- yes She is he...

Suddenly stops seeing someone Maira and Ren follow her gaze

Maira :- isn't he P' tesla Kaning's boyfriend

Gorya (Surprisingly) :- yes but how do you know?

Maira :- Amy asked me to collect information about him 


Amily :- Maira I need your help collecting some information from Mj's Men

Maira :- Sure Amy but is it some kind of secret information?

Amily (chuckle) :- No it's just information about someone, actually it's about Kaning's boyfriend

Maira :- (Surprised and confused) kaning's boyfriend but why?

Amily :- You know about the whole mess right? (Maira hummed) So I don't have good feelings about that guy, and I want some proof before coming to any conclusion. Although this is for T and Gorya, but I also don't want kaning to destroy her life with the wrong guy, she is a nice girl.

Maira :- You are right Amy, I will contact you after collecting the details

Flashback end

Gorya :- So what did guys get

Ren :- let's just first see what he is doing here.

They see a girl kissing Tesla

Gorya :- How can he do this? (About to charge but stopped by Ren)

Ren shows her Kevin who followed Tesla into the shop 


Scene 4

At shop

Girl :- I want this one. (she is being clingy)

Staff :- Swadi kha Mr. Kevin. How many bags would you like today?

Kevin :- Let me have a look around first. 

Girl :- Kevin... that's Kevin from F4.

Kevin smiled at her 

Kevin :- Do you like that one (Showing one expensive bag)

Girl :- yes.

Kevin :- please ring this one up for me. (Give his card to staff) (To girl ) You have great taste, If you have free time, please come with me and help me pick more bags. (Flirty tone)

Ren, Maira and Gorya see the scene from afar where Ren has a knowing grin and Maira and Gorya are confused.

Tesla :- Are you insane? I'm not going to allow that. She's not...

Cut by girl

Girl :- with great pleasure.

Tesla :- This is nuts. You're nuts. I'm not letting her go.

Kevin :- you should let her make that decision. She's not an object. (Sweetly)

Tesla :- You're asking for it. (Grab Kevin's collar) (Ren, Gorya and Maira get angry but stay there) (To girl) Want to choose? Fine, You choose. But if you choose him, I'll come after you (In a threatening voice)

Girl (Pushes him) :- Wow, you think I'm afraid of you? Do you get jealous because of this small thing? If you don't trust me, we should just break up now. I stingy guy with a foul mouth like you? No one wants that for a boyfriend. Get out. Get the hell away from me. (Shouted)

Tesla :- You're just a gold digger.

 He leaves the shop but stops seeing kaning 

Tesla :- kaning

Other side Kevin is smiling on scene staff comes and gives Kevin the bag

Girl :- A girl who is your girlfriend must be very lucky.

Kevin (Smiled) :- I don't know about that. You have to ask her. Thank you very much for helping me choose a bag for my girlfriend.

Girl is confused and watches him and Kevin leave the shop

Tesla is about to say something

Kevin (Putting his hand on kaning) :- Here you go, Have you waited long... Teerak? (Sweetheart in Thai) 

Tesla watches them in amazement

Kevin :- Oii! Do you two know each other?  (Give kaning signal)

Kaning :- I think he looks familiar but no, I don't know him.

Tesla chuckles in disbelieve

Kevin :- Let's get out of here.

Kaning :- ok 

They turned to leave but stopped listening to Tesla

Tesla :- All F4 guys are into low-class women, I see. I knew one. What is the name? Oh Thyme. (All five get angry listening to him) He's into a poor lowly girl, the kind I nail and bail, but he is too much into her. When I mentioned his girl, he blew up and came at me. (Kevin pulls his specs down for a fight) Your money can buy everything except your taste.

Gorya (From behind) :- What's wrong with a girl like me? 

Tesla follows the voice and is shocked to see gorya in front of her.

Tesla :- (Try to be brave)  Good that you're here. A poor low-life girl like you goes hand in hand with a violent guy... (before he can complete, he gets the kick)

Gorya :- My boyfriend turned to violence because of an asshole like you. (Ren and Maira are amazed by her confession) So what if I'm poor? You have no right to look down on me or look down on thyme. Do you know why? Being stable in your relationship like thyme can is not something you can do. Someone like thyme is worth a lot more than what you said. (Four of them smiled) Do not say anything to insult him ever again. Got it?

Suddenly guard came and gorya ran away


Scene 5

Amily :- T, I know you can hear me. Think carefully, Ren has been our friend for over 10 years. (Knocks) Are you going to let it end like that?

Mj :- (Knocks again) Ai! Thyme, I know you're listening  (He loses his patience and punches the wall again) Damn you! What the hell is wrong with you? We've had it up to here. Don't you care about us at all?

Amily (try to calm him) :- M calm down

Mj (shouted) :- Answer me dammit Are we Worth nothing to you?

Mj is again about to punch the wall but amily comes in between the wall and him, and he stops seeing her.

Mj :- Can't you see what he is doing? We are nothing to him our friendship is nothing to him (angrily)


Scene 6

Ren First Drops Gorya off and then heads toward Maira's home. The entire ride was entirely silent and Maira's stop came

Maira :- Did you find your answers?

Ren :- (First see her in amazed then smile) No not yet

Maira :- Try to clear your head as soon as possible P' Ren. Lots of people are getting affected by you. 

Ren (Sees her) :- Am I really important to them?

Maira (Smiled) :- People Love you ren. Amily, P' Kevin, P' Mj, P' thyme and (Ren see her) And me, We love you, Ren. We care about you, Ren. Pleasethat , Don't spoil your friendship because of someone.

Saying this Maira leaves 

Ren thinks for some time and Called Thyme


Scene 7

Amily went into the kitchen to make some coffee for himself and Mj

Suddenly Thyme open the door 

Mj :- Where are you going? (thyme pashes him) Hey! (Shouted) Where are you going? Tell me. that

Both Amily and Tia hear them, and Amily comes out running.

Thyme :- Ren asked me to meet at the school. Great, I have a bone to pick with him.

Mj :- Ai thyme! 

Mj followed Thyme

He calls Kevin

Mj :- Hello Kevin, Come right away. Something's up.

Amily :- T, M stop Ai Mj!.

No one listens to her and leaves. She is about to follow them.

Tia :- Amy stop.

Amily :- P' They all are not in their sense right now, I have to stop them.

Tia :- Amy stop, they are not kids anymore, they can handle themself.

Amily :- (Panicked voice) And what if they don't, you know about T's anger and others are also at their edge P', what if they can't handle it?

Tia :- (Hugged her) Calm down Amy, P' is here na. (calming her) Amy listen sit here with me, firstly you need to calm yourself. You know, If you lose your control, things will be more miserable.

Amily nodded


Scene 8

F4 Boys are at School Ground

Mj :- Ai thyme! Cool it, We are all friends here Don't be a hothead.

Thyme :- Why did you call me here?

Ren :- I have something I want to talk to you about.

Thyme :- I've been trying to talk to you but you've been avoiding me. and now you want to talk? Why? is that serious, huh? (Angrily)

Ren :- Thyme, I that that want to talk about Gorya... (Cut by thyme)

Thyme :- If it's about gorya, No need. I no longer have an interest in that girl. (F3 is confused) I've been thinking for a while, being with her is nothing but trouble. I had to lose a friend. it's not worth it.

Ren :- Are you serious?

Thyme :- Ren, I am the part where I kicked you out of F4..... That's history. You can come back. Just an ordinary girl I don't care. You can have her.

Both mj and Kevin give confused looks to each other

Thyme :- She's all yours

Ren :- I'm happy that you're considerate of me. But you can't just hand her over when gorya was never yours(Mocking tone). She was never into you.

Mj :- Ai! Ren. (Shouted)

Ren :- You've known all along that gorya likes me. I asked her today how she felt about me, She insisted that she still felt the same. She asked me to be her boyfriend.

Kevin :- Ai! Ren Stop it. (Tries to stop them)

Ren :- I think she's cute but to be in a relationship with her I don't think so. I'll just keep leading her on for my entertainment. That'd be enough to make her happy. (Mockingly) She just wants a rich guy as her boyfriend.

Thyme (Grabs Ren's Collar) :- Shut up!

Ren :- Why? Gorya is mine. I can do whatever I want.

Thyme (Punch Ren) :- Shut up!

Kevin / Mj :- Oi! thyme

Ren :- This is nothing (he punch back thyme)

Mj :-(Try to stop thyme ) Ai! Thyme Cool down Ai! Thyme.

Thyme :- (Thyme punches Mj) Mind your own business

Mj :- (Punches thyme) I have to mind your business because of you guys.

Kevin :- (Comes to stop Mj) Why are you fighting?

Mj :- (Punches Kevin) Mind your own business You never care about F4 anyway

Kevin :- (Mj is about to beat him but He blocks and gives it back to Mj) How could you say that I never care?

Ren (Kick's thyme) :- Ai! Shia Thyme

All four start fighting with each other


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
