

Scene 1 

thyme's mom is talking with the investor after some time Tia comes and asks her to have some food 

Thyme Mom :- How is the trouble at the school going?

Tia :- I checked. it's not thyme's doing this time. The kid who did it sorted it out. But thyme took care of the damages and handled everything himself.

Thyme Mom :- really, By the way... do you know anything about this girl?

Showing pictures of gorya and thyme 

Tia :- Not at all She might be one of the collaterals.

Thyme Mom :- she happens to be collateral in too many incidents

Tia sees more pictures, some pictures are of her and gorya

Thyme mom :- Are you flying back to Thailand tonight? Take care of it, Make sure everything is put back in its rightful place. Don't disappoint me, (Stern tone) You know well that I hate changes, any kind of changes.


Scene 2

At Maytee O Garden

Uncle Ga : The tulip symbolizes first love that is so romantic, which fits well with the current mental state of Gorya who is full of confusion now as the man of her dreams has returned.

Gorya growls in frustration and bites the flower 

Kanning :- What's the matter, gorya! Ren has been back for over a week. Are you still hung up on him?

Gorya :- It's not that. I just feel a bit uneasy. He.... really changed.

Kanning :- so?

Gorya :- I don't know. he's not the same.

Uncle Ga :- Have you talked or done anything with him? 

Gorya :- I haven't seen him. He's always with F4. 

Kanning :- there it is, you can try to approach him. If you feel weird, find something to talk to him about or give him something.

Gorya remember something 

Gorya :- Right, I haven't given back his handkerchief.

Uncle Ga (Shocked) :- that thing? hasn't it crumbled into pieces?

Kanning ;- Use that handkerchief. Give it back and find a moment to talk. There's no point in you, getting stuck in your head. You haven't even talked to him. How can you know if he's the same or different? He may not have changed a bit.

Gorya :- you are right. (Hopefully)

Gorya checks her phone and there is the story of Mj where all f4 boys are having fun there she sees Ren kissing a girl she shows it to Kanning and they are about to take a screenshot but her phone is dead 


Scene 3

Amily is in her room and checking some files Maira is also seeing the same video

Maira :- Everyone has been having fun since Ren came back 

Amily nodded

Maira :- What happened what's in your mind speak out fast. (commanding)

Amily sighed and put her files on the table

Amily :- I feel there is something odd with ren 

Maira :- what do you mean, it doesn't feel odd to me, he is having fun like everyone 

Amily :- He is not, he is just trying to portray that he is fine or like he is trying to escape from reality. (Frustrated) I don't know, how to explain this but he has been different since he came back, he is not the same as he has changed.

Maira :- Have you tried talking to him?

Amily :- I didn't get much alone time with him, he was always with boys I am waiting for the right time 

Maira :- talk to him first before reaching to any conclusion.

Amily nodded 


Scene 4 

At school hall

A principal is giving an announcement as gorya phone is dead she is looking at her phone suddenly she hears her name

Thyme :- Announcement. Miss Thitara Jundee, Miss Thitara Jundee, come meet me at the back of the meeting hall. Now

Everyone looks at her

Thyme :- it's you can't you remember your name (Seeing at gorya) What are you looking at? Get up now. Can't you see the teacher is waiting? Come on

Gorya went to the place amily just rolled her eyes 

Thyme :- I told you it's important and most urgent. Do you know how many missed calls I got from you? see (Shows his phone)

there are 83 calls from Thyme to gorya 

Thyme :- see how many missed calls. Look. take a look.

Gorya :- What do you want from me? My phone is broken. 

Thyme :- Yeah, I figured as much. (Giving her a new phone) Here, I got this for you.

Gorya :- What is this? (Confused)

Thyme :- Don't you see, It's a cell phone. take it.

Gorya :- I know what it is. Why would you give it to me? I Don't want it.

Thyme :- Why are you being difficult? Do you know how frustrating it is when I can't get a hold of you? And wasn't it partially my fault that your phone is broken?

Gorya :- no it's not.

Thyme :- will you take it or not

Gorya :- no

Thyme :- no? In that case, I'll leave it here. Finders Keepers. (Shouted) There's a phone here. Come and get it.

 Gorya (Frustated) :- Fine. Are you happy?

Thyme Proudly smile

Thyme :- now I can contact you this Saturday for our date.

Gorya :- What date?

Thyme :- Our date. you and me. We're going on an F4 kind of date.

Gorya :- An F4 kind of date? I don't want to know, what it's like and I don't want to go.

Thyme :- But I want to make it up to you, Make sure your phone is on. I'll tell you the time and place, and Amily will contact you for further details See you. (Walks away)

Gorya :- But I haven't said that I'll go. (Shouted)

Thyme (Shouted back) :-  You haven't said you won't come either.

Gorya :- I won't

Thyme :- I can't hear. (on the phone) Hello, Kavin... What's up?... Ren Wants to go out again?... What's going on with him since he got back from France?...


Scene 5

Gorya got frustrated and went to the terrace where she saw Ren 

Gorya :- I thought you wouldn't come here anymore

Ren :- Why?

Gorya :- I don't know you seem different. Don't you draw anymore?

Ren Remember something

Ren :- I lost my sketchbook. How has dating thyme been treating you?

Gorya :- I'm not dating thyme. We're not a couple. Thyme just assumes things.

Ren :- You don't need to be so jumpy. Even if you're dating him, we can still be friends.

Gorya :- That's right

Ren :- (Teasing) Or do you want to be more than friends? (Gorya confusingly looked at him) We can date behind his back. Thyme doesn't need to know. Thats all. (Seeing Gorya confused ren laughed) I'm Kidding. You're easily shocked. Did you take it seriously? (Gorya protested)

Gorya :- Umm... I just wanted to return your handkerchief. 

Gorya returns Ren's Handkerchief.

Ren :- I forgot that you had it.

Gorya (Smiled) :- I should go

Gorya is leaving but suddenly stops listening to Ren 

Ren :- Sometimes you realize how important it is only when you get it back. (Both look at each other) (Ren in a serious tone) I didn't come back too late, did I? 


Scene 6

At Maytee O Garden

Gorya is frustrated

Gorya :- I can't take it anymore What's wrong with him?

Uncle Ga :- He Seduced you hard. As old as I am, I couldn't help but.... be infatuated. 

Kanning :- True. But I think I'm jealous of my friend here. She has admirers left and right. One is her first crush who makes her heart flutter. the other is a maniac that annoys her.

Uncle Ga :- Who annoys her? Don't tell me it's thyme. I thought you said he'd stopped bullying you. I thought things were better.

Gorya :- Things are messier, uncle. Don't just take my word for it.

Gorya shows her phone where Thyme is sending her a customized sticker with his photo 

Uncle Ga :- (Little uncomfortable) It's kind of cute. He has his stickers.

Kaning :- Let's come back to you What are you going to do? Just say no?

Gorya :- I wanted to say no. but I could imagine a world of headaches that followed. If I say no, there'll be more trouble from him.

Kanning :- true, You should just go out and get it over with. I'm going to the zoo with Tesla this Saturday anyway.

Uncle Ga :- Tesla you boyfriend?

Kanning :- Chai. If you don't have any idea where to go, You can invite him to come with us. A double date like the movie.

Gorya :- I actually want to go. The problem isn't me though.


Scene 7

F4 boys including amily are at Thyme's House, Kevin and Mj are sitting near the bar, Amily and Ren are busy on their phones, Thyme is talking to gorya

(A/N :- Now it's gonna be an Alternate scene)

Thyme (Shouted) :-  Arai ni?... No ways!... Do you want me to hang out with your friend, Gorya?... (Everyone stops their work and starts to watch Thyme) And the zoo? Please. It's so childish... Do you want me to be a 'first' wheel?...

Kevin (sigh) :- I'm not going to correct that. 

Thyme :- Whatever. I'm not going. 

Gorya :- Fine, if you don't want to, don't come. I'm hanging up.

She cut the phone 

Gorya (Frustrated) :- See? I knew it. It's over.

Uncle Ga :- Can't you just be civil to each other?

Gorya :- Look at this, uncle. Look. (Showing her phone where thyme is sending stickers suddenly she video calls)

Kanning :- It's not over.

Uncle Ga :- Answer it. Talk to him properly. You can squeeze it while talking (Giving her a stress reducer ball) It may help relieve the pressure. 

She picks up the call

Thyme (With puppy face) :- Are you not going to make it up to me?

Gorya (Frustrated) :- Do I have to do everything you want?

Thyme :- I should be asking you that question. Isn't it you who want to go to the zoo?

Gorya (Calmly) :- That's right. What do you want? Tell me.

Thyme (Slyly) :- How about you ask me nicely? (Gorya understands his trick) Try This. "P'thyme, you're the coolest kha." 

Kevin, mj and Uncle Ga silently laugh while amily starts recording it on her phone. 

Gorya :- Why do I have to say that?

Thyme :- (Repeating words) "P'thyme, you're the coolest kha."

Gorya :- (Pressing the ball) "P'thyme, you're the coolest kha."

Thyme :- "Would you please go on a date with me nong Gorya kha?"

Everyone controlling their laugh

Gorya :- (Trying to Suppress her anger at ball) "Would you please go on a date with me nong Gorya kha?"

Thyme :- And then ..... Meow meow.


Gorya :- I'llthe meow your ass.

Thyme :- if you don't do it, I won't go. 

Kanning :- Come on. You're almost there.  (Motivate Gorya)

Thyme again show action Everyone controls their laughter and focuses on a coua ple

Gorya (try to control her anger) :- Meow, meow.

Everyone burst into laughter

Mj :- This is Legendary. 

Amily :- Agree (Stopped recording)

Thyme :- Twirk for me.

Gorya :- You're going too far.

Thyme :- Just two times. Come on.

Amily :- Thyme, Stop now (Demanding tone)

Ren :- Actually, I haven't been to the zoo for a long time. (Everyone sees Ren in confusion) If you don't want to go, I can go instead.

Amily, Kevin and mj give each other a knowing look.

Thyme :- You don't need to do that. I show you mercy and you get off easy today. Recognize that, Gorya. Hanging up now.

Thyme cuts the call Gorya sees her phone and then shouts in frustration

Gorya :- Argh! I can't stand it any longer! What's wrong with him? Does he earn a baht every time, he gets his way and that's why he's so rich?

Kaning :- Calm down, Meow, meow. (Teasingly)

Gorya :- Kaning, Don't tease me.

Uncle Ga :- geez can it get any crazier?

Suddenly they saw the girl at gate its tia and she takes gorya with her

Other side 

Ren (gets up) :- I have some work, I am leaving early (he leaves)

Amily :- Wait I am also coming.

Thyme :- where are you going you have to help me, select a dress.

Amily :- you can ask Kev or m about that I need to talk to Ren.

She leaves


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
