

Scene 1

Amily is sitting on her bed, somebody knocks at her room.

Amily :- au! Mae Why are you knocking you don't have to.

Amily's mom :- Amy baby, I just came to check on you are you ok?

Amily :- I'm ok Mae just tired and stressed out it's T's birthday tomorrow you know how tacky he is with his demands.

Amily's mom :- Baby, I know I am not your real mom but still, I can tell when you lie and when not you are not. I know you are not stressed about thyme's birthday, you are stressed about your pha. (Amily just look at her) Baby, I don't know what happened between you and your pha that you are this scared of him. but one thing I am assuring you is that he loves you wholeheartedly. If you try to talk to him softly, he will surely understand you. (Amily didn't say anything just put her head down) but still, if you are scared of telling him anything, you can tell me I will try to make him understand OK baby? 

Amily nodded then her mom was about to leave the room but she went and back hugged her.

Amily :- Thank you Mae for always looking for me. (She turns her)  But trust me, I am ok with leaving singing and joining a business. I knew that someday I have to join a business leaving other things and I was prepared just I didn't expect this to be this soon. But you don't have to worry about it I can manage. 

Amily's mom :- you sure?

Amily noded her mom gives her forehead kiss and leaves


Scene 2

At Party 

Maira and Kaning are also invited to the party, but both have some work so they can't join.

Gorya came with her gift and encounters with Thyme's mom 

Thyme's Mom :- I must say I have to hand it to you. After all those things I said, You show up here like nothing happened. (F3 along with Amily see them) Don't you think this is more embarrassing than accepting the money I offered?

Everyone gets tensed

Gorya :- I'm here to celebrate thyme's important day. What's embarrassing about that?

Thyme's Mom :- Really? No hidden agenda?

Gorya :- There is, in fact. I wanted to see you, and tell you that no matter how many insults you throw at me, I know that I'm worth more than that. Just a stranger telling me I'm worthless... It doesn't make me feel small. I'm sorry, if that disappoints you. But my relationship, My choice.

Thyme's mom left from their angrily, Just then others joined her 

Kevin :- That was so cool.

Mj :- Too bad I didn't record it!

Amily :- No adults have ever done what you just did.

Kevin :- (Putting her hand on gorya) You're a badass, Gorya.

Ren :- Have you seen Thyme? (She denied) Go see him (Pointing toward Thyme)

Gorya :- No, I'm just bringing him a gift. I'm leaving soon.

Kevin :- No need to rush out. You're the star tonight.

Gorya :- (Confused) How am I a star?

Kevin :- This 

Saying this Kevin picks Gorya on his shoulder and she yells at the sudden action. All attention was on the group now. Thyme also excused himself and walked toward them. When Thyme came Kevin put Gorya down and she stumbled but Thyme saved her

Thyme :- Be careful. 

Gorya :- Do you have to be all dressed up?

Thyme :- If you want to say I look handsome, just say it. (Everyone smiled) You... look cute yourself.

Gorya :- Happy birthday, Officially.

Thyme :- Thank you. So, Where is my gift? (Gorya just denied) No? Where is my gift?

Gorya hid her gift 

Gorya :- There's no gift. Who said anything about a gift?

Thyme try to take a peak but he can't 

Ren (to Group) :- They are chaotic (They laughed)

Mj :- Let the couple have some alone time. Food?

The group just nodded and left the couple alone


Scene 3

Kevin and Mj are walking forward, Ren observes Amily's lost state.

Ren :- Are you ok? (Amily Nodded) Did you take the pills today?

Amily :- Chai! I went back to my home last night. So I need to take it to attend the function. 

Ren :- (Concerned) Why would you return to your home when you know what happened when you went...

His words cut as they hear an announcement by Thyme's mom.

Amily :- We will discuss this later lets focus on them. I am not getting a good feeling about it.


Scene 4

While Thyme's mom is giving a speech a girl comes and falls on top of Gorya and then 

Thyme's mom:- (Pointing Toward The girl) This girl is Lita- Lalita Empicca. And She is to be engaged to Thyme.

Everyone including Lita is shocked, before anyone can process Thyme's mom comes up with another shock.

Thyme's mom :- And I would love to announce that Ms. Amily - Apinya Limpatiyakorn who is also like my daughter is going to engage with Ren - Renawin Aira.

Kevin :- Shiaa! I didn't see that coming

Mj didn't say anything just looked at Amily. He tries to read her thoughts but is disturbed by some sudden noise

Amily is just looking between her dad and Thyme's mom, she is not able to process the fact of her engagement. She is in shock. She also came back in a sense by Kevin's loud sound. 

There is Thyme who is trying to get rid of Guards. 

Kevin :- Thyme! (Throws car key)

Guard :- Grab him.

They run behind him thyme run toward Gorya but instead of grabbing her hand, he grabs Lita's hand who is standing just beside Gorya and Pulls her into a car.

Gorya is dumbfounded, Amily is still processing everything Mj facepalmed while Ren is in shock.

Kevin :- That's not...

They just looked at each other in shock, Then Mj's eyes went to watch amily who along with Ren was swarmed by People's congratulations and camera Flashing.

Ren wrapped a protective arm around Amily, Giving her assurance.

Amily :- let's continue the act for now. 

Ren :- (Nodded) I will talk to our parents later.

Amily nodded and they smiled at the crowd.

Kevin :- I need a drink. 

He signals to MJ. Mj watches Amily and Ren before sighing and following Kevin.


Scene 5

Thyme wasn't having a good time either, after he found out, he didn't have Gorya in his car, he found himself in the middle of the road, running around his car to get away from Lita after she found out something about him. Thyme really didn't want her to know.

Thyme :- (Shouted) It was not meant for you to bite! It was for her!

Lita paused for a moment in confusion before going back to running.


Scene 6

The news of the both engaged couple is on social, Gorya is sitting at the school cafeteria when mean girls come and talk to her. Gorya gets frustrated and great rooftop and shouts. just then she noticed Lita secretly coming to school and guards following her she came down to help her but encountered with Thyme in the middle.

Thyme :- Wait, Wait, Why are you avoiding me?

Gorya :- I'm not. What do you want to say to me? I'm in a hurry. (In a hurry)

Thyme :- I just want to straighten things out about last night. You... (Struggle for what to say or accepting his mistake) It's your fault. Why didn't you extend your arm so I could grab it? Why did you let me grab someone else? It's so basic. Apologize to me now and I won't be mad.

Gorya gets frustrated and kicks him in the balls.


Scene 7

Maira and Kaning are watching the news on their phone sitting at the lunch table

Kaning :- Do you have any knowledge about this? did amily tell anything to you?

Maira :- Mishae, I believe Amily also does not have any idea that something like this could happen to her, as she is just worried for P'thyme and gorya.

Kaning :- chai, I talked to P' Kevin about it. he also told me that this is a shock for all of them.

Maira :- I just hope they all work things out. Have you talked to Gorya?

Kaning :- Mishae, she is not picking up my call. What about Amily? I tried to call her but she didn't pick up.

Maira :- she is not picking up my phone either (kaning is about to say something) And before you ask I tried to call P' Ren, nor he is picking up my call and I don't have anyone else number.

Kaning :- chai, chai, I will text P' Kevin to ask for her.

Maira :- and told him to tell Gorya to pick up our phone. It's frustrating that they are not picking up our call now. I'm worried about them.

Kaning just sighed and put her hand on Maira's shoulder


Scene 8

Mj and Kevin came to find Thyme in pain

Mj :- shia! Judging from his posture, he was definitely kicked in the balls.

Kevin (Smiled) :- What did you do to gorya this time?

Thyme (Grown in pain) :- Talk later.

 Kevin :- oww! Btw where are the second couple of Ren and Amily did anyone talk to them?

Thyme :- they went for lunch with family to talk about everything.

Mj gets lost in some thoughts


Scene 9

Limpatiyakorn family and Aira family are at the lunch table 

Amily and Ren are sitting beside each other followed by their family

Ren :- Pa, what is that? why had you taken this sudden decision for our engagement? didn't you bother to ask us?

Ren's dad :- Are you at home for talk, either you are with your friends or you locked your room. we don't have time to inform you.

Amily's mom :- amily baby, listen to Mama na, we know maybe we are doing all this too hastily, but it is good for both of you.

Ren's Mom :- Chai Ren, We have known amily for years now and you do too. It's not like we making you marry a total stranger like Mrs. Paramaantra. 

Ren and amily look at their family analyzing the possibility of getting engaged with some stranger. 

Amily's Dad :- Do you like someone else? (Stern voice)

Amily started to shake due to her firm voice and everyone noticed

Ren :- have this? (giving water) Look calm down I'm here ok? (Cups her head in his hand) (To amily's dad) No we don't like anyone Paa, but that doesn't mean we can get along with each other. we are still young we both have our lives we can't just get engaged...

Amily :- (Cut ren) Can I talk to R alone for a minute?

Everyone nodded ren and amily took a break from family

Ren :- What happened?

Amily :-  R We both know if our parents want they can set our tie with any random stranger just like Pa did to thyme. I believe this is good for both of us. We both know we are not seeing anyone right now and If we do in the future we can tell each other and cancel this arrangement then, I don't have any objection now it's your decision whatever you decide I am with you.

Ren :- You sure? You are not making decisions on your paa influence?

Amily :- Mishae It's my decision. I know what I am saying you can take your decision now.

Ren nodded and they went back to the table 

Ren's mom :- So what's your decision?

Ren :- We are ready (Everyone smiled) But I want us to complete our study first before getting engaged.

Everyone agreed.


Scene 10

Gorya is running to find Lita when suddenly she encounters her, just then they hear a guard so she takes Lita to one of the classrooms and hides her

Guard:- Have you seen a strange girl running this way?

Gorya :- She went over there. (Signals opposite side)

They followed the lead and gorya went inside the classroom where she hid Lita

Lita:- Thanks for your help.

Gorya :- No problem. But actually, you didn't need to sneak in. You could just tell them you're thyme's fiancee.

Lita :- No way It's going to be a million times more complicated, and I'm not here for thyme. I'm here to see you.

Gorya (Shocked) :- Huh?

Lita :- Last night, I ruined your dress. I'm so sorry. I couldn't find your exact dress. So I got this instead. (Giving her some other dress) Try it on and see if you like it.

Gorya :- (Protesting) No. My dress was just...

Lita (Cuts her) :- Please take it. Please Please (Cutely) You know, this one is a rare item. If you didn't place a direct order, You'd have to send someone to wait in a long line. Please take it.

Gorya tries to protest 

Gorya :- No.

Lita :- If you don't take it, I'll just leave it right here. (Being stubborn) Anyone can come and grab it.

Gorya remembers thyme's words and finds similarities between lita and thyme. Lita takes Gorya's silence as agreement and gives her a dress.

Lita :- Please take it. Don't worry. You will look so cute in it. (Gorya look at her blankly) By the way, I'm Lita.

Gorya :- I'm Gorya. (Politely)

Lita :- I'm glad to see you. (checks time) I have to leave now, I have to go to an event with that jerk. Bye. 

She leaves Gorya looks at the dress and decides to take it.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
