

Scene 1

At canteen 

F4 lounge

Kevin :- lets talk here it'll be a mess if we go out now. you caused quite a commotion here, thyme

Gorya :- A commotion all right (looking around) like I don't have enough headache at home.

Hana is about to leave Lounge but is stopped by Kevin

Kevin :- hey where are you going? you're already here. just sit with us for a while. (comfort her near gorya)

Mj :- are you still afraid of us? No more, please. (cutely, sweetly) By the way, what's your name?

Hana :- My name is hana.

Kevin :- VidalMalakarnarn (read her book but suddenly Hana hid it and amily noticed it) your surname sounds familiar

Hana (changing the topic) :- so Gorya and P thyme

Mj :- very good. let's get to the point. What's the story here? Are you guys cool?

Gorya :- No.

Thyme :- aye No? Tell my friends the truth

Gorya :- you forced my hand. it doesn't count.

Thyme :- Fine, it doesn't count.

Amily :- So you forced her (raising an eyebrow at thyme)

Kevin :- understandable

Mj nodded

Gorya :- understand what?

Kevin :- to be frank, you like Ren, don't you? But you went out with thyme. I don't want my friends to fight.

Mj :- ohho I can't believe these words coming from the Father of Multi Dating

Amily :- To be surprised, I agree with Kevin this time, you can choose whoever you like gorya but remember don't want our friendship to break apart because of you or anyone.

Mj :- what are you worried about? Are you afraid thyme getting in a fistfight with Ren? We're grown-ups, We wouldn't be fighting like we were kids fighting over a doll.

Kevin :- Because We're grown-ups. This is a person, not a doll.

Hana :- what doll?

Kevin is about to explain but 

Thyme :- stop it, Don't get sidetracked. That day I forced her to go out, and she went with me. what she feels is her business. Stop pressuring her with your questions. Look, she is getting uncomfortable. Please pay her some respect.

Kevin :- shia, pay respect. (Shocked)

Amily :- (Teasingly) Look who is taking? (chuckle) Our friend is grown up.

Mj :- Miracles do exist 

Trio claps

Thyme :- Are you being sarcastic?

Kevin :- All right, I'm sorry, I'm just worried about my friends. If you don't cross the line, then it's all good.

Gorya :- No way we cross the line

Gorya tried to explain what happened that night but they misunderstood some words

Gorya (shouted) :- hooi! you can believe whatever you want. Come on, Hana, let's go to class.

Thyme :- where are you going first finish the story.

Gorya :- I'm going to class.

Thyme :- Finish the story.

Gorya and Hana left

Kevin :- you're a maniac

Thyme :- what?

Mj sighed

Kevin :- let's get serious here. Are you serious about Gorya?

Mj :- if you're just playing around, We're fine but if you're serious about her, your life will be very complicated. Your family will disapprove. (Try to convince)

Thyme :- so what? (Don't bother)

Kevin :- when you run into trouble, we fix it for you. We're not stopping you. we're just saying don't be nasty, don't jump headfirst. that's all.

Amily :- guys, don't you think we should support our friend? If he is serious about someone and thinking of pursuing her, We should motivate him.

Mj :- (Explains himself) We are just concerned Amy, look here (showing pamphlet) Someone who keeps finding a way to earn extra money, and the only son of the Parama Group. (to thyme) Do you think your mother will approve? You know P tia was forced into a marriage by your mother. If your mother knew you'd pursue Gorya, your life would be a mess.

Thyme :- if I didn't try how would I know? (saying this thyme leave)

Mj :- will we ever be able to stop our friend?

Amily is thinking of something

Kevin :- what are you thinking

Amily :- about that girl Hana, i am having a bad feeling about her.


Scene 2

Gorya is at her house when she catches a fever, thyme comes to her house with medicine gorya's father asks him about himself then only news about Parama's son flashes, and Thyme explains that he is him.

Gorya's family tries to take good care of him


Scene 3

At Mate o Garden

Uncle Ga is closing the shop when mj and Kevin come

Mj :- excuse me

Uncle Ga :- (not seeing them) Can't you see that we.. (turns and see them) are open 24 hours.

They saw kaning

Mj :- you're kaning, right?

Kaning :- How do you know I'm here?

Kevin :- that isn't hard.(Smirk) are you free, chipmunk? let's have a meal.


Scene 4

Maira's car

Maira :- are you serious thyme ask gorya out for a date 

Amily :- kha and he actually announces in front of the entire school that gorya is her faen (Lover in Thai)

Maira (Shocked) :- shiaa! I didn't expect to see P' thyme like this i wanna meet him once

Amily (chuckle) :- I will arrange the meeting soon, not only with thyme but all F4 members including gorya happy

Maira :- khrab! Have you talked to Ren?

Amily :- nope tried to contact him but as usual our times didn't match, he informed me that he would be back soon

Maira :- ok should I drop you at your home

Amily :- no just drop me at Kev's house he texted me that he wanted to meet me

Maira nodded


Scene 5

Gorya house

Gorya's family including Thyme has meals together and all Gorya's family members taking good care of Thyme

Thyme is very happy


Scene 6

kevin's house

Kevin, mj, and kaning are at Kavin's house, Maid bring sweets for kaning.

Maid :- Start from top to bottom the tastes will blend nicely. these are made by the top chef. it's so hard to find elsewhere.

Kaning :- thank you. (Awkwardly)

Maid leaves, and then There is an awkward silence Kaning is watching between Kevin and mj waiting for them to speak

Mj :- don't stress out. if not at Kevin's house, you can't find it anywhere else.

Kaning :- ok (she has a bite) so delicious. So what do you want to talk about?

Kavin :- chipmunk, do you know the dessert costs almost 4,000 baht?

Kaning gets shocked and swells her saliva

Kaning :- what are you saying?

Kavin :- To be frank, I don't know how serious gorya is about Thyme. but I think my friend is getting too serious.

Mj :- yes. So we want to give you a warning. stop here if possible. Our lives are not like yours. Everything is already planned. 

Kavin :- For us, these expensive desserts may come easily in exchange for something we can never have.

Kaning :- in summary, you want me to stop my friend because you're worried your friend may get in trouble.

Kavin :- We're just suggesting if you don't want your friend to get hurt, take care of her. If Gorya doesn't feel anything for thyme, it's fine by me. but if she does, don't force it. she'll get hurt for nothing.

Mj :- it's true, kaning. our lives are predestined, especially thyme's 

Kevin :- chipmunk, I think you could understand. you can't always follow your heart.

Kaning listens to the entire conversation and then normally

Kaning :- can I have your number?

Kavin (Smirks) :- of course. (hand her his card) if there's anything we can help you with, let me know. there's nothing F4 can't do. (kaning is doing something on her phone)

Kaning :- this dessert costs 4000 right?

Kavin :- hm, why? 

kaning collected her belongings just then amily came Kevin's phone rang he checked and was surprised

Kaning :-(looking into Kevin's eye) I get all the things you said. but the way you went behind your friend's back is frustrating. I'd never do anything behind Gorya's back. More importantly, you told me to have faith in my friend. whichever way gorya chooses, I'm sure that it is the best path. (sighs) you should try to have faith in your friend too. if there's nothing else, please excuse me. I can find my way back.

mj is seeing between Kevin and kaning whereas amily is smiling seeing kaning

Kaning leave

kavin shows mj the message of money received but smiles and sighs in unbelieve

Mj :- just as stubborn, that's why they are a friend

Kavin :- more like naive

kaning see amily on her way

Amily :- you did a great job how will you go home

Kaning :- I can go by myself

Amily :- no kaning, it's already late maira is outside she will drop you 

Kaning :- no it's not needed

Amily :- amily, you can call me amily (putting her hand on kaning shoulder) take it as compensation for my friend's foolishness. they are just drowned in power, their way can be wrong but they care about thyme. I will make them understand. 

Kaning smiles and leaves outside she checks her balance so she has only 12 baht she just mentally slaps herself for her stupidity and leaves

other side 

Amily came and slapped Kevin on the head

Amily :- when will you grow up kev

Kavin :- oi! now what I did

Amily :- you literally threatened her Kev, it's not her responsibility neither does she have the right to stop gorya and T from being serious and dating each other and frankly it's not our right to stop them

Mj :- but amy you know thyme's mom she will never accept gorya, and this will affect thyme's life you remember what happened to P tia, you want thyme to end up like her

Amily :- (sigh) Obviously not m, you know I always want the best for you all of you, I never want you guys in trouble right, (they noded) But you know there is something which we can't control even by money and power, and feelings are one of those. we all know how T's mom set P Tia's marriage against her will and what happened she destroyed her and P's relationship, neither P is happy and you are doing the same with T, you are forcing against his feelings. guys we are his friends we should support him as we did till now.

Kavin :- what if gorya is not right for him, what if she broke his heart?

Amily :- trust your friend Mr. Taemiyaklin Kittyangkul, if he falls for her that means he saw something in her, and even if she broke his heart we are with him, and due to fear of falling we can't stop walking similarly due to fear of heartbreak we can't stop loving someone right?

Mj is listening to everything and a proud smile is formed unknowingly

Kevin :- ohk if you say so I will trust thyme


Scene 7

Gorya house thyme is leaving her home

Thyme :- your family collects a lot of old appliances. (gorya noded) My TV isn't a box like yours.

Gorya :- my dad likes vintage products. Oh, so why did you come here?

Thyme :- I brought some medicine for you

Initially gory denies it but agrees when Thyme promises to tell a story about ren

Thyme :- when we were kids, I took an old doll from Ren. it's the doll he loved so much to the point that he couldn't fall asleep without holding it. when I saw how much he loved it, I wanted it more. 


Little Ren and little Thyme are fighting thyme wants to snatch Ren's doll and in the process doll apart in two

Flashback end

Thyme :- After a tug of war, the doll was torn apart. Instead of apologizing to him, I said it's his fault. I told my friends not to play with him.


Little thyme :- (to Kevin,mj, and amily) Guys, do not play with Ren.

Flashback end

Thyme :- I was such a jerk. (Chuckle) After that, Ren wouldn't yell at me or anything. he treated it like nothing happened.


Little Ren came to little thyme and gave him some cockey little thyme confusingly saw ren

Flashback end

Thyme :- He came back to play with us. when in fact, the doll was his most beloved toy. 


Little Ren hugging his doll

Flashback end

Thyme :- when we grew up, I learned that I was a jerk.

Gorya :- why are you telling me this?

Thyme :- I don't know, I just want to. Ren is a good person. It's no surprise everyone falls in love with him.

Gorya suggests Thyme to apologize to Ren but Thyme denies as his image will be ruined they both start bickring


Scene 8

A girl is having nightmares, She woke up with a jerk. she went to her drawer took some pills and slept


Scene 9

one of Thyme's maid gives Thyme's mom a towel which is Gorya's, and Thyme's mom commands them to hire a person to take a close look at Thyme even at school.


Scene 10

Next Day

At school

Gorya notices everyone is looking at her and talking. she saw some students standing in front of the notice board in the cafeteria, she went there and watched her scandalous photo from the bar

Thyme came and saw the photo got angry, and asked Gorya the excuse. Gorya try to defend herself but she can't, so Thyme just asks her if she is in the photo or not.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
